14 WIL.IARTTR LIPfl November 22, 1934 I Il NEWS, 0F THE CHURýCHES. First Presbytersan N'lnth street at Greenleaf avenui James T. Venekiasen, miniater Our wershlp service wilhl h heid at Il o'clock. It will be a Thanksgiving service, the ininister preaching on the theme, "Where Are the Nine?" We cor- dlally Invite you te worship. with us. The music fer the service will be as followa: Prelude: "Ballade" (G Miner)..Brahms Anthem: *'O Lord, How Manifold".. .....Barnby Sole:- "A Psalm of Thanksgiving" .. .... ... ... ... . . . ... A llitsen Edward Otis, sololat Postlude: «'A Song ef Gratitude"... Colo Miss Erma Rounds la directer Yeu may bring your chlldren te church with you. They will be camed for ia Junior church whlle you are in the worship service. The Paster's clasa for those who wish te prepare for church membership ivill meot at 9 :30 Sunday morning. Our Bible sehool meets evory Sun- day mornlng at 9:30 o'clock ln ail de- partments. We invite you to study with Us. Our Adult Bible clasa meets 'at 10 o'clock and we are studying "The Life and Letters et Paul" under the leader- ship of the paster. We Invite you 'te study with us. The Tuxis aeciety and the Forum, oui' yeung pe9ple's groupa, will hold a joint meeting Suaday evening at 5:30 ociock. Harold Oshoma will load the meeting. The topic wlhl ho "The G race of Thanksgiving." Refreshmenta ivili be aerved. The Sunday Evenlng club, at the Con- gregatienal church at 7:30 o'clock; will present Dr. Ethan Celten, speaking on "New Deals at Home and Abread." Bey Scout treop 5 meets at the church Monday evening. The Spokos of the Woman's socioty wili meot as followa: No. 6 on Monday, November 26, with Mrs. R. M. Johnston, 203 Woodbine avenue,' at 1 o'clock ; No. 2 on Tuesday at 1 o'clock with Mrs. David. P. Morton, 431 Laurel avenue; No. 3 on Tuesday with Mrs. Harry Noalo, 610 Greonleaf avenue, for dessert luncheon; Ne. 4 on Tuesday at 1 o'clock wlth Mra. Wilfrod C. Gillies, 1729 Wash- ington avenue, for dessert luncheon; No. 8 on Tuesday at 1 o'cleek with Mrs. Chanton Hall, 1607 Forest avenue, Mrs. Nomman Radder co-hosteas. Because ef the Thanksglving service, there will eho nemld-week meeting Wed- nesday evoning. On Thursday morning at 7 o'clock we wlll held our annual sunrise Thanks- giving service, led hy the young pee- pie. The theme fer the meeting will be, "The Grace et Thankslving" Harold Osbomn will preside at the meeting. A llght breakfast will ho aerved. The Union Thanksgiving service et the Protestant chumehes ef Wilmette wiil1 ho held Thursday morniag at 10 oelock at the Congregational chumch. The Rev. Âmes Themnhurg ef the Methodiat chumch will proach the sermon. An offer- ing *111 'ho taken for the Wilmette Family Welfare association. The choir will hold its egular re- hearsal ait the chumch Friday. evenlng. Girl Scout Troop. No. 5 wlll meet at the church ai 1:30. Saturday aftemnoon. Mombershîpa ln the Brie Chapel, Aux- Illary maY ho had durlng the month ef November through.Mrs. Eari Low, 1706 Forest avenue. On Sunday, Docember 2, we will hold Our communion service anÏd recoive now members Into the chumch. Ste.Augusiie's Sunday, November 25, wili ho the next Sunday hofome Advent. Thore wil ho Hely Communion at 8 a. m., Church achool and Bible classes at 9:46, and Morning Prayer wlth Sermon at il a. m. Nrday, November 30, boing. St. ý Andrew's Day, there wilho Holy Cern- muînion at 8 a.. m. On Novomber 29, Thankegiving Day,r I I thore will be a service ef Holy Comn- munIon a.t 8 a. m. On Thanksgivinig Day, St. Augustlne's will cooperite wlth the othor churches, ln Wllmetto in thespeclal Thanksglving service ln the First Congregational church at 10 a. m., with the Boy. Amos Thornburg. the new paistor of the Methodiat church, as preacher. The Confirmation class, conalating of talka on membership In the church, opon to ail, whothor wishing te ho con- firmed or net, will be hold Sunday eve- nlng at 7 ln the Assembly room at the rear ef the Parish house. This will be the last opportunity for boys and girls who wish to be prepared for confirma- tion. On Advent Sunday, December. 2, the beginning ef the new Church Year, it la a rapidly growing custom ln the Episcepal church for the men and con- flirmed boys te roceive Holy Com- mnunion on that day. The men and boys of St. Augustine's will therefore attend a corporate celebration of the Hoiy Communion at the il e'clock serv- ice. Those who cannot attend at 11, or prefer the 8 o'clock service, can at- tend the earlier service. The annual canvass ef the parish wil ho conducted by teama et mon through- out the l)arish beginning in the after- noon of Adevent Sunday, December 2. First Con gregational John G. Hindloy, minister "Getting Back te God" la the subject of the last in the series ef sermons which the Rev. Mr. Hindley has been preachlng on "Making Full Use ef Our Religion," whlch will ho the theme for next Sunday memning at the il o'clock service. -The musical program for this service follows: Prelude: Prelude on "The Shlnlng Shore'" . ........... Root-Barnes Anthem: "IIlis Lovlng Came".......... ......he...... Philp-Stickles TeJunior Choir Anthem: "Breathe Ia Me, Breath et God"'..... Van Deaman Thompaon The Senior Choir Postlude: "Song ef Thanksgiving*'.. . ...........Ressetter Colo The Church Sehool will oelebrate the Thanksgiving season hy bringlng gift ef food for the needy, and expect te MIl some fine baskets. The East End circle will meet at the home et Mrs. L. W. Elias, 1222 Chestnut avenue, Monday, November 26. Lunch- eoea wll ho sorved at 12 -30. Mrs. F. M. Hamilton ef 205 Abingdon avenue, Ken- ilworth, and Mrs. E. J. Mliraith of 1127 Chestnut avenue will assiat Mrs. Elias. The North End circlo wlll hold a lunchoon-meoting at the home ef Mrs. R. E. P. Kline, 1311 Greenwood avenue, Monday, November 26, at 12 :30. Mrs. C. A. Eldridge ef 1029 Lake avenue, Mrs. L. A. Bower ef 1216 Ashland ave- nue, and Mrs. W. H. Hutson ef 1112 Elmwood avenue,-will ho the hostoases. Miss Anne L. Whitmack will speak on Christmas books. Hem theme ls. "What Ia N*ew la Literature." "A Womanless Woddinhg" will ho pro- sented by the Men's club on Monday and Tuosday eveninga, November 26 and 27, at ý8 p. m. Themo wlll ho a cast ef forty. The high achool young people meet every Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock with Francia Hayes as counsellor. Meet- ing at 5:30 P. in. Social heur and me- fireshments at 6 :30 p. m. The Junior Camp Fire Girls meet on Tuoaday at 4:15 p. m. Scout Troop No., f meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.1 The 'Brownies (Junior -Girl Scoutsý, meet on Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. Scout Troop No. 2 meets on Wedaes- day at 7:30 P. M.1 Girls' choir rehearsal at 3 :30 p. _m.1 ,Thursday.,1 à Boys' choir ehearsal . t, 4 P. m. Thurs- day. Senior choir rehearsal at 7 :15 p. m. Thursday. Girls' choir rehearsal at 10:30 a. m.t Saturday. Boys choir rehearsal at il1:00 a. m. Saturday.1 Cub Pack 63 at 9:30 a. m. Saturday. t The Board ef Religions Fiducation mce'ts on Monday night, November 26, at 7:-30 o'clock, at the church. Couumunity Thanksgivflg Sericee There will ho a union service Thanks- giving day at 1,0 a. m. ln the First Corn- gregational, church. The Rev. Ames Thornburg of the Wilmette Parlsh Methodiat Episcopal church wlll give the message. Spécial music han been arranged for the quartet and the church choira: Boys', Girl'and Senior, and la as follows: Organ Prelude: IlHerolc Piece"l....... Rossetter Cole Anthem: "Sing Tinte the Lord" ....... ..,...... ......Arthur Dunham Quartet: "Corne, Yo Thankful People, Corne",...... John Prindle Scott Postlude: "Toccata" frem "The Fifth Symphony',...................Widor The Wilmette pastors take parts ln the worshlp service. The other cooperat- ing churches are the Wilmnette Baptist, St. Augustine's Epiacopal, the English Lutheran, the Wilmette Parlsh Metho- diat and the Firat Congregationial. An offering will be taken for emergency local relief. The resîdents ef Wilmette are invlted to attend this public serv- ice te which ail are welcome. Boys' and Girls' Choir to Slng The Junior choira will aing a Thanks- glving anthem ln the chancel at the Thanksgiving service ln the Fîrat Con- gregational church Sunday morning at Il. The minister's special message Is "Getting Back te God." English Luitheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of Wership", The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SE RVICES Church achool ......... 9:45 a. mn. Morning worshlp ............il1:00 a. m. Thank offering service .. ...... 4 :30 p.m. Luther league. .......... .....5:30 P. M. The Woman's Society la having a Sil- ver tea, this atternoon (Thursday) at the homeo f Mrs. R. Jaehne, 2340 Pros- pect avenue, Evanston. A very fine pro- gram bas heen arrangod. AIl the women are invited. Choir rehearsal Fridav ee'ening at 7 :30 o'clock. The children who are in the playlet, "'Alice in Thank-Offeringr Land," will meet Saturday at 10 O'clock for the final rohearsal. On Saturday ovening, Nove-.mber 24, at.7 :30 o'clock, the Womnan's aociety la sponsoring a Family Night for the members and frienda of the congrega- tlon. Plctumes of Yellowstone National Park, Placific Northwest, Alaska and the now stroamline wilho presented by Mr. R. A. Kirkpatrlck, national lec- turer. NO tickets will be sold, a volun- tary offering will be rocelved. Refresh- monts wilho servod. ,The annual Thank Offerlng service wiIl be hold on Sunday afternoon, No- vembor 25, at 4 :30 o'clock. The chul- dren ef the Church school will présent the playlot "Alice* in Thank Offering Land." Ail are Invited. The Luther league will meet Sunday evenlng at 5:30 o'clock. The Confirmation class will meeti Tuesday afternoon at 3-:30 o'clock at the, church. The mon are asked to reserve Wed- nesday ovening, Decemnber 5, at which time we will give a Men's dînner. A pmegram lIntereating te men ts being arranged. Kenilwortk Union Warwick road and Kenilworth avenue' Dr. Herbert L. WIlIett, minister. Dr. Willott's iubject, for Sunday,1 November 25, will be #&The Golden Cens-) er" The church service la at il o'clock.1 The Women's guild wIll mnee 1t Monday, mornlng, November 26, at 10 o'clock. T'ho work of the guild la for. the bonefit of1 good causes In which the' women of the1 church and the communlty are Inter-i ested. All women of Kenilworth net eth-( erwise engaged on Mondays are cordially1 nvlted te, corne ln for as much time as( they can spend ln this good work. The Sunday schôolwlll meet at 9 :45. ['here are classes for chiidren hetween tho ages of kîndergarten and the high school. Visitera are. welceme. TheKeniwothYdung People's Sun-E November 22, 1934 ý 14 . à day Evening clubwlM meet at 6:30 Sun- day evenlng, November 26, under the leadership of Dr. C. Tt. Small. A supper will be servedl followed by a progiain in theý evenipg. Boys and girls of high schiool age are Invited. Methodist Ckutrck The. Rev. Ames Thornburg, minister The minister's sermon theme for the il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning will be "*Bearing Crosses." This la the annual thank-offering service for the W. H. M. S. The music for Sunday mornlng wilI be as foliows: Organ (10 :45>- '*Adagio"......................Widor "ICorne, Ye Thankful People, Corne"- Elvey Miss Marie Briel Introit-"Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord" ... ...... Mendelssohn Anthem-"Prayer of Thanksgiving"- Kremser Solo-"The Holy City" ..... ...... Foster The Reverend Phillip Lee Organ postlude-"Fugue'. .. Rheinberger There will be a service of musical preparation each Sunday morning. Or- gan music wiil be provided at '10 :45 o'clock. The introit will be sung Just be- fore the hour of service, and at exactly il o'clock the congregation, choir, and ministers will unite in worship. Ai niembers and frlends are invited to par- ticipate in this service of musical prepa- ration. The Church school mneets each Suniday morning at 9:30 o'clock. There are classes for ail ages from the nursery te the adult department. The High School Epworth league wili meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. Theta Upsilon Rho, formerly known as the Young People's league, will meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. Today (Thursday) is Division day. The following divisions are meeting:, First-12 :30 p. m.-Mrs. R. C. Kirk- patrick, 1328 Greenwood avenue. Second-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. J. Fred Mc- Guire, 565 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Mrs. R. E. Wooden and Mrs. O. E. Fuchsq, co-hostesses. Thlrd-2 :0 P. m.-Mrs. W. H. Wieg- man, 1526 Highland avenue. Flfth-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. E9. W. K. Roe, 835 Linden avenue. The Slxth division will meet Tuesday, November 27, at 10 :30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ernest Brasseur, 333 Sheri- dan road, Winnetka. An illustrated lecture by R. A. Kirk- patrick of the Union Pacifie will be spon- sored by the Wesleyan Service gulld oni Friday evening, November 30j, at 3 o'clock ln the. assembly hall ef the church. The title of the lecture wiil be "The Pacifie Northwest and Alaska." Tickets may be obtained frôm members of the guild. The Friendly circle wilI hold its November meeting with the Wesleyan Service guild on Tuesday evening. November 27, at 8 o'clock at the church. The Wesleyan Service gulld ls presenting Mise Mildred Payne, misaionary fromn Japan. The contribution by the Friendly circle will be Its trio, Mrs. Thomas H. West, Mrs. Orville Jones, and Mrm. C. B. Cochran. A film on "lEuropean Travel" will ho shown by Mrs. Frank Decker. Hostesses:i Miss Laura Cohlen and Mesdames Thomas H. West, A. G.. Ack- ermann, and -C. Rollin Smith., The Wesleyan Service gulld wili meet Tue9day evening,' November 27,' at 8 o'clock at the church. This, group la lInviting ail wonien and young women of the church to joini them at. this tîme. Miss Mildred Payne, a ,splendid speaker and minssionary from Japan, >wIll býe the speaker. The Woman's Home Missionary soclety la sending a "Christmas Box" te a minis- ter and family ln Georgia. Man, ase 40; woman, ase 38; boys aged 5, 10, and 11. Contributions of clothlng, money, house- hold articles, etc., will be greatly appre- ciated. Please leave ail contributions at the church office between now and the close of the Christmas fair. The annual Christmas faim wilho held December 5, 6 and 7. Among the many othor. interosting foaturos of the fair, there will be three ntghts of dolightfui entertainment. On Wednesday evening, WILMETTE -LUIPE