N nvemher 2? 1O1~ WILMETTE LIFE Mail 1933 Tax Bis; Penalty Date January il (Uontillied fromi Page 1) Iroperty bil. lt, simplifies the ac- couriting systern. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- v clope for the return of vour receipt. This will -.ot only e.xpedite the eatly return of your receipt, but will insure its l)eing delivered to the desired place. Don't Send "Special" T'axes Do not in clude payînents of any spe- cial assessr-nents with your remittance. These must be sent to Aour local vil- lage collector. Over $11,300,000 bas heen collected silice 1924 by the present Townl Col- lector and paid over to the taxing bodirs pr omptly. thereby rcalizing a large saving to the taxpayers. Bis sloill bc pai(l mitlî ni tei days of reccipt in or(ler that tlhe towni col- Icctor mnay give ail ta\))ayers proper and efficient :service. and the schools aildvillages given aid hb' early' pav- Tulent of the taxes. Tax bilîs for 1933 wil] be payable i two inistalmnents if (lesired, but ini or(ler te hielp the local taxing b)odies and for t!,e taxpa\ver to use anticipa- tioli warrants in payî. ng tax bills5, tile\.,will prohablv find it sinîpler to 1)a both iniistailiients at tlie sainie How to Pay in Warrants fl ii ng tax w~arrants in part paN - ment of your tax b)ill. multiplv vonr valuation by thîe rate of tlhe taxing l)0(v liose warrant von are holdinîg. n order that \-on mnay ascertain tlîat thle anî utnt of xour w arrant. pluîs ac- cruîed interest. does flot exceed the iiotuit Jue tlîat taxing bc.dy (find ). S ign .,our arran¶ s 0o1tlîe lacl, \\itli vour naine anîd address. an(l be sure the \warrant i>- paval)le ont of the 1933 tax levy. If the taxipaver elècts tiu pay the seodilstalimient of his taxes at the fi lmç of tlie pavmcnt of tlhe first in- :tallment and hefore the penalty date Mthe first instaîhuient, lie slîall re- t'cive a1 discount at the rate of 5 (five per cent per atiiini on the amnount of , lie SeCond ilistallmeiut for the perio-d etenthe dtte aftcr %vhich the first ijnstajljiielît of sucli tax wvould bear interest if (lelii<inient an(l unpaid and t h* e date after wilîi sniclî second in- -talîinit votld bear interest if dle- liin"quiciit 7and(1 npaîd. T[le discount aiouuu:ls to 011e and t-wo-thirds per. ce(lt of the e 5cond instalîniient onlv. Complaints to Appeals Board [lie vahnati'nn of vour propertv as sfiowilby hv e 19 33 tax billI Was fixed ,)\ thîe Counitv assessor. as of April 1. 193.3. Tlerefore. auîv' informiation ini connuectioui Nvitli vour valuation inst Ve ol)taiiie(l from the Coutiitv assessor. roomj 319 Coninty building. .flu case of error or over assessmrent, conifflaints mnust bc , filcd ith the Board of Appeals. roomi 337 County ii ini i persoui. tot later thai t.hirt%- davs after the penalty date of the fir;t iustalluiieuit. Fc rnîs ill beï furnished bvN the Board of Appeals aînd verified unider oatlî of the coni- plaîning partY. Iml revisions ; -vill be imade on the secondc'.iiistalliieit. onlv. TO HAVE ART EXHIBIT ,,\Iessaiidro NMastro-Valerio will have ail exhibit of lus etchings, aqua- tiuîts*. and me;ýzotints at the Wilnîette Public librarY. beginnirig next Mondaky and continuiîîg for a- week. The display, is being held under the auspices of Virginia Hopé Duncan of WNihnette. M r. Mastro-Valerio lias donc a number of portraits ini ou5s of promîient Chicagoauîs. Mrs. C. Howard Bent. 2000 Beechi- -vod aenu.-1teMaied lriAdc r PRE-THANKSGI VING FLOUR SALE. GOLD MEDAL LB.2,5c %;ERESOTA OR PILLSBURY MI LB. BAG. 49c BLUE JEWEL PURPOSE 5 LB.21 9 DELICIOUS, FLAVORS JEL-»SERT CHICAGOLANDS 1 bi 10 L. SACK. 39c 241/2 LB. SACK, B9c Positively the finest flour obtainable from one of the word's largest flour milis. We unconditionally guarantee this flour to, do anything that any other flour will do-we ask 'ou tb try it- if it doos njt live up to our dlaims return the unused portion toqether with your cash register receipt and w., will refund your money. Why pay more? PAUL SCHULZES DEVIL'S COOKIES SALERNO GRAHAMS OR FOOD DELIGHT KIDDIES' S FAVORITE PER 19 LB. 7 SALTINES CELLOPHANE 1 LB. 7 ARAMOU NT SODAS oirGRAHAMSPKG lOc THREE DIAMONDS AnIdeal PER '4 CRA M A Sa lad Suggestion A LADY BETTY Sufficient 2 LB. MINCEMEAT for 2 Pies JAR 29< DUFFS DEVIVS FOOD OR GINGER BREAD MIX EDUCATOR TOASTED CHEESE THINS OR WHEAT THINSIES FLAKO THE PERFECT PIE CRUST CAN 23c PKGS. 25c CONTAINS ALL THE PER NECESSARY INGREDIENTS PKG CUT-RITE 1251 C WAX PAPER FOOT 1 ROLL 4SMALL 40 FT. ROLLS .25C MILD AMERICAN PER CHEESE I.B.15C Wisconsin MiId Flavored. Made in June. AGED AMERICAN PER, LB. 2 3c KRAFT SWANKY SWIG <Except OId English) CHEESE SPREADS PER GLASS 1 5C KRAFT OLD ENGLISH CHEESE sig Sak PER GLASS t b PI-ILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE PER. PKG. 8C 1IOc ON SALE THURSDA Y, FRIDA Y AND ONLY PER PKG. FAVORITE dé DOMINO XXXX OR O.F. BROWN SUGAR -3 CNS PURE CANE Domino Suga .CA PURE GRANULATED Cane Sugar .YELLOW RIPE NEW FLORIDA e bSELECTED IDAHO ýànj*în s IIE E. 1C POtt$oO.. 10 LIS. I19C NWNAVEL SEEDLLSS ORANGES LAI6 si DOL R 2 c JUMBO 126S. PER DOZ.36 The Aristocrat of Salads FINEST FLORIDA Caao OR 25c- Grapefrut 1Là 4 FOR 19C Calavos are new and improved alligator pears-with flberless met- small seeds and up t1 2h imes. richer in the fl1avor-bearing natural fruit OiR. 115 Central Avenue p M 10 5-1 2OC Les, Sic SERVE. YOURSELF AND BAVE, A Downtown Store at your uptwn door.a R.emember frfnyhldyfos ieadvre W. ore heedquartersfo ac oica od.' ýe ndvre Ss elocion of fançy holiday foods and bakintg supiplies including glace fruits-peels--assorted nui-figs--candies-dates, etc. Se. our special dlsplays of seasonable suggestions. Youli be de- lighted with the splendid selection.a&l at the customary Jewel mon.y- saviflg pricel. PRETHANKSGIVING SALE NUTS IN SHE LL- DIAMOND BRAND LARGE OUDDED PER WALNUTS .L. 2c "The Cream of the Crop."@ Crisp. Crunchi. Plump Kernels-make your favorite dishes li and taste even botter. EXTRA FANCY QUALITY PER f MIXED M UT$......... LS.5 FANCY LARGE KING, COLE PER gf BRITE BRAZIL N UTS. LB. * MEDIUM SIZE FER UOp CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Le GOOD QUALITi and ASSORTMENT PER MIXED NUTS......... LB! 19C YELLOW CLING PEACHES LARGE SIZE CAN15 BLUE BROOK ~~EEEE PER 1 e e EELB.19 A strong coffee wïth a tempting flavor and aroma WILMETTE LIPE November 22. 193,t 1 ý 1 1