SCHFiLOESS.ER'S 402 Linden Ave. PIenty of Parking Space Wi ImeIte 150O No Woifiag-Prompt Delivery Gobblem Cobble!. We've a Flock of Fine Birds Ready to Be Gobbledi WELCHS GRAPE JUICE Pure juice of the fruit. Chili and drink in the morning-for a refresh- ing drink, combine with ginger aie. 2pimts 39c NAVEL ORANGES Seedless, sweet and juicy, fine for fruit salads or eating out of hand. doz.45 TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Just full of juice, perfect io for salads, too. 12 for 65c. 3 for I19.c SHELLED NUTS WALNUT HALVES lb. 49c ALMOND MEATS - b. 45c BLACK WALNUT KERNELS IL 69C PECAN HALVES IL. 69co ARTICHOKES To complete a colorful and tasty luncheon menu.4 25 Large size. YELLOW TURNIPS So gooci with pork chops. SATiSUMA They peel like flavor. 2 doz. lbs.*C ORANG ES a glove, delicious 35c. doz. 19C If yen have neyer served ome of our Thawksgiving tnrkeys bel ere, yen have a reali reat in store for yen. A nd, if tis is moi yonr irst Sckleesser gnrkey, yen kwow that tee have ouly the Pinte fesi, jinest, meatiesi înrks tisai can be bon ght. Cran- bernies, cocktails, mats, f rui cake, a va-iety et vegetables . .. everythiasg te go with tise turkey. A Il ai mo st attractive Prices, deiivery inclnded. KRAX The cris p. tasty cocktail accompaniment- "Start ta at and try to stop." t2Oc PORK ROAST Loin or nib, a mostlb l c economical roast. I 7 FRESH BEEF TONGUE Delicious served hot with horse- I radish sauce, fine for slicing cold, ILb16C SIRLOIN STEAK Wonderfully tender, a man s l.28 favorite 8 CENTER CUT PORK CHO-PS Baked or fried, they're always gooci. i Texas Skinless Fiais Awelcome dessert when served with iice-box'cookies - A good breakfastfruit-Fine with cream cheese-l 15-oz. tins-4 for 69c. 19C - w - IL 21 c ICE BOX. Cookies. F FRUIT CAKE Delicious, kome-made cake-fuil of fine fruits and nuts. Fresh and moist. Priced lo. i3 5c FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES Nono botter for your breakfast. 3dco..79c GENUINE JERSEY SWEET POTATOES The feast is not complete without these. 5 lbs. 23 c CANNED VEGETABLES EACH 6 FOR New Pac Californiae c 9 Spinach-2/2, 6 9 Golden Bantam15 8c Corn-215 85 Peas 2 6c 89c BonBeauty Bens- c 5 20-oz. tins-1oc 5C CRANIERRIES Extra large for cocktails, sauce, O jelIy, salads or sherbets. IL.197C WHITE FISH Lake Superior. Broil or bake,. it's deliciaus- either way. lb. 25Jc FRESH LAKE TROUT Best when frieci. Fresh andc1 buttery-Filled with nusDlcoswith, ice- cream,,, frozen des- serfs or chilled fruits. IL 19c Round, f~fl e lb. 35Ç DUCKSTURKEYS,-SQUABS-Ail At Most Att.ractive Prices We Deliver te Yeu No Carrying Ie De W ILMETTE 402 Linden Avenue Wilmette 150-151 WINNETKA 718 Elm Street Wlnnetka 51 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway Buckingham 2000 ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvis Rogers Park 0114 J Orders Bren ght te Yen, Door 1A MiA long the North Shore' NOVEMBER 22, 1934 For Home-Made Fruit Cake H.res a chance to buy somne of the neces- sary ingredients for fruit cake at a bargjain price- Citron. Orange or Lemon Peel IL.29C