November 15, 1934 WILMP4-TTP LAPE a Am A r... Jr- . Wiimette,WfLhuol NOTICE 0F p*]g.]A!A PAYMEKÇT ON SPECIAL ASSESSMxuNT BONDS Notice ia hereby given that fundsar avilable in future instaliments of cer- tain npecial assessments, making Ik ad- visabie to distribute these funds to the ,bond, holders, in, such insta liments. Pay- ment -wiIl be made tfirough the Wil- mnette $tate Bank, Wilmette, Illinois, to whomn bonds should be sent for collec- tion and endorsement of the under- noted payments. Funds are available for the following paymients 'on Bonds mnaturing Dec. 31, 1986. Per Cent of Dstri- tipeelal Asssment bution No Instailment Bonds 190 ..... .......8 .. ..... ...20 192 ---«.. . . ..8................ 25 194 .. -* ..8............. ;... 20 16 ..... .........8 . . . ..1... . 0 203..............8.. .......... ;....405 201................ ...............21 203 ............. ............ .......240 208 ..... - ..........30 2 21............;.. ..................2 217........... 7.................30 221.... ..-..................420 227....... *....... 7..............0 230...............7 .... %.............50 235....... ....... 7................5 257...............6 .... ............100 Funds are avaliabie fur the foilowing payments on Bonds maturing, Dec. 319 1930. 185 9 . . .. . . . .100 190........9............... 20 192 ........ .. .................. ;20 194 ... 9...... . ............ 20 196.........................o30 197....... *........9 .................25 201 .............. 9............ .....15 203...... ........ 9........ ......... 40 208.... .......... 8............. ....25 213.................. ........ 20 217 -8 ...3.. 221 . . . 8 . . .. . . . 20 227 . . . _8 . . .. .15... .l 229 . .. . . .. . 8 . . . .. . . . .40 230 .. . . ... 8 ................. 15 235 ............. 8................ 50 238 ........ 8.................25 Fund,, are available for the following paynents on Bonds nîaturinip Dec. 31. Per Cent of Iistri- Special Assessment bution -No Installment Bonds 185..... ........ 10 .................100 190 ............. 10..... ...... ..... 20 194..............10 ............ .....30 196........ ..... 10 ........ .........30 197......... .... 10 ................. 25 201 ............. 10................. 50 203............-.10 .......... .......40 208........... >..g .................25 213.......... .... 8............... 20 2217 ...... .o 227............ ..9 ......... ........20- 229 ........ .. ........... ......40 L'30..............9 ................ 15 235.............. 9 .......... ...... 50 1Funds are available for the following? paynients on Bonds maturing Dec 31, 208..............10 ........... ......25 213 .............. 9................ 20~ 217...... ......10-....... .......30 221.......... o.................. 60 227........... 10 ................ 15 229._........... 10 ................ 40 230 . . 1....... 0 ........... 15 Funds are availabe foýr the following payments on Bonds maturing Dée. 31, 1989. 213 .. . ... 10.... .. . .... .50 Hl. W. MILLER, Treasurer, Village of Wilmette, 111. November 14, 1934. L28-1tc, VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE MAJOR SoITIiETS PLAN Notice la hereby given that a. public hearing will 1,e held ln the Village Hall, Wilmette, Illinois, on Frida.y Novemnber 16, 1934, at 8 o'clock p. mi., yor thepur- pose of considerlng the Major -Streeta Plan g4s submitted to the Village board et its meeting Tuesday, November 6, by. the Wilmette Plan Commission. AUicitizens of the Village are privi- leged to attend. this meeting- and Join Ini the discuasionié Ôf the plan WILMETTE PLAN4 COMUMSION Myles J. PhîilIps, Presldent. Wmn. J. Weldon, Secretary.. L27-2tc WEST WEARS GEMS Nearly $100,000 worth of diamonds are used in Mae West's new film of the Naughty Nineties, "Belle of the Naîneties." Biise and Yellow Ribbons Awaded in Art Exhibition B JanFox A new exhibition policy , that of awarding blue and yello ribbons, lias been adopted by the North Shore Art league, and the recent fail show whicb opened at Community House in Win- netka last week-end has the following. prize-winners: Elizabeth Boynton mil- lard and Helen A. Hare, blue ribbons; Frank Dillon, John M. Frank, Gert- rude S. Kinder and H. J. Taylor, yei- low ribbons. Portraiture plays the best game ;n the collection, and scores several three- baggers and one borner. Mr., Dillon's "Pierrot," the borner, exudes that superabundance of vitamin verve and energy every tonic-tablet- and patent- medicine-taker longs for. In pink, blue and yellow. paints, "Pierrot" lives- and howl1 GentienmnScores Succesa Trhe gentleman executed ini darker colors by Hazel Crowe Ewell is suffi- ciently personable bo overcome any lady critic, and, to be cold and analytical, we liked her portrait of a woman, too. "Portrait of Adele" by H. J. Taylor (honorable mention) scores another bit. Several entries may bc classified un - der the bizarre and sensational. Witb "The Photographer" Carol Lou Burn- hani take's an excursion into sur-real- isrn; Irma Keehn >experiences a night- mare in "Dreani Riders," and Berthai Alling grows raucous over a china elephant. Let it at least be said of Miss Burnham, thougli she succumb to the vices of contemporary art,,she succumbs gracefully., "Silver I.eavee" Win Personally we would have given Helen Hare'b blue ribbon to lier 'Sil- ver Leaves" rather than to ber studio scene. But why grow heated over some- thing as trivial as a few leaves-about three of theni to be exact. .Had we selected a few prize-winners of our own, we nîight have favored for >comfortable wearing qualities Lucille A., Wood's "Motber's Window" and "Switzerland"; Ain e Reeves' *Petu- nias"; Grace Brion's "Valley in Browvn County," and several entries by Grace Haskins and Mary B. Poull. "Frog Girl Fountain Bronze," the work of Nancy Hahn, attains an envi- able perfection ini clild sculpturing. Ti fleeting and at thle saine time the en- during qualities of posture and facial expression are beyond wvord descrip- tion. lu this group Louise Bolîman submits interesting plaque studies. Go Modern in Big Way The honor roll of the artists in the jury show, the great rnajority.of whoîn weut "modemi" ini a big way, includes the tnames of: Margaret C. Blatchford, Dorotby Davis, Ruthi Gibsou, I<evinia Gray, Julia Sulzer Griffith, Max Gund- lacb, Eleanor B. Hatch, Alice. May Jackson, una. May Steveuson Joban- sen, Elsie Brown Joues, Elizabeth B. Maher, Kenneth D. Miller, ,C. M. Ogren, Allen E-. Philbrick, Charles Wachs, -Charlotte Wachis, Tomn Wilder, Scotty Von Weller, and Mrs. J. W. Work. RUSMATE AGENCY Stuart Erwin runs, a matrimonial àgency for the -lovelomn in RKO-' Radio's hilarious comedy feature, "Bachelor Bait," in whjch Rochelle Hudson, Perît Kelton, Skeets Cal-- lagier and Berton Churchill play' importa nt rotes. Harold Lloyd, wbose latest film is "The Cat's Paw," lias in bis wife bhis severest critic*. Before anyone else gets a look at bis picture on its first assembly, the comedian always cati, in Mrs. Lloyd for an opinion. I Uh ,,SHOPPINGI made easy It ie quite a task . . . this in- terminable making out of shopping iste. And adding to the task for variety in foodstuffe j e i.effort in- volved to stay witbin limited household budgets for cloth- ing, shoe, household goode and other neceseities. Shop- ping liste can be made much easier if Mrs. Housewife takes each weekly copy of .Your Home Paper and con- sulta the money saving, time- ly messages Our Advertisers ADVERTISER Adams Electrie Shop .......2 Art Furnîture Co . ..... O Beach, Florence, Candies ý12 Bernie Studio ..........19 Bismarck Hotel -. .......49 Blann Plïarniacy .... ... 9 Bloom-Hal1>reis Shop .. ..8 Book Nook ......... 50 Braun Bros. 011 Co. 27, 28,29, 30, 31,382, 68, Coi er IV Chu ndier% ..1 . .. . . ...229 59 Chicago DaiJy News .......... il Chicago Itapid Transit.......569 Chlmney's Tavern .... ..49, Coffey Auto Itepair ...... .. Communit>. Theatre ...... 83 Co-Op, The ............ 50 1eBourge, Elizabeth ......1 licer Grove Park Turkey Jarms 22 En> art, Van Camp & Foil . .6 Eyanston Y. M. C. A... . 18 First Church of Christ, .Scientist . . . . .. . . ... 14 Franken. Uros . .......... Gordlan 1Book Shop ... .. é@ Gordon, S ........ ......... .. 12 Great Atiantie & Pacilic Tea Co. 13 Green Tea Pot . .39 Hlahn, C. for Stamps 41 Halteman's Photo Shopé m Hnttstrom & Sanders ..17 Ileatikg Service Co.......18 .Horseshoe Inn ..ë............ 62 Ilousehold Finance Corporation .14 Hub, The...........20,28,26, 49 Htuggins, W.. G .............. 52 Illinoisý Bell Telephoie Co ..5& Indiana Sale-W.>' Linefs...5; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jewel Food Stores ............ Il Liberty Loan Corporation .... à38 Lindstrom'a Lock Shop .......à Lord's.............. .....34, 86 Lyman Pha.rmacy ....... .8,9 Lynch, Thos. .5 Magazine Bepeating Rasor Co.. 17 Marks, j ................... 19 Marshall Field & Go . ......2à Mathew Francis ......... ....41 PAGE ADVERTISER, PAGE Mereer Lumber Companies - ..52 Milien Hardware ... ......S, 14,652 3lotors Service, Iue. . ....... Murine Go................ . 33 Murphy-Miles 011 Co. . ....89 North Shore Lamber Dlealers............. Cover 11K North Shiore Qunllty Laundries.87 Okean, MX. B. Furriers, lac.. 22 Pagliarulo, 1)D............... Palace Fooda ...............lé Peacoek Ice Gream ....... Peansylvania 011 Go......... 12 Pike, BihI... ...... .........ce Public Service Ceo. ......... 57,il Quinlan & Tyson ... . ....3 Ray', E. 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Cover IV Wilmette Musie A&Radio Shop .«8 Wilmette State Bank iB8,Coverl Wilhette Theatre....... ;.... a Wlnternltz, Samuel L. & Co.. . ..24 WorthemPs .................... 2