Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1934, p. 62

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WILMTTE IFENovember 15, 1934 SPORTSMAN BOWLERS Harry's Budweiser team rolled tht. second higb game of the season last *weekiagainst the league leading Krier Buffet team in the Sportsmfan Bowl- ing league. The bigb game total waý, 991,' witb Ed Bleser and Frank Feigen contributing scores of 245 and 243 respectively. In this game the Krier * Buffet boys had 4 total of 941, so the Budweiser bowlers bad to be good to win. The league leaders took tbe other twvo games, bowever, by scores ot v to 811 and 877 to 826. This gave Krier's a total (if 2740 for the evenling, .w-ile their opponients hiad a total of 2628. The Hugo and Bingo teamn, tied for second place the previous weck with two otlier teams, won clear title to the runner-up position last weck by tak- ing tbree games f rom Bleser's 813 to 802, 892 to 864 and 865 to 808. Totals were 2570 for Hugo and Bingo and 2474 for Bleser's. The Edelweiss boys continuéd in their sluinp and- allowed the last place Cycle Inn team td wbip tbem in three, gaies, 850 to 798, 820 to 807 and, 878 to 800 Totals: Cycle Inn, 2548; Edel- wes,2405. The Sunset Villa of Winnetka won thrce games- from the Wilmette Tail- ors and moved abead of' the latter team in the league standing. The Sunset -Villa boys copped the first game witb comparative case, 827 to 783, but tbey wcre victorious by a margin of only five pins, 851 to 846 in the second game. Tbey won-the last game, 841 to 769, giving them a total of 2519 compared to 2398 for the Tailors, The Tailors' total was the lowest of tbe evening. ,'Ihe teams bowl at Ileser's Bowling academy in the Gross Point section of Wilmnette. Following are the 'standings: WoN LOST Krier Buffet ..........18 6 Hugo and Bingo ........15 9 Edelweiss .................. 12 12 Bleser's ... ...........12 12 Sunset Villa ................ 12 12 Wilmette Tallors.......... 10 14 Hlarry's Budweiser........... 1 15 Cycle Inn ................... 8 16 K. 0F C. BOWLING LEAGUE The Edelweiss team won threc games f rom the Emmett Whealan Boosters team in the K. of C. Bowl- ing academy in Wilmette. Mornie Steiner's team also won three straigbt games from the A. J. bi.dw-iiî Boosters. 'l'lie Bidwill -teari bas now lost six straigb.t games. The Bungalow tavern won two out of tb.ree games from H. Hoffman's team, while Weiler's Gardeners also won the odd game from the Kuss .pewelers. raul ý citer,.captaiii of the Gardeners, bowled 202 in bis second g9ýme and came *back witb 101 pins ton bis last game. Pliîi Bieser bowled high three game seniés for the season witb 644 pins. Phil also won bigb game witb 244 pins. îHunting Is Taboo in the Forest Preserves Huiiting in the forest preser'.e Etao. "Vhealai, )res;deit of the boara ot Forest e-reserve, commis- sioners has issued a warning with teth in it. Nimrods cauglit huniting pheasants, quail or rabbits, or any other kind of game in hunting season or out of it, in the forest preserves, will be arrested and prosecuted and their rifles will be confiscated. A special patrol of 50 policemen during the present hunting season .will be 0o1 duty to sec to it nat the "no huni- ting" warning iu.iisno buntîng, President W~. ,pains. Mrs. J. H. Newport, 520Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, will enter- tain ber quiît club for luncheon to- morrow. -o0 Mrs. Edgar, Stevens, 330 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, entcrtained ber Mah Jongg club at luncheon Wedniesday. Saturday niglit Nov. 17 at the' HORSESHOE INN Dunde.mmd Skokie roads "«Pa" Cooper and his Old Time Barn Dance Entertainers. Six Radio and Stage artists. Hard Timnes Party'. Both. modern and 61d time music. Dancing. Bhg floot show. Corne and enj o>'a hilarious time. No* cover charge. Tune in radio station WCBD, Wau- iegan, 8:30 a. mn. Frida>', Nov. 16, for annouincement. Celebrate Fiftieth -Wedding A nniversaryI A hall a centuiry of married lii e has rolled arownd for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E~ngels, 1939 Birchwood avenue, Wilinette, who celebrated their golden wvedding anniversary last Sunda'.. Their ten children entertainedl in their honor at a dinner part y at zehich. seventy-five memnbers of the family and a feic close friends were present. Both Mir. and Mrs. E~ngels were born in Wilmette-ihe former seventy-four years ago and the* latter seventy years ago. Thtey have resided ini their present homte on Birchwood -avenue for o7'er forty years. Mathew F .raneis Photi) jChristian Science Churches "Adam and Fallen Man" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in al Churches of Christ, Scientist, oti Sunday, November Il. The golden text was, -He tbat cometb from above is above ail: be that is of the eartb is cartbly, and speaketb of the eanth" (Jobn 3:31). Among the citations wbich coin- prised the lesson-seninon was the following. from the bible. There is therefore now no condemnation to them whicb anc in Cbrist Jesus, wbo walk not after the flesb, but -aftcr the Spirit" (Romans 8:1). The lesson- sermon a 1 s o in- cluded the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker' Eddy: "Througb discernment of the spir- itual opposite ot înateniality, even the ways tbrough Christ, Truth, man will reopen with the key of" divine Science the.gates of Paradise whicb human beliets bave closed, and will find himself unfallen, uprigbt, pure, and free" (p.171). Women Voters Invite. to Series of Lectures "Cbanging Policies in International Trade". is to be the subi ect of Prof. Ernest H. 1-ahne's second and last lecture before the School of Foreign Af fairs of the Cook County League of Women Voters, Satunday, Novem- ber 24, at 2' o'clock at'the Palmer House. Mrs. E.. E Smeeth, chairman, will preside. Prcceding this lecture there will be book reviews by Mrs. William G. Barry and Miss Mabel Engstrom at 11:30, alsoat the Palmer k-buse. The f ollowing is to be the programn for the balance of this year: 1'red- erick L. Schuman, -assistant professor of political science, University of Chicago, will lecture on ".Fascism and World Politics" on january 26, and -on "Communismn and 1Lîberaisme' on February 23. On March 23 Qulincy David Hoit 'Steals' Picture at Valencia *You Belong to Me" wilI show~ at the Valencia theater tod;fy (Thurs-. day). The quality of the -picture is reflecte(l in the comment of a leading critic that Master David Jack Holt manages to outshine troupers Helen Mack, Lee Tracy and Helen Morgan, although ail are in top form. Edgar 'Wallace's *'Return of the Terror" will thrill. this *Friday and Saturdav. Suspense is well sustained ini a chilling mystery that bas for its locale a sanitarium for tbe insane. John Halliday. Mary Astor and Lvle Talbot star. The late Russ Colomubo lives agaili in "Wake Up and Dream" Sunday and Monday, November 18 and 19. His uns urpassed vocalizing features the interesting film wbicb also presents June Knigbt, Roger Pryor and Henry Armetta.> Tuesday, November 20, is full of fun at the Valencia wbere "Cal lt Luk" offers the resb cbarmn of Pat Paterson and a priceless 'cockney' cabby characterization by Herbert Mundin. Returning to -the Valencia by pop- ular demand, "FlyingDown the Rio" will lift audiences with the tbrills of dancing in. the, clouds Wedneeday and Tbursday, November 20- and 21 *. This musical brings sometbing new to pictures. Gene Raymond pursues Dolores Del Rio to Rio de Janeiro by plane.. Fred Astaire. and Ginger Rogers contribute somne great danc- ing and comedy. Wright, profes.sor of political science. University of Chicago, will, lecture on "The European Balance of Pow- er" and on, April 27, the last lecture f. o r . this year, Prof essor Wright's subject will be "American Policy To- ward Europe." These lectures are open to the pub- lic upon payment of a small admission fee or course tickets may be pur- chased cither at league héadquarters, 225ý North Michigan avenue, or a the d oor, it is explained. .-;

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