November 15 1934 UIT! ui~r'ru w s .VV = - ava - S S - Se S S -- Rose Quong S Cenius Praised et Wo'mén's Club1 Mrs. Herbert V. Weed, presi- dent of the Tenth district, Il1i- nois Federation of Women's Clubs, Wed nesday of last week attenided the Reciprocity day- meeting of the Woman's Club of Wilmette as principal guest of honor. At the same time Mrs. A. E. Klunder, president of the Wilmette club, had the pleasure of welcoming numerous repre- sentatives from the Chicago and north shore clubs of the district. Amoug those from Wilmette were: Mrs. H. L. Barker, president of the \Vornan's Catholic Club of Wilmette; Miss Dorothy Pettinger, president of the junior auxiliary of the Catholic club, and Mrs. Charles Williamson (Jane Owen), president of the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of \Vilmette. For the afteruoon prograni, the psychology and art of the Chinese p)eople of today, and of centuries ago, were authentically dramnatized by Rose Quoug, Chinese actress and diseuse. Cognizant of lier feminine audience, Mfiss Quong liad carefully selected a collectioni of poeuîs, pro- verbs. folk sougs. nursery rhymnes and lullabies about women, by women, or wvitlî special feniniine appeal. She cited, for example, such fa- imiliar Chinese savings as: "A wo- -,1------ - - . " le tion. of. Chinese, verse, Her hands, ber arms, her entire body move in sleepy oriental attitudes, ,faithfully- authenic, and entirely sympathetic- to her race. She wears a handsome silk robe reaching to the ankies, with flowing' sleeves: and high collar, al intricately, embroidered. Shining black hair,1 carefully dressed, is typical of the cultivated Chinese' lady. The actress spoke fromn a platform decorated in autumn leaves,. large yellow chrysanthemums, Chines-e pot- tery and palms, against tbis back- ground concludi4Ig witb a powerful dramatization of a Chinese woman distraught by the borrors of drought, then famine and finally destitution. Inspection of . the exhibit loaned by the Gairing Art gallery and tea ini the club lounge closed the day. Mrs. Henry C. Hall, Mrs. William E. Suits, and Mrs. Rudolph Tencher served at the tea tables, Mrs. Gor- don Hannah, chairman of the art group in charge of, the exhibit, and the other members of her committee acting as hostesses.-Jean Fox. Give Luncleon for Day Nursery Board Four members of the board of the Margaret Etter creche entertained the board at luncheon Monday at the. home of Mrs. John H. Dingle, 1072 Fishers lane, Hubbard Woods. Mrs. Dingle, as chairman of the ways and means committee of the creche board, is general chairman for the annual dinner dance to be held Saturday eve- ning, December 8, at the Bal Tabarin in the Hotel Sherman. miaris sword is uer tongue; sie shouuîu take care flot to let it rust"; or "The Her co-hostesses Monday were road to success js cro wded with- wo- Mrs. Dustin Craft and Mrs. Lloyd nien pushing their husbands along,", Bailey, of Winnetka, and Mrs. Fred and, agalu, "A man thiuks he knows,' Spinney .of Wilmette. but a womnuknios better." Many Plans for this affair to benefit the of these proverbs date from cen- ods a usr nCiaowr turies before Christ, Miss Quong discussed Mvonday, and include a floor adde, toindicate how early the "'new" tr "moderun" womau made her show and other amusements. Tick- appearance iu China. ets may be purcbased from any mem- 0f course the actress1 pleased her ber of the board, it is announced. audience. Flattery, however, merely A REAL PRESENT Iubricated the wvheels of the enter- (Chris'nus is less than six weeks away!) taimiment, 'Miss Quoug's genius and Evey stamp-collector needs and wafts a l'in' ' rkSTOCK BOOK. We have them f romn personality spligthese akt,1c û$.0 make them go. She has a low melo- C. HAHN FOR STAMPS! dious voice, admirably adapted to suie o---.econd floor-545 Lincon, folk inusic, lullabies and to chauting, 1 V.inneika. which is the medium for the recita- (O)pposite 'orh Shore Staton) 'I .Mathew Francies, In Our New and Larger Studio ai 11 52 Centrcal Ave... Wilmette We do NOT do telephone or door-to-door soliciting qEI DCALI<dNS a c7Yew seasonu, a ~ewgown ouIr Collection o gonsfor'.Formhai We ar is s up erb, Priced from $29.,50 -$65 M !0 BePhotg raphed NOW- for Christmas Gifsý PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL 6 ~Be. utiful Port raits. .61 Art istically Mounted 1 Ths' s a 'rare special considering it is an artist as weII' as a photog- rapher of established ability and integrity. 26 years in the field of art:and photog- raphy. You wiII be happywith the resuits of aur work. Phone.-for'A»ointment WILMETTE .252,6 Noveinber: 15,,, 19à4 WILUIRTTR 1-lP.P-