..AVIATION Samuel 1. Winternitz &Company Takes Pleasure in Announc4ng the Sale'at PUBLIC AUCTION of the entire COLLECTION 0F 285 OIL PAINTINGS EXHI BI TED IN THE OFFICIAL ITALIAN GOVERNMENT PAVILON Century of Proress-1934 TO TAKE PLACE IN Thie Galleries of Tower Town Club 820 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE The Fifteenth Floor, Corner of Pearson Street, Chicago. Illinois Exhibition Commences THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th Hours: 10 to 10 Sale Commences MONDAY. NOVEMBER 19t1i and continues to FRIDAY,,NOVEMBER 23rd Each eveninq et 7:30 Samuel L Winternitz Established 1894 Auctoneers & Company II FIRST ,NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, STATE 5908, CHICAGO, IL L Write or phone for descriptve catalog NATIONAL CHEESE, WE EK I 1 Yotil never belleve there can be so many delicious varieties of this favorite~ food Viît Our Week-Long Kf- Phenîx Demonst ratio al of this week. A great variet', includiiig bulk and package cheese, i_ * ported and domestic., Samplesfo Cké-Pse Booth-Street Floor 8oJ~SÇ~I Friday and Saturday Only BOSTON BROWN BREAD 12e Plain or with raisins.............. F~DANISH CHERRY23 POCKETS. CHOCOLATE ICEBOX COOKI the berst you ever tasted. Lb. ASSORTED LAYFR CAKES Light, fine 2-layer cakes.. ......... CAKES~. i 35e BUT VOUR THANK*"IVING 9 FRUITCAKES ýN Ô w i Lb......39 FRI1DAY SPECIALI33 *READED HALIBUT -Lb. ......3 t LA CHOT CHOP SUE- Rice imchuded. Special at-Lb..... 1 C. WITH MUSHROOMS, 2k JWI1B, Ba«ke Shop-&Sreet Floor WUIEDLDT'S-E VAN STON On Davis Street Wllmeffel1100 Husband Misses Train, Char ters an Airpiane Herbert Anderson, vice-president of tbe Cbicago Aviation corporation, made a fast cbarter trip to Wiscon- sin Rapids, Wis., from Curtiss. air- port one nigbt last week. With An- derson as a passenger was a fond busband (identity withheld) who had missed the train on wbicb bis wife was speeding towards tbe west coast. The speedier Stinson plane in.wbicb tbe cbarter trip was made overtook the train in time for tbe busband to join bis wife at tbe Wisconsin town. Arthur Capeërton Plies W. K. Vanderbilt's Ship Artbur Caperton, wbo formerly piloted a Sikorsky owned by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois and wbo later was employed as a pilot by American Air lines, is now flying a new Boeing 247D. for William K. Vanderbilt. The ship is similar to tbe one used by Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangborii. Amer- ican flyers, on the recent London to Melbourne race. Sidney Spiegel Passes SPrivat e Pilot's Test Sidney Spiegel of tbe Essaness Theater corporation, Chicago, passed the Department of Commerce test for his private pilot's license at Curtiss airport Wednesday of last week. Mr. Spiegel owns a Stinson wbicb he keeps at the Cuntiss field hangar. A number of other pilots took tests the samne day, with Inspector DeLasaux on -band to supervise the examin- ations. N. S. Woman, Student at Cur.tiss Field, Soloes Mrs. George Meyer, 906 Cherry street, Winnetka, soloed at Curtiss aîrport last week. Mrs. Meyer is a student oi Dw.git 11orrow, vetei-ai instructor, who has been giving flying lessons at Curtiss field since the air- port was. built five years ago. Bloomington Man Buys a Stinson at Curtiss Da.vis M1\erwin of the Bloomington Pantograph. daily newspaper pub- lished at Bloomington, Ill., has pur- chased a inew Stinson Reliant demon- strator froin the Chicago Aviation corporation, operators of Curtiss air- port and Stinson distributors in the Chicago area. FLIES TO CEDAR RAPIDS Ricbard, Beelen flew to Cedar, Rap- ids, Iowa,. from Curtiss airport on business last week. Mn., Beeler is the Beechcraft dîstributor. in th eChi- cago area and has bis headquanters at Cuitiss, field. ON. BUSINESS TRIP C. Frank Williams left Curtiss field last Friday morning in bis Stinsoh on another business trip. Mr. Williams uses bis plane a great deal for busi- ness purposes. GOES TO SIOUX CITY H. S. Darr, president of the Chica- go Aviation corporation, operators of Cuntiss airport, made a business trip to -Sioux City, Iowa, last week. Wiley Post Fies: East to Get Parts for Plane Wiley Post, round-the-world flyer, and Mel Mollenkopf, bis mechanic, who are preparing to make a stratos- phere flight at Curtiss airport in an- attempt to set a new altitude mark, left Iast Thursday afternoon in the "Winnie Mae," Post's plane, for East Orange, N. J., to purchase p arts to replace those damaged in a test flight at Curtiss field last week. Tbe Eclipse Aviation corporation of East Orange, whîch built the new supercharger recently installed in the "Winnie Mae," also will supply a clutch to replace the one burnecl out in tbe test fligbt. Flies to Manistee on One-Day Business Trip Daniel Peterkin, Jr., of the Mor- ton Sait company made a plane trip fromn Curtiss airport, wbere be keeps bis Stinson, to Manistee, Mich., last week on business. One of the coin- pany's plants is Iocated at Manistee. Peterkin left for the Michigan city in the morning, transacted bis busi- ness tbere and returned toi Curtis the same day. Lockheed'Vega Makes Fast Time to Muskegon W. F. Piper of the Beardsley and Piper company, foundry equipinent, 2541 N. Keeler avenue, Chicago, made a trip froin Pal-Waukee airport to Muskegon, Mich., last week in his Lockheed Vega.. He covered the distance, about two hundred miles, in an hour and fifteen minutes. Mn. Piper keeps bis. plane at the Pal- Waukee hangar. Furniture Buyer Takes Plane on Business Trip C. J. Johnson, furniture buver for Sears, Roebuck and company, Icft Curtiss airport last Sundav on a plane trip to Jamestown, N. Y. Duane Howard of Sky Harbor airport, who was .Mr. Jobnson's pilot on a recent trip to several cities in the south. also accompanied him on the trip east. Pure Oil Representative Stops at Curtiss Field Maj. C. W. Young, Pure Qil com- pany aviation representative, arrived at Curtiss aîrport last week in a Waco cabin plane. The ship was kept in the Curtiss hangar over night. Major Young stopped here to, trans- act business in Chicago. GOES TO GET PLANE Chester . Faust, memben of the Aviation Country club at, Pal-Wau- kee airport, planned to go to the Fairchild airplane, factory at. Hagers- town, Md., this week -to fly back the, new two-place open ship he bas purchased. PUT AIR WHEELS ON PLANE .E. Hall Taylor of Oak LPark is hav ing air wbeels put on his Travel- air. Tbe work. is being done in the Curtiss airport shop. PLANE FROM- -TEXAS A J-5 Stinson fnom 'orth Worth, Tex., was one of the'planes arriving at.Curtiss airport -last week. WILMETTE November 15, 1934 LIFE