THE. HUIeS EVANSTON SHOP for OVE RCOATS *a. Representative Selection Arnerica's Finest Coats WINTER-TEX $35 You have heard of the famaus Worsted-tex suit and the Knit- tex tapcoat. Well, Winter-tex is made by the same people and is equally outstanding in the overcoat field. The fabrie is soft, fleecy and warm. The value is the best at $35. ta our knawledge. LAMGO RA $4O Because of its success in. the last few years Lamgora bas many imitatars this season. But there are none sa good, for this fab- rie is bath patented and exclusive. We recammend Lamgora witbaut qualification as the finest coat in America at $40. MT. RO CK FLEECE $45 For fine years througb goad times and bad, Mt. Rock has held first place in overcoat papularity. They have attained this rec-« ord by offering the sturdiest wearing fleece an the, market. That's why thausands of men and yaung men will have na ather. Suggestions for Overcoat. Weather MEN'S MUFFLERS Wools in bha ndsomcn plaids, checks and q $tripes. Silku ini whites.- solid colors and fancies.$2 9 WOOL HOSE.. Imported 6x3 ribs in a complete selection of plain colors and attrac- 6 5 tîve- licather m ixtures. 6 5 MEN'S CLOVES Pigskins and pigtwins in natural, cork, and gray. Clasp or alipon. styles. ".~. 9d' E H UB HIENRYCLYTTON &SONS Ou Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Orringion and Charch-EVANSTON NOVEMBEJ 1.5, 1934 of $2.4511