Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Nov 1934, p. 18

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November 15, 1934 WIIAFTTE LIFE Elizabet ha n Music W#ll Feature Globe. Prodàction NoM 27 Elizabethan music wilI be a feat ure of -the Globe Tbeater productions when. the Shakespearean players from Merrie lEngland at tbe Cen- tury of Progress came to Skokie scbool, Winnetka, on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, November 27. Helene Rabn, a gifted concert artist wbo was the leading soprano of tbe Madrigal Singers at Merrie England tbis summer, will sing such delightful songs of Old England as "Wbo Is Silvia." "Passing By," "My Lovelv Celia" and '"Sigb No More L-adies." In keeping witb the quaint old world cbarmi of Shakespeares Old Globe. Tbeatre, Miss Rabri will appear in an exquisite blue satin costume, and will be accompanied by' a verginal, a replica of the instrument plaved by Queen Elizabeth. and otber old fasbioned flutes and stringed instru- ments. . Miss Rabin bas appeared on the concert platform from coast to coast and is noted for ber golden voice, wbicb bas often been likened to that of Melba. Her voice was one of the notable features at the Village of Merrie England tbis summer wben tbe Madrigal Singers appeared at sundown to sing on the village green facing tbe Old Globe Tbeatre. Tickets for tbe afternoon per- formances of "As You Like It" and "Midsummer Nigbt's Dream" are on sale at the Winnetka public scbools, the Nortb Sbore Country Day and New Trier Higb scbool. Those fori the evening performances of "julius Caesar" and "Taming of tbe Shrew" are only on sale now at Community House. TO SPEND HOLIDAY HERE Miss Jean Marx, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx, 522 Essex road, Kenilworth, wbo -teacbes in the lower scbool at Tbayer academy at Soutb Braintree, Mass., will spend Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Pender and family of Utica, N. Y. DEDICA TE NEW ST. JOSEPHOS SCHOOL SUNDA Y, NO V. 18, The nezv Si. Joseph's school, erected at a cost of $200,000, is to be dedciatcd Sunday aflernoon, November 18. The school is on the north side of Lake avenue a shortl distance' <ast of Ridge road. .Froin 3 o'clock until 3:30 an open holise zcill bc held and ai 3:30 thec dedication cercnony and fiag raisin g 7ill take place. The Rev. William D. O'Brien, auxiliary bishop of Chicago, wvill dedicate tlie ncw structure. A dinner zvill bc Iîeld inilte basenient of tlhe net' building; folboueing te dedication cc.rcnony. Highland Park Gridders to Battie Tigers Sunday The Highland Park Young Men's club, which defeated Glencoe, 14 to 0, last Sunday, will oppose tbe power- fuI Chicago Tigers in a football game at Deerfield- Shields gridiron in Higb- land Park tbis Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ollie OIson, former Nortbwestern university star, is among the many ex-college luminaries wbicb comprise the Higbland Park outfit. Tbe Tigers, also graduates of tbe college gridiron. boast five former Cbicago Sbamrock players in their line-up. Two ex-Cardinal stars will match wits Sunday in tbe persons of Fred Gilles, coach of Higbland Park, and Chris O'Brien, Tiger mentor. Franklin vvanner, Jr., lm. onsiJiai __________ road, Kenilwortb, a junior at the Uni- versity of Illinois, spent the weekend Mrs. Wendell H. Clark, 711 Kent witb bis parents and attended the Ilii- 'road, will entertain ber luncheon n ois-Nortbwestern game. bridge club Tuesday. JOIN THE."" e iY Now - Don't Delay Longer! NEW LOW MEMBERSHUP RATES I The best "6PER DOLLAIR" health Value on the. North Shore! entire.' EVANSTON Y.MNeCe.Au Grove Stroet at Maple Ave. Gre. 7400 On Tuesday, November 20.. at 2:30 p. m. the Central-Laurel Parent-Teacb- er association will present Jill Edwards in "The Valiant Life," a lecture recital. Mrs. Dorotby Cortz will entertain witb a s'ong recital, accompanied by Ernau Akelev. I.ctur--Ir.Sadler 'rhere wvas a record attendance at the first lecture of the series being given hy *Dr. William S. Sadler on T.uesday morniing at the Womani's Club of Wilmette, with groups present froni Park Ridge, Evanston, Glencoe, Kenil- werth and Chicago and our own Wil- mette women turning out in great nurn- bers. This attendance was a trihute to Dr. Sadler, and the chairmen and their committees sponsoring tbis project are deliited to know it is receiving the unanimous approval of tbe communitv. Dr. Sadler outlined anid definied cate- gorically the twventy-flve questions rela- tive ta tbe subject, "Motivation of Neuroticism"ý-pbases and degrees of ahuormal conduct throughout if e, prob- lems of mental bygiene, greatest. single problem of social if e. Assisted by Dr. Lena Sadler (Mrs. William S. Sadler) Dr. Sadier de- voted thirty minutes to answering ques- tions. The second lecture will be given De- ceniher il on tbe suhject, ."Adolescent Personality." Hanv'st *.ionPart v Plans for the Harvest Moon party are Spaulding-Gorham in New Location Monday Simple, modern lines and decora- tions, indirect ligbting, a complete air conditioning system and an arrange- ment of display counters wbicb will permit ail customers to be seated wben making tbeir purcbases are outstand- ing features of tbe new sbop of, Spaulding-Gorbam, jewelers, silver- smitbs and stationers, in tbe Drake botel. Tbe new sbop will open Monday, November 19, according to an an- nouincement by Gordon Lang, pres- ident. Plans for tbe movement of muercbandise from tbe present loca- tion at 338 Soutb Michigan avenue, the location for tbe past twenty-five years of the sbop, are nowv tnder way. The entire move will be made after the regular closing bour Satur- day, November 17, and everytbing will be in place in time for tbe regular opening bour on Monday morning. Generous windows space in tbe neiv shop will provide an effective setting for tbe display of jeWelry, china, crystal, silverware and otber merchan- dise wbich lends itsel ,f perfectly to dramatic exbibition. Ibere are five large windows on Michigan avenue, two on Oak street, tbree on the flîst floor of tbe.botel lob)by and three on tbe second floor. A long ligbt-trougb above tbe Michigan avenue windows supports a sign giving the firm nain1e wbicb is lighted in silbouette at night. in p rogress. Tbe cbildren are. invited to wear costumes if tbev choose. This is usually tbe gala event of the year, 'the children of the hallroom classes looking forward with great joy to this gather- ing. I ATINO SERVICE Co* 011 Durner Service Ili 'ALL MAKES Ili Wlneka375 Dayor Nlht OLIVER HANS EN ____ Uv. fiII Ili 1 Mil M

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