November 8, 1934 10l u E r.AAM. J,àrM f 0F THECURCE_ First Presbyteritan Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasefi, minister' Armistice day wlll be celebrated at our inorning worship service Sunday morfi- Ing at. 11 o'clock. The minister wilI preach on the themie, "The Greater War." lie cordialiy.% Invite N'ou to m'O"- ship with us. The music for the worship seryice will be as follows: prelude, -Il Penseroso,", Liszt:- anthem, 11God of Our Fathers," Schneeker -. duet, "The Unknowfl'Sol- dier.- Mrs. MeCormick and Mr. Rust; postlude, "Postlude in F,- West. Miss Et-ma Rounds is director. Junior chtirch, In charge of Ms Stan- ley Peterson, will care for the littie chul- dren during the iiiorning worship service. The iiastor's class for those who wish to lîrepare for church membership, will meet Sunday niorning at 9 :30 o'clock. Our Bible school meets in ail dep,-art- melits at 1):30 o'clock. Our Adult Bible chies, whîch is study- ing "The Life and Letters of Pauil," will welcomie you to its meeting. We liegin at 10 o'clock. Ini thé meeting of the Ttixis soiety -it 5 :30 o'clock. there will lie a debate on tbo question, «"Resolved'tia t îreuaredness i s necessa ry Io, aee'The affirmiative will lie debated by Paul Emnrick andi Lowell Pterson. the negative by Betty Dodds and Priscilla Pollock. Tea will be served at 5 :30 liefore the meeting. Al the youflg peop)le are invited to cone. The Foruni. tlhe college anid 1iot-colP lege grouîî, will mneet at 5.:30. The Sunday Evening cluib will hlie hld at the Congregationial chutrcli Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. The Board of Truist ees will mneet Monl- day evening. BOY Scout troop Nçp. 5 .nieets at the church Monday cvening. Spoke No. 10 of the Womian's society *III nîeet Wednesday, November 14, with Mrs. Ralph Riv'e, 10017.Thli-teenth street, at 1 o'(dock. Our iiidweek eie will lie held Wed- nesda.y evening at 8 o'clock. We will continue our studies lit 4"Practical Applications of the Sermion on the Mount.', We Invite yoiu to join, us. On Thuî'sday. Novem1ber- 15, Mss Michi Kawai. outstanding womaln leader of Japan, wilI speak in the grand bal room of the Palmer' House, Monroe and State streets, on "Jaîanese Women Speak.- Al the wollien are invited to at- tend., On Friday Erie Chapel institute, 1347 W. Erie street, C'hicago, will have its ait- nual demonstration. ,Dînner will lie served at 6 o'clock, and the demonstra- tion will follow at 7 :15 o'clock. Ail the frlends of Erie chapel are Invited. The choir wiil rehearse Friday evening at the chu rch. This Friday evening, November 9, we wlll have our annual Harvest Home din- ner under the auspices of the.Womnan'.4 Society. Dinner wlll be served at 6 :30 o'clock. A program Will follow, and the evening will be one of happy fellowship. We cordially invite our frlends to be wlth un. 1 The union Thanksgiving -jer-vice of the ehurches of Wilmette will be held Thurs- day morning, November 29, at the Con- gregational church. English Lutheran Seventh Street at Greenleaf avenue "A House of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Church school ........ 9:45 a. m. Morning worshlp. il......1:00 a. m. Luther league........... .. 15 pî. ni. Choir rehtearsal Friday evening it 7 :30 o'clock. On Sunday evenlng the Luther leag- uers will meet at the church at 5 :15 o'clock and Journey togeiher to Whea-1 ton, Ill., to attend the ordination ;iervice I, o .t Luther Mueller, the first «y3oun9 manti confirmed In our church, who wlll be or- dained Into the Gospel ministry. Confirmation class wlll meet on Tues- day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Thé Woman's society will hold itsi November work meeting at the home ofc *.. r.TiT..:.-..-.1in29o T ireave~rnue. n 1 the adult department. The High Scho oiEpwrorth'league will mneet Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Theta Epsilon Rho; formerly known .as.1 the, Young People's chapter of the EP-. worth league, mneets Sunday at 5:30 o'elock. Mrs H I. ÂVNvn, iàJlae VILU Thursday, November 15,. at 2 o'clock. The Church school board will hold its delayed annual meeting. tonight (Thurs- On Thursday, November 22, at 2 day) at 8 o'clock. AIl teachers and offi- o'clock the Womnan's society is having a cers are urged to lie present. silver tea at the home of Mrs. IR. Jaehne, 2340 Prospect avenue, Evanston. A very Choir rehearsal is.held each Thursday interesting program is being: arranged. night at 8 o'clock under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. Reserve Saturday, Novemnber 24, for' our Famnily night sponsored by the-l Woman's soclety under the direction o! XMrs. Frank Hayson. R. A. Kirkpatrick, national lecturet', will, show hitu"es o,! Yellowstone National park, the Pacifie- ,iorthwest and Alaska, and the new The. Womnan's Foreign AlissionarY society meets today (Thursday) at 10 :30 o'clock to do hosîiîtal sewing. The piro- gins will be held at 2 o'clock in the Wonman's. room. Devotions:- Mrs. Albert, Variley. Study book-"'New Opportun!-i - ns...- mn...s Yi xrs, HXos.. a djourned at 9. 'St. Augustlne's, should have a large delegation present. Reser- vations for the supper must be made with the rector flot later thian Saturday, November 10. The Sunday.% Evening club, meeting at 7:30, will. hear Professor Mundy and his Negro chorus of 60 voices which de- lighted great audiences in the Hall of States at the World's Fair. The y-oung people of St. Augustine's especially are invlted Sunday eveninig, Noveniber 11, at 7 :45 to hear a lecture by Prof. Edwin B. Frost, head of the Yerkes observatory at Williams Bay, Wis., In Christ Chureli Parish House, Winnetka, on the subjeet: "The Heavens Are Tell- inig." The lecture is intended to present a religlous point oif view to young pÇ'ople whose faith is so often disturbed liv their scientifie studies. First ConrIreÊtationnl strraPaline train. rra11 wi ,l Deg .,at tie MI-. i ""5' i.s. e . 7& %. d T-~- - -,* -q"%-& Vav- - vq 7 :0 oclok.Ailareinvte. Rfreh-esses: Mesdames A. . Ackermann, John G. Rlndley, minister mients wîll be served and a voluntary Paul A. Rensch, and C. Rollin Smith. offerîng will lie received..1 "Renaking Our World" is the subjeet The Woinan's Home Missi<nary soci- of the fifth in a series o! sermnons wh ich Each Sunday lirings ne%-,- orshippers ety will niieet Thursday, Novemiier 15, in the Rev. Mi-. Hindley is îîreaching on to our services. IVe are hapîpy to see the Wonian',; roomn. 1evotions will liC "Maiking FulI Use o! Our Religion," at that more and more peopîle are realiziiig led liy Mrs. J. C. Martin. 'Mrs. F. Devey the il o'cloek Service next Sunday morn- the necessity of spending an hour ln Anderson will lie the' guest soloist and 111g. The service wvîll lie approliri.ate t.) God's house each Sabbath day.. We in- Mrs. DanielV Stecker will address the' Armistice day. vite y ou to wors'hip wth us. meeting. Ail women of the church are urged to be present. Tuhe musical programi for- this Serv-ice W ilmette BaptistTe annual -Christmas Fair,"Ilspon- 1forlows: es 'Wiliette aînd Forest av enues st,îed i>y the onai's Aid society, ivill Anhe :"lessý. the Lord"- 11e.. George D. Allu'son, mninister b i>t h-ld l)eceiiber 5. 6, and 7. iPltIfvaof 1 Qulartet: "Fiérce Was the Wild Billow" This evening (Thursday) the Religious The* Sund-ay Evenîng club is held e«(hI 1 T. Tertius- Noble Education eonmnittee ivill nîcet at the Suiiday eveni'ig lit 7 :30 o'clock in the! Postlude : 11ymn o! Glory". Pietro Yon honme of Frank Guthri ,dge, 917 Green- ('ouîgregation;ul chuîrch. TIhle 'uly [)dite to the Amierîcan Legion) wvood avenue. At the churceh, there wiill ines" illi preseuît the lîr<grani this lie the rege!ar choir rehearsals and the Tudyhvnng e .W'onan's guild, of wvhich Mrs. W. meeting of the Sela Scout troop.fob A. Richardson of 1233 Lake avenue is the 1 Tfue following Scout troops fo oy îresident, meets Friday,, November 9, Tomnorrow (Friday) there wilîlibe hield and girls are sponsored liy this church: 1 ith luncheon at 1 o'clock, which will lie the Novenîber luncheon of the Woman's Girl Scout Troop 1-Tliursday evenings, served liy' the Northwest circle. The society,, with devotional address. Dr. at 7:15 (high sehool and college girls)., speaker o! the -afternoon will lie Miss Allison will speak on "1MoutMain *Peaks Girl Scout Troop 2-Thursdays tt Elizabeth. Webster, formerly a director ln the Book of Psalms." Mrs. Gruha i I :45 1,. ni. of!:voung lieople's work in this city. ivili preside and Mrs. H. A. Bush wil il Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays :It There ivili also lie a soloist fromn the sing. 3.:45 p. nim. Church o! the Cood Shepherd. During Brownie Pack 1 (girls -Î, S, and !o- the day a bakery sale will lie conducted Snay. Armistice day, will lie oli- Wédnesdays at 3 :30 p.'n. wheNibohdcrce served ini aIl branches of the churcli as a1 day sacred to the cause of international l)eace. This will lie emphasized in the Church sehool departments at 9 :30. At 11, the miorning worshîp will center on the sanie themie, the pastor preaching on "How Can We Help the Cause o! Peace?" The men's chorus will eing, in addition (o the regular choir. On Sunday at 6 1). ni. the high sehool B. Y. P. U. has the themne, "Beating swords into Ploughshares"; at the con- clusion the group will proceed in a body L-) Christ Eîîiscopal Church Hôuse in Winnetka to hear Dr. Robert Frost, the lind astrononier. The Sunset club mieets at 6 :30 ln the rear hall o! the church, Joel Dickerson, president, pre- siding. AIl members are urged to lie on hand and promptly. A Fireside For um wlll lie held at thé parsonage Sunday evening at 7:30, at which time results o! the eight previous forums will lie considered and f urther plans developed. On Tuesday, Novem- ber 13, the trustees hold their regular meeting. Wednesday at 6 :30 will lie the time o! the third Fellowship dinner In the Church hall, at which time Dr. Ray- mond Bragg wvll tell o! his recent visît to Germany. Metlzodist Church The Reverend Amos Thornburg, minister The mlnlster's sernmon theme for the il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning wlll lie: "Dlsillusionment and the Gospel.", The music for Sunday nîorning les as follows: Organ prelude- "'Festival Prelude" ......... Fauîkes "Chorale and Andante" (V Sonata)- Mendelssohin Miss Marie Briel Introit: "Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord" .... ..Mendelssohn Anthem by the -choir:,.'4O Tasteand See", ........................... Goss Offertory solo: "If with Al Vour Hearts', ................ Mendelssohn Mr. Morris White Organ postlude: "Finale" (V Sonata)- Mendelssohn The Church school meets each Sunday inorning at 9 :30 o'clock. There are .-c~ for ahl ages frou the nursery to B3oy Scout 'rrooîi 3-Thursday, at 7:30 P. m St. A ugustine's Sunday, November 11, wilIli e the twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity. There ivill lie Holy Communion at 8 a. ni., (ihurcli sehool and Bible classes at 9 :45, and morning prayer with sermon at il o'clock. The Churcli club of the diocese of C'h!- oago is holding a pîost general conven- tion dinner Thursday, November 15, at 6 :30 at the Hotel Sherman for the men and women of the diocese. Tables are reserved for the parishes of the diocese. The rector has tickets. Please apply to himn for them. The Associated Guilds will meet today (Thursday) in the parish house at 10:20 a. m., with luncheon at 12:30 and busi- ness meeting at 2. Al members should attend. The vestry of the church will meet SundaY, November 11j in the -rector's office at 3:15. The members of the South circle of the Assoclated Guilds held a very succesul luncheon and card party at the home o! Mrs. H.. H. Lang, 727 Linden avenue. There will be a rally of the men and boys o! the different parishès o! the dio- cese Monday evening, November 12, at AIl Saints church, Ravenswood (Hermit- age and Wilson), with service at 6; sup- per, at 6 :30, and address' at 7 :15 ofi "What an Ordinary Man Can Do for 'Chrst," by Leon C. Palmer of Philadel- ia, general secretaryý of the Brother- hood of 'St. Andrew* in the United States. il. J.- Walworth and George Bersch are In êharge of the delegation from St. Augus- tine's. Cars will leave the churceh about 5:30. Aregional conference for ahl Episcopal church peopîle from Evanston to Wauke-1 gan will be held TPuesday, November 13,, at Christ Church (Winnetka) Parlsh House. The first conference will .ble for women at 3 p. m., addressed by Blshop Jenkins o! Nevada, and Mrs. Morrison o! Indianapolis. This will lie followed by a conference o! north shore .clergy at 4 :30 and a supper for men and women o! the varlous parishes at 6, to lie followed by a mass meeting at 7:30 to lie promptly On Tuesday, November 13, the Cr-es- cent circle will meet at the home of Miss Saillie Vernon, 339 Maple avenue, with luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock. Mrs. F. E. Parry and Mrs. J. C. Baker will lie assist- ing hostesses. On Thursday evenlng, November 15, there wil libe a dinner at the church, which wilIlibe served liy the North Endl circle, with Mrs. B. P. Owens as chair- nian. The Young People's group meets at 5 :30 on Sunday evenings under the lead- ership o! Francis Hayes. Open to aIl of high school age. Mee ting at 5 :30 p. in. Refreshments and social at 6 :30 p. ni. The Junior'Camp Fire Girls meet on, Tuesday at 4:15 p. m. Scout troop No. 1 rmeets on Tuesday nt 7 :30 P. M. Scout troop No. 2 meets on WIednes'lay at .7:30 P. m. Girls' choir r-iearsal at 3 :30 1). m. Thursday. Boys' choir rehearsal at 4 p. ni'. Thurs- day. Senior choir rehearsal at 7:15 p. ï.- Thursday. Girls' choir rehearsal at 10.:30 a. ir. Saturday. Boys' choir rehearsal at 11 a. m. Satur- day. Cub Pack 63 at 9 :30 a. m. Saturday. Brownies (Junior Girl Scouts> meet.on Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. Kenilwortk Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr., Wlllett's subject for Sunday, November il, will lie:* "WIll the H-ome Endure" The churchi service is at il o'clock. The Women's guild will meet' Monday niorning, November 12, at 10 o'clock. The work of the guIld la for the beriefit cf good causes In which the women of the church and the community are Inter- ested. AIl women of Kenllworth not oth- erwise engaged on Mondays are cordlally invited to come In for as much time as they can spend in this good work. The Surjday achool will meet at 9 :45. There are classes for children between the ages cf kindergarten and the high sehool. Visitors are welcome. WIIMETTE LIPE~ 1