v~,.mlw i IOM WILMETTB LIFE 5. 'I Family Dayà at Churches Here Sunday Nov-. 4 (Conitinued frorn page 1) ious at-mosphere and attitude which will continue "«from generation to generation" is necessary if the press- ing life problems of today are to be solved f rom a Christian viewpoint. Christian homes do not just "hap- pen'"; they are the result of conscious purpose on tbe part of tbe members of the family, cbiefly the parents. And worsbip on the Sabbatb in tbe church, as a family unit, goes far toward fos- tering that purpose. Let us get the inspiration for that wortby ideal by regularity at cburch worsbip. "Corne to Church"-Appeal The churches and pastors are bop- ing for, and expecting, a large resuit f rom this empbasis Sunday. What an inspiring sight it will be to see whole families present onle hundred per cent at churcb. Filled churches are wbolly in keeping with Xilmette's cultural traditions and standards. Tbe ideal- ism of this village is expressed not only in beautiful homes and surround- ings. first class schools, dlean poli- tics, well ordered business, elite club life. and civic pride; it is, also ex- pressed in religious, worsbip and at- mosphere, in Christian living and service. Corne to church Sunda- and every Sunday! "0 sii-weter tht nthe ,narriaqe-feast. "ris sztweeter far ta me, To twalk together to the kirk. WVith a qoodly companyf To iculk together lethe tit kk. .-lnd ail toqether.pray. Wi;hile each to his qrcat Pather bends, OId nu'», .and babes. and Ioving frie»,ds. .-Ind v-orith and miaideits gav.!" To Open Woman's Shop Wednesday, November 7 Mrs. Harriet Sbipp, formerly of 1226 Maple avenue, will open a wo- man 's shop on Wednesday, Novem- ler 7. at 428 Linden avenue, featuring women's knitted suits and dresses, wornen's bose, lingerie, and person'dl and Christmas greeting cards. Wed- nesday, the opening day. an expert on1 custom made sportswear will demonstrate the knitting of suit, and dresses. Saturday, Novetuher 10. one of the leading manufacturers of~ wonien's fine coats is to he at the shop. it is announced. IHONOR MEMORYI Menbers of St. Johns. Lut heran church titis uwek established a me- morid fund commemorating the more thon twenty years of service to the churcit. given by te lote Rev. Herman W. Meyer, the first onniversary of wkose deatit u411 be observcd Tuesday, November 6. The memorial f und will be devoted to the installation of a stained glass window over tbe altar in the churcb following a design incorporating ideas proposed by the Rev. Mr. Meyer. The design is now on exhibition at the churcb. Edward W. Aschbacher bas been appointed treasurer of the memori- ai f und. The Rev. Mr. Meyer became.pastor of- St. John's cburch April 13, 1913, and served continuousiy until his deatb No- vember 6, 1933. An outstanding. achieve- ment of bis ministry was tbe erection of the present church edifice at Park and Wilmette avenues. Fin e Autumn Weather Aids Abatement Work The North Shore, Mosquito Abate- ment district is taking advantage of the splendid faîl weatber to further its work of digging new ditches and opening up _old' drainage courses. Superintendent A. H. Meier says be expects to continue this work tbroughout the winter, whenever weather permits. At present be bas two groups of. Emergency Relief workers, fifty in each group, engaged in, thi.s work. One group is working 111IWOtilGILaSCUTS- -- of- a short-- KENILWOTH GIRLSCOUTS in the west part o WiInmette,ashr Peggy Marsb, scribe for Troop No. distance east of the Skokie Valley 3 of the Kenilworth Girl Scouts, route between Wilmette avenue and makes the following report on the Glenview road, andý the other force meeting of the- troop last week: is working aiogHp oa ùtes Some of the girls went to the little o Hibbard ogHp oa utes bouse (the former residence soutb of o the 'joseph Sears school now used ISALOLBRE TBN for school. purposes) to work for ISALOLBRE TBN their bostess badges. We practiced Work bas just been completed on on introducing people. We then came the installation of a new Hart oil back to our Scout room and practiced burner in tbe Wilmette State ban< signaling. Then we went out and building. The equipment wa$ in- played games. Our meet~n was ad- stalled by Motors Service,:,mc., local journed after that. Hart dealers. A combination you wiII surely b. d.Iigjht.d wiihI1 Iutterscotch, OrangeIte ad Vanulla Regular 60e value (QUART) 45c PEACOCK*'" ICE CREAN WiImelt. 4120 413 Linden Avenue CailiVotera to poils Tuesday, November 6 (Continued from Page 3) -George A. Schwebel (r), Noble J. Puffer Md. FPr County Amsesor-Jaines C. More- land (r), John S. Clark (d). For Members Board of. Appeala - Thomas O. Wallace (r), David L. Shill- lngslaw (r), Fred W.ý Brummel (d), Emrnett Whealan (d). For Sanltary District Trustees-Nor- man J. McILeod (r), John J. Hoellen (r)., John E. Northrup (r), James M. WhalenI (d), George Self (d), Joseph T. Baran (d). For President County Commissioners -George F. Nixon (r), Clayton F. &nilth (d). For County Commissioners, Country Towns-H. WallaÀce Caldwell (r), Wil- liam Bubse (r), George A. Miller (r), William N. Erickson (r), Carl J. Carl- son (r), Frank J. Kasper (d), Daniel P. Bergin (d), Emmett M.%cGrath (d), Homer J. Byrd (d), Walter A. Rooney (d). In the interest of good government, every voter sbould go to the poils and register bis preferences among these candidates. The two "littie ballot" propositions upon whicb the voters of New Trier townsbip will register approval or disapproval are tbe $30,000,000 relief bond issue and the proposai to cali a constitutional convention for the purpose of revising the state constitu- tion. Tbe polIs will 1)e open from 0> a. M. to 5 P. M. Lutherans to Observe Christian Home Sunday Christian Home Sunday will be ob- served Sunday morning,. Novemnber 4, in the Wilmette Englisb Lutheran cburch, Seventb street at Greenleaf avenue, .tbe Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor, at il o'clock. The pas tor's sermon topic will be, "The Home in INazareth."~ HALLOWE'EN PARTY Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Blessing, 1424 Maple avenue, entertained. twelveý guests at a Hallowe'en party Sunday with dancing and games in the rec- reation room. i Fi nqer E "JPowder Wavincq blending Beauty Clturmnalifs Branches 18m37 CENTRAL AVE RETruRNs Virtou sOuTH Mrs., Herbert. Mesick, 331 Essex road, Kenilworth, returned Friday from Gulfport, Miss., where she was called",by the illness of her daughter, Marion,, who is, freshman. at Gulf Park Junior college. Marion had. a slight attack of pneumonîa whîch followed the flu, but has entirely re- covered and is back. at her studies. Mrs. Helen Forester of Evanston. accompaiied Mrs. Mesick. Augustus W. Bennet of Newb urgh, N. Y., was the guest last week of bis sister and family, the junior John Nuveens of 520 Warwick road, Kenil- wortb. Mr. andl Mrs. Harold Lynch, 1241 Greenwood avenue, will motor to Columbus, Ohio, to play in a golf tournament and spend the week-end. e . i M01TORS SERVICE, Everything for Automobiles Winter and YOUR CAR It may become necessary to have your car serviced for winter at some very in- convenient time. Why flot do it now, at your leisure? Service your car $ l $.5 for Irestone ...... te No Service Charge on tihe following Prestone, per gallon. .$2.95 Super Alcohol, per (IL.. .25c Winter Gear Grease, per lb .............. 30c 721 MAIN. STREET Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 DORROW TOUR WIT OUT 0OrDDBT Sonscontradictory but has worked for the millions who use the Household Loan Plan. Loans, $30 to $300-only signets are husband and wifer py in monthly instaUlments to fit income-chagslg ured only on balance due and for number of ýdays beteen payments-first payment is flot due fo thirtydays-quick, courteous, private service. Visit, write or 'phone the offices of 'Yoer Docr of Faauily Fàma 2ad FI., 1737 Howar.d St. 14th FI., 15W. Madimu. Wet of"66L99, Chîcag Chicago Phonos Greleaf 2550 Phns rnkl 03 WILMETTE LIFE November 1- 1934