to the. Illi.ois Northwestern Game How to Win'a, Ticket lu each advertisement on hii. page are the naiÉe of twe school. whose football teains meet Saturday. Try te gnus the total pointa that will b. ucored in these 10 ganes- JUST ONE FIGURE is.wanted repreuenting the total of ail the pointesesored'by the 20 teains in the, 10 gaines. Each of the first diree persons who brings or -sonds te, WILMETTE LIFE office correct ansWers (or the nearest. Correct) wil b. given a resered seat ticket te the Illinois.Northwestern gaine. Meet at JEFF'S for BOWLING. Bring thee Ugfrl friend" liere for auevening of recreation. Home Cooked Food plate Lunches, Sandwiches, etc. Jefferson Grill Wilnmette Bowling AR.7. BIROWN BLDG. open Sundays 1159 Wilmette Ave.' WiL 582 1. Purdue Ys. Chcago Wuàim r~Lipsoffice (er bu poiruarked) bofe et. sees. S.turday, Neveu. ber 3rd., Cewnt a»mt e>uut. am- p4m of etWuorru Lim -'E-____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ I THE BOULEVARD DRUG STORE Louis A. Ellisburg, R.Ph.G. 1101 Central Av énu. Phone WiIm.1t. 4298 IndependentHy Owned Prices as Low as Chain Stores Goods Guauamfeed Telephone orders handled .xpediently Without. any charge. which is only a small part of our v.ry efficient service. The. homerake a tmos phere wiII make you WANT to trade at The Bolevard Drug Store for ail your drug needs, and our guarante. s that w. can save you money. 2. Wisonsin vs. Nortliwestern PI I TIME OUT! Take fime outftoday to change to W inter Grease and 011 Prestone - Alcohol Hils Service Station' 421 Main St Wilmete 144 4. Iowa vs. Indiana R Cali us for Qukck, Expert Service on'any Radio. Latest testing equip- ment, W. are members of Radio Manufacturers Service--Your Guar- antee cf Satisfaction. PHONE, WILMETE 81 WM. Go BEYRER ELECTIrtC & RADIO SHOP A uthorized Philco and R CA Victor Dealer 1131 Centril Ave. Wi1mette 81 6. U. C. L. Ae vs. Stanford AMERICAPS FASTEST SELLING CAR AUTHORIZED DEALER ACE MOTOR SAI!ES A. C. LYNCH, President Sales-Service Parts 435 Main« Street Wihmette 535 7. ichigan vs. innesota s LAST WEEK that we are foffeing a Permanent Wave a* $5.00 Pheu fer A»e,*iw nt Tf 1ed.y! ALBRICHT Beauty Shop 1167 Wihn.tte Av. PliS.. wikntt4517 30 Army vs. Mli"oi Your Fur Coat CI.aned. and Glaied the Fur- rier's way. No.$ napktha us. ..... Cleaned-Glazd-Relined- including ining.$0 Up from ....... SHAWNEE TAILORS Clamers and Farriers 521 Fourth St. WiImotte 1907 5.Dartmouth vs. Yale Bing Your Car te Us Todlay for COMPLETE WINTER SERVICE LUBRICATION, INSPECTION anci.CHECK-UP MOTOR TUNE-UP or, SUPER VALVE GRIND Us* Ev.r.ady Preston* Pieuse .use Rear Eut rance trou alley by Shorellue Cleaners CULLISON MOTOR 725:Main St. WiI. 266 8. Pninceton vs. Harvard .Wisconsinvs. Northwestern DYCHE STADIUM 1Nov. lO-Illinois $20715 Nov. 17-Notre Dame ..75 -Saturday, Nov. 3 TICKETS NOW ON SALE - .$2.75 IN: EVANSTON Chandler's Tommy Airth's University Ticket Office IN CHICAGO A. G. Spalding & Brou., 211 So. State St.' Daily News Service Bureau, 9'W. Madison St. Carson Pirie Scott,,Men's Store Marshall Field & Company, Men'. Store Order Tickets Now for Reuuaining Home Gaunes Address orders to Max Hayford, Ticket Manager, 619 Clark Street, Evanston 9.Notre Dame vs. Plttsurg NOVEMBER 1, 1934 GREenleaf 0007 1.Oregon State vs. Washingon