Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1934, p. 61

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November 1, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE r ~ti a. SneI Q itsG.O, P. P ost, Stirring U> Some Real Interest Political news of especial interest to New Trier township broke Friday of last week when an1 exchange of letters' between Harold W. Snell, republican conimitteem an for- the sixth precinct, Winnetka, and WVil- lianm H. Weber, chairman of the Cook couîity republican central committee, were made public. In a letter sizzling with denuncia- tnon and criticism of the leaders of the republican county organization and Mr. Weber and WVilliam Busse in particular, '-\r. Snell submitted his resignation as a member of the county central comimittee. An excerpt f rom bis letter follovs: Awaited Puring -This action (bis resignation) on miy part is the result of my conviction that thiere is no hope for the people or for the republican party ini the Republican counity central conmittee as at present constituted. Almost yearly for a l -ong timie we have been assured that the party organization mwould purge îtself of thiose inen who have broughit discredit upon it, but nione of these promises has ever been kept. The samne familiar faces sit arotind the table ani deal the stacke(l cards. -At a tinie that it is apparent to al that newv and virile leadership, capabler of (isinterested and patrîotic thoughits andl actions for the public good, is iiececsar%-, the organization responds bv offering the doddering. leadership of William H. Weber and WVilliam Busse, mnen who, with theirnies their cousins and thieir aunts, have (lepende(1 upon the public payroil for a living 'loiier than the iinid of man, runneth i ot to the coîtrarv.' Asso- ciated with thiese men are oithers wvho, likeivise. sec the gaine of politics as somnething to l)C plaved %ith soiled car(ls for personal profit. Cali Snell In Error In its reply, signed by' Chairmnan XX cer. the central conimittee directed Mir. Snell's attention to his error in resigning from the conimittee inistead of f rom the office of coiniitteeinan of the Sixth precinct, stating tlîat the central commttee was created solely for convenience, and has no legal status. However, the coninittee took a great deal of pleasure, the letter stated, in interpreting the letter as a resignatien as cemmitteemnan, and had premptly accepted it, effective imi- mnediately. Dipping bis penuiin vitriol thle chairinan wrote: "Sitice vou consulted with Secretary lckes about your resignatien . . .. wiil you please advise himi that it is highly desirable for the welfare of the Republican organization that he also order the resignation of anotber pre- Cinct ýcemmitteeman . . . . Xilmartli lckes. from the Eighth precinict of N\ew Trier . .Xe are urging that lie complete the job and witidraw .bis son from the party.' WeIcôo MResignation "\Ve do this with the saine thought %vith wlv1ich wve welconie your ownl resignation. \\T welcome the remnoval of aIl the Ickes influence from our or- ganizatien ith relief. l)ecause its presence iin our raiks . ... bas been a constant source of enibarrassuient.. XVe do not consider Mr. Ickes, any member of bis.family or any of.his political subordinates 9 a member o.f the Republican party." Attention was aiso directed by the letter to Mr. Snell's goverflmeîit jolb. He is general freigbt and passenger agent for the Alaska railroad, oper- ated by the. Departrnt of tbe ForardWith' .1ROS.E.VELT and RECOVERYI. Vote the Straight 0 Democratic Tcket ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th> L owe r Taxes-Econ om i*ccd Go ve mm nt! The resuit of Democratic economy has been, an estimated FORTY PER CENT reduction in Cook Countfy taxes. Cost of county government bas been de- creased 49.9 per cent! Cost of state government bas been decreased fiffeen per cent, the first REDUCTION since the World War. The General Assembly. under Gov. Horner, cut $20000,000 from state appropria- tions, and the departments under the governor sed$3,000,000 in addition. Outstanding in the long list of brilliant con- tributions to public welfare made in Chicago, Cook County and Illinois since 1932, when the Roosevelt landslide swept out of office the muddling incompetents of the opposte party, is the unparalleled showing of fax reduction and economy made by Democratic officiaIs. DEMOCRATS HAVE NOT ONLY REDEEMED CHICAGO'S GOOD NAME, BUT RESTORED THE CREDIT 0F THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. The most speetacular evidence of this 'accom- plishment - which is the direct resuit of careful economy and sound budgetary planning - was provided in the successful negotiation of the $22,500,000 federal boan for paying teachers' back salaries IN FULL. Not since the great Chicago fire of 1871 (records before this date were burned) has the city w-itnessed a saving of taxpayers' dollars as impressive as that made under Dmocratic city administration. Compared fo the Iast Repub- lican administration, tbe. saving in the COR- PORATE FUND ALONE is $57000,000. The four years of Democratic city administration will bring a saving of $65,000,000 in the cost of government as compared with the previous four years. The party candidates for election November 6 are pledged to reduce taxes "by cutting down the cost of government to the lowest possible figure consistent witb bonest and efficient pub- lic service." VOTE TO C ON T IN UE HONEST, CONSCIENTIOUSE ABLE, ECONOMICAL CONDUCT 0F PUBLIC AFFAIRS! Elect-"These DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR STATE TREASURER FOR COUNTY JUDO£ 0F THE MEMBER 0F THE BOARD 0F JOHN STELLE COUNTY 0F COOK AAPEL EDMUND K. JARECKI EMMETT WHEALAN FOR SUPERINTENDENT 0F RF 0OF THE COUNTY 0F COOK FRED W. BR'JMMEL PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ONOAFO rurE FTH NIR' JOHOT MANFA.TUSEEW0ETHLANDAR JOH A.WIEANDJUDGE 0F THE PROBATE COURT DISTRICT 0F CHICAGO CONGRESSMAN AT LARGE 0F THE COUNTY 0F COOK JAMES M. WHALEN MICHAEL L. IGOE JOHN F. O'CONNELL JOSEPH T. BARAN MARTIN A. BREN NAN CLER K 0F THÉ PROBATE COURT GEORGE SEIF FOR UNIVERSITY 0F 0F THE COUNTY 0F COOKPRSENOFTEBADF ILLINOIS TRUSTEES., MITCHELL C. ROBIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MRS. GLENN E. PLUMB CLERK 0F THE CRIMINAL COURT CLAYTON F. SMITH HAROLD POGUE 0F THE COUNTY 0F COOK FOR Co .UNTY COMMIBtIONERU 0F OSCAR G. MAYER THOMAS J. BOWLER COOK COUNTY OUTUIDE 0F THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 0F CITY OIF CHICAGO FOR TREAksURER 0OF THE SCHOOLS 0F THÉ COUNTY FRANK J. KASPER COU NTY 0F COOK OIOKEMY CRT ROBERT M. SWEITZER 0F'COBL JK UF NOBLEJ. PFFERHOMER J. BYRD FOR COUNTY CLERK COUNTiY ASSESSOR DANIEL P. BERGIN kIAltJAFL J FLYNN JOHN S. CLARK WALTER A. ROONEY FIRST DISTRICT ARTHUR W. MITCI- SIECOND DISTRI CT RAYMOND S. MCKI THIRD DISTRICT EDWARD A.. KELL' FOR REPRESENTATIVES UN, CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT EICHTH DISTRICT IELL HARRY P. BEAM LEO KOCIALKOWSKI FIFTH DISTRICT NINTH DISTRICT ýEOUGH A. J. SABATH JAMES McANDREWS SIXTH DISTRICT TENTH DISTRICT Y THOMAS J. OBRIEN DAVID B. MALONEY SEVIENTH DISTRICT .LEONARD W. SCHUETZ November 1, 193.4' .WILMEtTE. Lir-E

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