Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1934, p. 48

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WIMRTEL40 ovmbr , 93 Flower Cuild Still Conveys Message of Cheer The Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild, when in session last week, decîded to concen- trate ail of its holiday efforts to Christmas giving this season, in- stead of dividing it with Thanks- giving donations, as had been planned originally, according to Mrs. Charles Van Deursen of 1101 Forest avenue, Wilmette, chairman for the Milwaukee division of the guild. Ilirougli its own members, and its cooperating. channels, garden clubs, and the public at large, its purpose is to make scrap books, to coilect jellies, and little gifts to spread the spirit of Christmas into homes and liospital wards, and other charitable institu- tions, wliere there is illness among the underprivileged. To ail of its friends' the guild makes its appeal. Mrs. Van Deursen, whose phone is Wilmette 2440, will give further in- formation about tlie Guild's Christ- mas plans,. With a little story, Mrs. Van Deursen reveals only one instance of the 'happiness and appreciation just ordinary plants from someone's gar- den can bring. Whule accompanying a visiting nurse just récently, Mrs. Van Deursen, called upon "Pa and Ma," an inter- esting and deliglitful couple in the eighties, on the relief rolîs for some time. "Ma" is crippled and lias been bedridden, but is now able to go about on crutches. Visiting nurses, wlienever possible, have been taking plants to lier because she "lias a way witli flowers." Her callers discovered that she has nurtured every flower-, ing plant sent in from ,some garden until it went to seed, keeping the seeds and putting tliem* in tiny bags, eacli labelled, and put away until the time "When, Pa and I have tlie tiny house we have always dreamed of having, we will plant the seeds in our friendship garden." Entertains Mies. Thomas L. D. Hall, 1008 Greenleaf avenue, was hostess at a sliower and bridge Monday afternoon for about sixteen guestý in lionor- of Mrs. Lyle R. Howard of Wilmette. Birthday Party Betty Blom, little dauglter of the Wesley Bloms of 320 Leicester road, Kenilwortli, entertained a' group of small friends 'Saturday in lionor of her eigitl i brtliday. Mary Katherine Dunningham of 156 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortli was hostess at a Hallowe'en party Tues- day evening. Aids With Lectures MArs. Reed Whitney of Shawnee Coutry club is president of tihe North Shore Aiimiae association of Kapp>a Kappa Gawnmma, which is srponsoring a series of three lectures by- DiidieY Cra fis Watson. His ne.rt, eni tiled "ICoior-Mvood and- Eniotion-in Four -Rooi," iil be gi7eIi .\oenier 6, aitihe chapter houtse. November Debutante- .iisMary Macdonald zwiii inake lier debui Priday evening, November 30,.at a dinner dance to be given at Indian HI club'by her parents, Mr. anîd Mrs. George, A. Macdoîialà of 830' Mi. Pleasant road, Winietka. Mliss Ma.cdonald went Io school ini Canada,zwhe re her fainilv formnerl 'i iived, auîd was gradisated year bef are last at the Mary C. Wheeler school ini Providence, R. I. 'Herriot Garner Bride of Robert J. Criddle. Jr. The fireplace at Shawnee Country club was banked with autumn leaves, and white and yellow chrysanthe- munis and ferns and palms were th e lrincipal decorations, Friday night, October' 26, when Miss Harriet Diana Garner, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. I-arry J. Garner of 100 Woodbinie avenue, Wilmette, became the bride of Robert James Criddle, Jr., son of Mr. and MNrs. Robert J. Criddle of Freeport.. 111. The Rev. L.. Ward Brigham of St. Paul's churcli on the Midway of- ficiated. Miss Gariers gown wvas fashioned of wvhite velvet xith a train. On hier liea(l sle wore a tulle cap with orange lossonis. froin which extended a tulle ve-il. She carrie<l a shower bouquet of white roses aînd lhues of the valley surrounding a corsage bouquet of gar- (lenias which she wore later with hier traveling costume. M liss Elizabeth Garner, as lier sis- ters iiai(l of honor, was ini green chif- foni velvet with a short train. Rusi pompon chrysanthemums were her flowers. The bridesrnaids, Mrs. F. G.' Roberts, Jr., of Evanston, Mrs. F~. P. Knatiff of Freeport, a sister of the bridegroom, Miss Helen Driver of Waukegan and Miss Virginiia Krug- manî of Chicago, were dressed iii l)rown chiffon velvet, and carried pomn- pon chrysanthemums ini autumii hues. Mrs. Garner. wore llue velvet trinmed with silver metal cloth an(l a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Criddle was in purpie velvet with a corsage of. lavender orchids. TIhe bridai table %vas decorated witlh the large wedding cake and glass vases holding white roses and poni. p oliIs. Overnighit guests of thre Garners were Mrs. ]-'. P. Knauff, and Mrs. Hl. T_ Pillinger of W'hitewatér, Ml\ichi.. thre latter acting as mnistress of cere- muon ie s. After thieir hioneymoon, a mnotor trip around 1Lake Michigan goiîîg South to WXisconsinr, the biride and bride- grooni wvill be at.home ini Evanston. Berthîa Burrili's Play to Be Read Over Radio "Richi Mani, Poor Mani," from thir pen of Bertha Y. Burrill of Wil mette, will, be read over the radio Monday afternoon,. November 5, at 4:30 o'clock, by Ethel Swift Rogers of the faculty. of the school of speech of Northwestern university.. The pro- ,grami will be broadcast, from WCFL. [t lihas been arranged. by Mrs. john B., Boddie, radio 1clairman of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Womeni's. Clubs, under auspices of the State federation. Enlertain Before Dance Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Clark and Mr. and Mrs. John Denson of Win- netka entertained ifty-four guests Friday preceding the Hallowe'en din- ner dance at the Kenilworth club, at the Clark home, 711 Kent road. CatIiolic'League to Hear Lecture, Have Card Party Third in the series of fali lec- tures sponsored by the North Shore Catholie Womnan's league wîil l)e one entitled "Catholic Tendencies . in Modern Litera- ture." Trhis is to be given at 10:30 Tuesday morning,. No- vember 6, at the home of Mrs. John A. Clark,, 296 Prospect avenue, Highland Park. Jamies J. Young, atithor of Irish plavs and books, and professor of Englishi, xvi l) e the speaker. The league will liold a Mass for de- ceased members, at 8 o'clock Monday morn.ing at Sacred Hleart church, Hubbard Woods. The leagues phlanthropy depart- ment, under Mrs. Percival W. Tru- deau of 'Glencoe, has several import-. ant projects under wvay. Thursday of this. week it is holding a ruînmage sale in Evanston. At -their recent meeting, the members of tlic depart- mnent madle tarlatan stockiîîgs. to be distributed to the menibers of the league at their meeting November 13. The wornen will fill the stockings and take them back at thre December meeting, to be giveir to poor chîldren at Christmas time. Lairgest of the current projects of the depaèr tment is its phiilanthropy card party, to be held December 5. 'at. the Georgian hotel, . Eanisto. .Heads PIilantkhropy Toloff Photo Airs. Percivai W. Trudeauof 254. Scott avenue, Gleitcoe, heads the phiianthropy deparimeiit of the North Shore Caf holic Woman!s leagne, wkicl is bîîsy wvith uian.y pro jecis, including the adpr at the Georgian on December 5. aictîvies <nSocial iC les BU JEAN BWBRc -L - - ý- 1, 1934, WILME TTE LIFR

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