News o!th oth Sho re Clubs Reciprocity Day for Woman's Club Chinese Actressi Dr. Fred Millet+, and Mrs. Richard McClure on Program Novemnber 7 R'eciprocityday, the occasion each member club of the Telith district federation chooscs as the t rnie when the presidents of other member clubs are invited to be guests at a meeting and progràm, will be observed Wed- nesday, November 7, at the Woman's Club of Wilmette. Dr. Fred B. Millett, critic, lecturer, editor;.Mrs. Richard McClure; and Rose Quong, Chinese ac- tress and diseuse, in a costume recital, will provide the pro- gram. Art will have its place. too, for the first exhibition, a collection from the Gairing studio in Evanstoni, %vill be opened iii the smnall auditorium at 4 o'clock, with tea. Dr. MilIett, at 10:30 o'clock, will comment uipon "Conteniporary Amien- can Novelists,", at this, his- first in a senies of four morning lectures given under the auspices of the literature department. The next three- occur Mondays at 10 o'clock, November 12, 19j and 26. Dr. MilIett, a niember o' th:e facultv of the University of Ci.1qcago, lias -a wide experience as a public lecturer, both on the platforrn and over the radio, winning prais'-- for the charin of his manner, Ibis thorouigh mastery of his subject, and lus presentation of it in a scholarlv. vet, ini the trite sense, popular manner," for his tact. and bis sincenity. Dr. MilIett was born iii Mfassacin- setts of two old Ne%%. England fami- lies. After being graduated from Arn- herst, lie received his Ph. D. degrce from the University of Chicago. Since 1927 lie bas contributed a monthlv critical essay to the University 0of Chicago magazine. At noon Mrs. McClure. chairman of the motion picture committcc of the General Federation of W omen 's Clubs. will speak, ber Subject being "Arabian. Nights of the Machine Age." "The Culture, Wit, and Wisdoni of China,' original character sketches. *Ill he depicted iii costume by. Roe Quong, after the 1 o'clock luncheon. Born in Australia, the daughter of Chinese parents, lier- early life mis spent primarily ini Australia, although' sbe made a visit to China during, her chilIdbood(. Slie has devoted heer life to a study of Chiiiese art, literature, and legenids.. Having established a splendid reputation as an actress in Melbourne, she ent to London wbere she, ;vas soon triumphant ini Basil Dean's production, "The Circie of Chalk." It was following lier sen-, sational success in this play that Ifiss Quong began to make lier solo ap- pearances in "China-A Dramatic Presentation." An extensive tour wbîch took Miss Quong before sixty- five most distinguished audiences through England, Scotland, and Ire- land, in a period of ninety davs, estab- "Chinese Lady'of Genius" fo Be Here Rose Quong. datighter of Chinese parents. t1oill bring hler solo presenta- tîoyt "China-A Drainatîc Presentation ,- tb bbc Womian's Cliii' of fi ilint'tte next Wedntesdax' afternoon at 2. A distiliti.slîd actress. she brinys the essence of China Ilirougli anediunî uinique/ i-'ý er ouw. P'ace. -w v. cstasy., coiined.%, traqedY, satire, philosoph-v. and ïwisdoin-all are~ said bo find voiree in hler prograni. Tea Honors Motiiers of Pi Phi Pledges 'l'lie Pi Beta Phi Mothers associal- tion hieldI a tea ini the chapter house ini Evaiîstoin Thursday afternoon hast week. The mothers of the pledg-c class were special guests. M rs. Alfred E. Gîbson of Clevelanid Heights, the mother of a pledge, gave an informai talk on the sororit-v's settlement school at Gatlinburg. Ternii. Nirs. Gibson is a Pi Beta Phi anîd a mnember of the board of the settlement school. lished a, record of popularity seidc'i achieved. "Rose Quong expresses with auit r- resistible. poiver the spirit of a great race; lier cnitics déclare. "lit ber coin- pact presentation. she conveys more about China than a shelf of books on thé subject 1. Inheritance, observation, anda rare gift of expression coiinclý to make bier 'China' a masterpiece (if art." "L.ike a magnificent concert pianist recreating the work of Beeth- oven, so Rose Quong, using lier voice and body as lier instrumen t, recre- ates the vast drama of 'China." lit England and in America she lias deliglbted crowded bouses, interpret- ing China, so her critics stress, as only a great actress can. "She carnies ber audience with ber by the pow~er of the word and the artistry of ber acting. She can create an imaginary character on the stage as briliantly as Miss Ruth Draper," writes the Loti- don Evening News. Home and Club, Theme of Fine Arts Program 'l'le* fine arts department of the WVoman's Cathohic Club of Wilmette, uvitliNfrs. George Beaudin as chair- manl, lias, arranged a delightful pro- gram for the club meeting of Novem- ber 9. "Hoiv a Wornan's Club Should Be Run." is the name of the clever littie sketch to be given by the parliamen- tary procedure class under the direc- tion of MNrs. Thieodore Barrett, civics, chairman. Selections pertaining. to "Home" and "Mother"- will be sung by Mrs Franik Kave. Mfrs. Harrv Sherwin.- literature cliairman, has arranged, a symposium, "Mothers iii Modemi Fiction." The inother iin each of the following nov- els Nwill lie characterized: "A Lan- tern in Her'Hanid"-Aldrich, by Mrý. George Beaudin; "Ail Passion Spent" -Sackville-Wffest, by Mrs. John Tay- lor:ý "Mothe anýd Four"-Isab)el Wilder, by Mrs. Frederic k Clarke. Hostesses for the afternoon ar. MJrs. :Louis Reich. Nrs. F. Douglass, XVlsî.and Mrs. Russell Flood. Mo'thers' Club Meeting 1The Mothers' club of. St. Joseph's parish w.ill have its. regular monthly meeting on. Friday night, November 2. After the business meeting there wilI be a social which is in charge of *Mrs. N. J. Miller' and Mrs. Frank Ketter. District Clubs in Session November 8 North Shore Woman's Club to Be Hostess at Opening Meeting at Edgewater Beach Hotel On November 8, the Teliti district of thé Illinois Fédéra' tion of Wornen's Clubs wvi1l hold its first, meeting of the year a., gues ts of the North Shore Womnan's club at the Edgewvater Beach hotel. A board meeting will be held at 9 :30. At 10 the mreeting wilî he called to order by Mrs. Herbert V. W,\eed, presideîît. The following pro- gram will be given: Salute to the fiag. 'Ame r i ca Greetings by M,%rs. Burnett Dewey Warner, president of the North Short XVoman's' club. Response-Mrs. Herbert V. Weed. Reports of officers and standing committees; fiftv -word outlines. by department chairmen on the sulîjcct "The Most Significent. Feature ini My Department This Y-ear." Miss Barbara Irwin, speaker on "International Relations, intro(luced by -Mrs. 0. F. Paisley, international relqtions chairman. Roll Cail. Lu n ch eon. Greetinigs-Mrs,. William Franklin, Farrell. Music-Cosmos Club Chiorus-lji- rected I)y Mrs. C. C. M.%aîkemuis. "Personal Responsibility" - Dr. Paul Austin Wolf. Sponsored bx- the American home (lepartment -Ms Xalter B. Metcalf, chairman. Dramatic Reader - Miss Edna Mfeans. Prograin, furnished hv the North Shiore VJoman's club. A djou rn rnnt. Guest of honor Mfr.s. WVillianm Franklinî Farrell, president r>fthe Illi- nois Federation of Xomen's clubs. Nortkrdge Notes The literature department of the Northridge \Voman's club will hold its regular Meeting. Monday, November 5. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Crawford, 2034 Thornwood avenue, at 1 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Freeland Stecker will review "Earth Horizon," by Mary. Austin. Friends and members of the club are cordially invited to attend. 1The next regular meeting of the club wilI be held' Monday- evening, November 12. This will take place at the home of Mrs. A. Ahlstrand, 2109i Kenilworth avenue, and Mrs. Maurice Lieber of Wilmette will talk on cur- rent events, "Aroufid the XVorld in Forty-Five Minutes,." Club Juniors to Meet The Junior> auxiliary of the Wo- man 's Club of Wilmette will hear Mrs. Mitchell Dawson, a member of the Cook County board of *Womnen Voters, talk on "Vital Issues-Coming up in the Election," at its meeting tonight (Thursday). Dinner will be served at 6:45, and Mrs. Dawson will begin ber talk at 8. .November 1, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE