IVU9I NOW Iste.TimetoBy Pre.Christni sSale 'alaet 100 Coloriai Christmas Folders 0 Pers onality With your *Several designi *0 choose from. 0 Comploe.with onvelopes. 0 10%/, discount before November 10. LORD'S-Pirsçt Ploor Broadcloth SHIRTS MONOGRAMMED at No Additional Cost 3 FOR $4.75 Heres your chance to gel personalized shirts at an exceptionally low price for such high quaityl They are wel-tailored of superior broad». cloth, with a handsome two or three-leffer monogram HAND- EMBROIDERED on the left sleeve. White onty in collar-attached and neckband styles. Buy at least three. Buy now for Christmas gifts. LORD'S Store for Meni-Firsi Ploor *..the hats with a future! Tu rba.ns, $3-95 Show your ability for picking Fashions with a long life. by choosinq a turban nowl They look so smart, and thoy' M b. se practical loter on when you wear a large-collar coat. Black and brown. MVillinery-LO RD'S-Second Floor Tweeduroy Oulfit's for Boys JA CKE TS, $4.95 Cossack style jacket witb Talon zipper fasten- ing. 2 slash pockefs. knit cuffs, wool or velour linings. Sîzes 6 to 16 years in gray or brown. A aleKNICKERS, $2.95 Avlewise mothers. know abouti Quality tweed- uroy in gray or brown, lined throughout, bar-tacked pockets. knit cuf s.. Sizes 6 to 16 yelars. $2.95. Boys' Section-LORDS-First Floor Sale! Lounge Chair.s A Wide Selection from Which to Choose $3ý9.7 BUY ON THE BUDGET PLAN Pick out a wing chair, a lounge chair or a .semi-l4ounge chair now for Chrýistmas-g.iving. Pay 25% down and the balance in easy instaliments. A wde choice of. covers. They're values to $49.501 LORD'S 'Thzird Floor of 'Fine Furniture LORDS - - FOUNTAIN SQUARE - - Wilmette 3 700 WILMETTE LIFE. $1065 Very Special Bmlbroggean Pajamas Perfect comfort for sleeping and lounging. On. and, two- piece styles in the dlaintteat of pastel shades.. There ace small, medium and large sizs at fuis very special price. LORD'S-First Floor