Noveniber 1, 1934 WILMETTR LIPE 2.1 Arckitects Lend Support to FHAý Im>rr'eent'Idea The National IHo6uàing Act opens the door to much-needed improve- ments and recovery to the building inidustry, in the'opinion of the coun- try's leading architects as expressed in* letters to James A. Moffett, Fed- eral Housing Adminis trator. They have plecjged their cooperation and in many instances have launched campaigns on their own initiative to stimulate interest in the better bous- inig movement. Aýs expressed by Francis P. Sulli- van, A. 1. A., Washington, D. C. Properties Depreciate "During the past few years flot only bas the construction of new buildings by private capital been al- most entirely suspended but build- ing owners have in great measure postponed or neglected the ordinary repairs, upkeep and betterments which in normal times would have been made almost as a matter of course. -This bas resulted in excessive de- preciation of the properties, a weak- ening of the security of mortgage boans and serious unemployment in the. building trades. Need Moderniziffg "Most owners now realize that! with improving. business conditions the most modern, most competely equipped and most attractive build- ings will be first in demand and wih, be sure of the largest and most im- mediate returnin rentals. -They are accordingly. preparing1 to place their properties in -lrst class condition to take advantage of this prospective market and in many in- stances have only been detered by financing problenis. Practicable Method -The National Housing Act off ers the most practicable method of rem- edying this condition which has yet been proposed. It provides a means of mobilizing private capital for the service where it is most needed, 'en- courages borrowers by the liberal- ity of its terms and protects lenders. It should unquestionably be oi great service in hastening recovery by releasing credits for use in build- ing opérations, and. if intelligent owners of property will proceed without delay to take advantage ot its provisions, with the cooperation of the financial institutions and the administrative authorities the ef- fect should be widespread and bene- ficial." GATEWAY TO PROFITS -Industries engaged in the pro- duction of building materials should find the Hetter Housing program a gateway to a vast trade field- that. neyer has been cultivated- intensive- ly."-R. J. Carroll, President, Ap- palachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. CONTROL BY SWITCHES If wall brackets are controlled by switches, many unnecessary steps, taken to turn themn on and off, are savéd. Each pair should be controlled by the sanie switch. ELIMINATE COOKING ODORS A kitchen ventilating fan wil draw out, cooking odors and grease laden air is drawn out and does flot settle on fabrics and eurtains. NU-MCALKC CALKING COMPOUND 0 Net "cheap" grade. g omipies witb Govef amont specIfli*tIofls Cor of Roof les Important Factojr Who can resist the charm of a yel- low shingle cottage with a roof of weathered gr ay? Or the dignity of a gleaming white1 colonial house set off 4~ a deep green roof ? The color and tone of the roof can makce a house appear striking or commonplace, no matter what the color of tbe walls may be. t is a simple matter to make any well-pro- portioned bouse the most attractive one in a community by choosing a roof tone that harmonizes well with adjacent, bues and effects, whether they appear in the side walls, land- scape or surrounding buildings. Ligbt walls, generally speaking, are at'their best with a dark roof. Dark walls are always more, attrac- tive enlivened by a bright, warm roof. That is wby the glistening wbite walls of a colorful house are beautiful wben emphasized by a dark green roof, gray walls when brigbtened by a red roof, or yellow walls when subdued by a gray of blue-black roof. Brick walls require WISE HOMEOWN ERS WILL FILL THEIR FUEL TANKS NO'W a light, warmi colored roof in' ay shade that harmonizes with the color, of the brick. Wood1 shingles. siding calîs for a roof of weathered natural finish. Except where architectural radi- tion limits the selection -of color and finish or wbere the1 tonies of neigh-. boring buildings may clash, the unique effects which can be had by following the rule "light walls, dark roof-dark, walls, brigbt. roof," 'are almost numberless. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, Kenilworth, enter- tained their dinner bridge club last Monday. 0o Mrs. V. A. Smith, 1309 Chestnut avenue, will be hostess to hier lunch- eon bridge club tomorrow. GAY. NINETIE4.FETE Gracie Tuttie,ý daughter of the R. Ë. Tuttles,. 391 Linden street, Win- neètka,, entertained twenty-five young people at a Gay. Nineties, Party this week. She was assisted by Jean Spanuth of Wilmette;' HAI.LOWE'EN PARTY Léeo, Ir., John, and Jo Ann, chil- dren' of the L. D. McShanes, 556. Earlston ýroad, Kenilwortb, enter- tained at a Hallowe'en . paity last Tuesday. ASSORTED CANDY 2ZPounds ............ $1 - eg. 01. Lb. 744 Elm St, WinnetIa W inn. 679 $80 Cenatrai Ave., Hîglland PI. H. P. 1717 Sure as you're a foot high .. . WINTER* S COMING. And with ifs first gusts will corne the necessity for heat in, the home. There will be -satisfaction in simply stepping to the thermostat and turning on the oil burner. Wise home owners will act now against that time by having their fuel tanks filled. At the same time they wiII save money for low prices on ail grades of fuel oil are now in effect. Cail that reliable source of service.. Murphy-Miles. with storâqe tanks in the heart of the north shore. DONT, WAIT.. PHONE TODAY N ~ ScoUl3I. . Catalog-jest ont.For the flrst tmeOevOItfg volume. Frice.. ....................... ...sà SARIBO and NARIBO Album SectIons for uingles or biocîs-- eomplete, Inclu<ling National Parks, Alrmal, Speclai Bel., etc. C. HAHN for STAMPS! SUITE 10 .545 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA U'. 9. and forelgn stamps and ail philatelle supplies. .ýi IJrrmrr-r. .. here coi ea9 1 MRPHY-MlILES OI1L CO'MPAýNY. Willow Roaid, West of Skokie Blvd.. Winnel'ka (Plant No. 61 Wilmette 900 PHONES Winnetka 855 Executive Offices, 1801 Fullerto n Avenue, Phone Diversey 2700 SIX PLANTS CON VENIENTLY LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO AREA. No 1, 1934 .WILMET-TE LIPE . .23 0