LWU . M 1 - A. -= - -a = M Troop 3 Has JolIy Time With Songs and Games Troop 3 opened its meeting last Thursday with, a jolly song. After discusstng several different matters, we, played two very exciting gamnes. LIIITY LOAN Auto CORPORATION Peraonal Tel. Greenleaf 1863 Fumiture 1569 Sherman Avenue, Evanston lfWDIFFERENTf-FASTrE£ S à% wà%ySAM-ORECONFORTrABLE SNEW YORK 14 ONLY27HOURS RT$. BU S.WABASH H. Fau ed t sevi . Am.kDr o n s PToaieo.Cle elan.Arn 8 Uttaburg, BSto a relet 401 or Urvoef 0. p P T >PoeG TH"6 1- When our games w ere over, Mrs. Heerens gave us each a job,, such as:- review.ing our ' knots, practicing - our signaing and our compass. We then formed a cricle and discussed our. party wihich we intended to have, the next Thursday . We ended our meet- ing with "Taps."-Dorothea Hartwig, scribe. TROOP Il STUDIES At the Troop Il meeting October 23, thetenderfoot< Girl Scouts studied knots, while the second class scouts studied fire-building. Some second class 'Fcouts are coming to the scout room and our captain is going to help them on nature study Saturday morn- ing.-Muriel Burke, scribe. D ot't fail to sec the posters and the display of. Girl Scout equipment and handicraft ini Worthen's window thîs week-Girl Scout XVeek. lAllysyV FAIR Il, I Q A5S SEEN lm Something new! A Pan tie with gar- ters. Two-way stretch, Lastex and silk Pantie that restrains and en- hances your figure. So liglit in weight and pliable it is a joy to wear. $3.00 Will eiot.run. Blush color.- Playabout without garters. for those who roll their. stockings. $9.5 Matchling ba ndeau $1.50 ..... 2 THE EVANSTON STORE. MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANqY. I SURPRISES i]'jPicnic Planned il .l!rs. Frcdcrick IEdcv. fliita- ioui /'residentof flic Girl Scouits, who lias ayrccablyv srirprised tlhe iiortli siiolle h arralngiii(/ ta attenid the field iinstitite to bc hleUWed- iicsdav, Noveniber 7, at the Georg- iaiiliotel iii flvaiistoi. Maiiy other figures of nation al im- portance ini Girl Scout work will take part: 'Mrs. Walter Cavanagh, chair- man of. re gional training and person- nel committee and member of the na- tional board, who is in charge of the field ýinstitute; Miss Margaret Murray, national' secretary of field institutes, wvho will conduct the session, assisted hy ithe following: Menihers of the regional committee- Mrs. William Chester and Mrs. George Morison, of Milwaukee; Mrs. M. C. Gamble, Peoria; Mrs. A. C. Goodnow, Glencoe; Mrs. R. S. Bishop, Royal Oak, Mich. National staff members of the region, who have headquarte rs in.Chi- cago - Miss Ruth Schroeder, Miss Alice Mulkey and Mrs. Katie Lee Johnson. Group round-table discussions wîll be held in addition to the larger general meetings côvering aIl phases of scout- ing, and therefore of interest not only to leaders and council members but also to ail mothers or any friend of scouting. The general subject is: "How a Well- Organized1 Council.Functions.", A nom-. inal fee for the çlay will be charged. The meetings are called f rom 10 in the morning to 12 o'clock noon and f rom 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There is also a luncheon. session which one may attend at a nominal fee. Invite, to "Scouts' Own"p This Sunday Afternoon The "Scouts' Own," an inspira- tional meeting, in no sense sectariani and to.which the public is cordially invited, will be held Sunday, Novem- ber 4, at the St. Francis hall, corner of Ninth street and Linden avenue, at 4:30 o'clock'in the afternoon. This hour was chosen that it might flot conflict with any other regular church services or activities., WILMETTrE; GIRL SCOUTS . News of the, Troo>s for Ail Troops This Saturday Saturday, November 3, Health Day in the Girl Scout Week calendar, will be featured by an all-troop picnic to be held in the forest preserve from 12 o'clock noon to 3 :30 in the afternoon. Every scout who wishes to be in- cluded in1 this gala event must re- member four details:, 1. Every scout must wear warm clothing. You scouts who have wool stockings, wear them; if not, wear two thin pairs. 2. Every scout must have her per- missi *on slip signed and must bring it with her. No scout will be allowed to go who does not have her per-. mission slip. 3. Cars leave each troop meeting place at 12 o'clock noon sharp. Be prompt! 4. Every scout must bring ber own lunch. Upon arriving -at the forest pre- serve, cars stop at the first shelter house. Two. Courses Will Begin Next Week Two courses begin next week. One, a four-week Brownie course, begins Monday afternoon, November 5, f rom 2 to 4 o'clock, in the Girl Scout rooms at the Methodist church. An eight- week Girl Scout leaders' course opens thfat same evening in the Girl Scout rooms from 7 :30 to 9 :30 o'clock. Both these courses are open to anyone interested in becoming a leader or merely in knowing more about the work. Anyone interested in any way is cordially wvelcome. There is no fee. Miss Lillie Mae Humphries, the local Girl Scout director, will give both courses. Anyone who attended one of Miss Humphries' course.s will flot wish to miss these.' Ail Wilmette Brownie Packs Start Meetings Wilmette council announces that ail its Brownie packs are now started. The pack- which meets at the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon is led by. Mrs. Howard Storch, Brown Owl, assisted by Mrs. Martin Wells, Tawny Owl. The pack at the Congregational church also meets Wednesday after- noon and is led by Mrs. Harry Adler, Brown Owl, assisted by Mrs. Ray Treon, Tawny Owl. Mrs. Sprague Chapin is Brown Owl for the pack at St. John's Lutheran church, which> meets Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. John Starrett is Tawny Owl. NEWS HIGHLIGH TS October 8, to November 3-Girl Scout Week.'< Sunday, November 4-8 a.m.-WJZ New York City and Bluenetwork- Girl Scout Pipers in Children's hour. Wednesday, November 7-Mrs. Frederick Edey, national president of Girl Scouts, te attend field institute at Georgian hotel, Evanston. November 1, 1934