Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1934, p. 12

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IZ. ____WILMETTE LITE GUILDS TO MEET MONDAY The five guilds of the Church of the Holy Comforter of Kenilworth wilI hold their fortnightly meeting and luncheon Monday, Nevember 5,L at the homesotc the following mem- bers. Mis. Paul Davis, 255 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, will be hostess to the Anderson guild; Mrs. Carrol ltord, 505 Ridge avenue, Kenil- w orth, to the Whitehouse guild; Mrs. joseph W. Hicks, 72 High street, Winnetka,, to the Bishop Stewart guild; Mrs. Charles B. Moore, 159 Fuller lane, Winnetka; to the Chase guild; and Mrs. W. Earle Dunn, 225 Dupee place, Wilmette. to the Mc- Laren guild. ATTENDS HOUSEPARTIES Mrs. William Moulton, 235 Ralei gh road, Kenilworth, spent the week-end of October 20, in New York. Her daughter, Miss Dorelle, a freshman at Sarah Lawrence, stayed with ber mother at the Plaza. Miss Moulton tvas a guest at a houseparty at Prince- I ton last week-end, and will attend the faîl houseparty this week-end at Wesleyan college, Middlebury, Conn., staying at the Alpha Delta Phi bouse. Ready for the d1 Hand Store ? No! Waiting for our wagon ,scores of fUrilture plees are waltig rlght nowfor our repuir wagon. They'II take a ride to our doctors. Then they iviII returli to proud owners ful of newI~'lle- sound and attractive as tbey left the faetory where they wvere made. Let us tell you about li! Ask for Mr. Schoen CHAIR RECANING Art Furn:tUre Co. '18 Years' Exj>erience 338 Linden Ave. Wilmette 4453 Cheçss -Club Prepares. for League Conteste IN NEW POST The Wilmettè Chess club, which, is meeting each Friday evening at Win- berg's- Drug Store, bas entered, only one teain in the :Chicago City Chess lgue th1 year.. Last year two teams were entered, and the strength of the club was distributed between them. By using the strongest play- ers from each team, the club, expects to finish near the top. A tournament is now being con- ducted to determine wbo, wîil repre- sent the club in this league. Those nlot selected will be given preference over the others ini the North Shore league matches so that every one will have an opport unity to play. As the first match is on November 16, it is imperative that alI cbess players wbo wisb to participate be present Friday evening. ,Weiler's Gardeners Trim Whealan Bowlers Xeiler's Gardeners won three straight gaines f rom the E mett Whealan Boosters' team ini the Knights of Columbus Bowling league last Thursday night at Blesser's Bowling academy. The Edelweiss team won two ott of three games from the Kuss Jewel- ers, while Mornie Steiner's teaini took, the odd gaine fromn the Bungalow tavern. The A. J. Bidwell Boosters' teami beat the strong R.-Hoffmnan teai. two games to one., Phil Bleser won highi gaine %witli 205; Joe Lvnam bad second bligli gaine witb 202 pins, while E. 1lcseý5 followedwith 200 even. PLAN CROUP MEETS The North Shore Planning commis- sion will meet Monday niigbt. Novem- ber .5, at 8 o'clock,, at the Village hall. in Winnetka. The suhject to hle dis- cussed is Village houndaries in the soutb end ofthe district. Uilder pres- ent regulations Village planning com- missions have jurisdiction l12 miles be- yond their corporate limnits. and sorre metbod must he worked otit to secure Unification ini planning or a readji îst ment of authority. ON VISIT HERE Miss Mildred Tideman. %tvbio fo. four vears lias l)eeni a secretarv a' the Amnerican i egation i Heri. S itzerland. is niow on a tw'o monitibs visit witb lier family. the S. N. Td- mans, 1025 Tinden avenue. SlIw landed ini New York last Fridav 1i:ý tbe S. 1S. Washington, anid on lier- way home stopped i Wash ingtoni D. C., to visit bier father, who is a- electrical engineer for the national reserve board. WOOL HOSE Genuine 6X3 Ribbed 75ç pair This ribbed hose is an outstanding Interwoven value. Stock Up 110w for fali and'winter end enjoy the comfort. of a perféict fitting hose. BURNS- TOGGERY THE WILMETTE STORE FOR MEN 114WILMETTE AVE. PHONE WIL. 2435 I - il] November là 1934 Hetter Housing Organization to Meet This Friday Joseph H. Heinzen, -chairman of the Wilmette Better Housing committee, in charge of the National Better Housing Programn sponsored by the Federal Housing Administration, an- nounces that an important meeting of the organi.zatioli will be beld iii the -Village hall Friday evening, No.- vember 2, at 8 o'clock. An effort is being made, Mr. Hini- zen explained, to stimulate greater in- erest on the part of local contractors, nvhose apathy, hie says, will surelv, ead to a loss of considerable busi- ness which they might otbervise secure. In preparation for the mieet- ng Friday evening, the chairman said. evcry contractor in Wilmette should register, and thus be in line for coin- ing contracts. Registration may he mnade, he added, at the offices of the WiTlmette Chiamber of Commerce. Th'le names of contractors thus reg- istering, together with their classifi- cations, will be published in XVILMET-: LWEF of November 8. It is also ani- iîounced that series of advertisemiits Nvill he carried in this.paper to iii- spire l)roperty owners to take ad- vantage of this opportunity for remodeling and repairing their homes. On Friday evening, 'November 16. atiother meeting will be beld at the Village hall, at wbicb moving pictures will be showvn in the interest of local contractors. These will show opera- tions in modernizinig outmio(le( bouses, andl the results to be sectired. flot the lcast of which is a fiît inicrease in property values. Invite Ga mma Phi ]Betas to Mothers'OCub Meeting The Gamma Phi Beta Mothers as- sociation will bold its regular mio 1 ith- ly meeting at the chapter biouse Tliursday, Novemiber 1, at 2 :30 o'clock. A special effort bias been macle to have ai new pledgcinotherc, present. A miost interesting prograin bas been arranged, the,. associatioil announices. Hope Summers. nov Ms James B. Witberell of Wilmnette. i.ý reading a cutting of "VidDeceiin- lber," I1W Clarence Dane. Hope Sum- miers is a Gamma Phi alumiae anld a well knownl reader iii Chicag(,o and on. the north shore. Kav Moos, a Gamma Phi Beta pledge, anid a student in the music scbool at \orth- western. will sing on the programn. Gammia Phi Beta alumniiae are cordiallv invited to attend. RESUMES CLASSES ,Mrs. Marion L. Miller, 842 Sher- idan road, bas, resumed ber classes in expression and, dramiatics at her home. During the week sbe teaches in the Cbicago Public schools. and last summer she took subjects towards ber master's degree in the school of speech at Nortbwestern universitv- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Koonitz. Nwblo have sold their home at 112.1 Asbland avenue, left Wednesday. to miotor to their new home in California. Thev expect- to. reside in Lajolla. The .John B. O'Conners of Rogers Park, wbo purcba.sed their house, bave 1taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis of Kal- amazoo', Mich.,-were week-end guests of Mrs. Davis' sister and famnilv, the J. H. Newports of 520 Abhotsfor1 road, Kenilwortb. Hedrich-Bless1flg photo A-rthur R. tltkinson, 1026 Linl- den .av!enutie, Wilmnettc, a resident N of the north. shore for iînany vears, S bas becin transfcrred to the Evanis- N ton store of Marshall Field aiid r conspany *zchre he zvill sntpciintcnid çrr-,4ce f0 custoniers zwthinîthe a store. Mr. Atkinison bias lived more than 50 years on the north shore. His earlyt if e was spent ini Evanston and for the past twelve years hielbas made bis home in, Wilmette. During bis. 22 years i Marshall Field and comnpany's loop store lie lias come to kniow, many bundreds of Chii- cago t1amilies and bias earnied for bimself the title of "'official liost." A qucen,' two or three princesses, a srnal bandfil of princes, motion picture stars, writers, artists, celebrities and noted peuple f roui ahi over the world bave come under bis bospitable influence-be enjoys the f riendsbip of more famous people than1 probably anly other man 'iii the organi- zation. Mr. Atkinson's niew position ini Field .s Evaliston store will again hring ii into close contact with bis friends and nieiglbhors ini this community. GIVE HA LLOWE'EN DANCE Four Winnetka girls, Virginia Coulter, Virginia Buchanan, and the Hutchinson twins, Pat and Peg, en- tertainied sixty .north shore boys and girls. at a Hallowe'en dance and treasure lbunt Saturday. Tbey1 gave the party in, a barn on Dundee road, near Wheeling. Cider and dough- nuts were the refreshinents. The guests came dressed as tramps. Mr, and Mrs. William Chamberlain, 80 Indian Hill road, Wininetka mo- tored to Cedar Rapids over the week- end for the Iowa-Minnesota home- coming gaine.. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rwood Warriner, Who were recently mar- ried, have taken an apartient at 2133 Ridge avenue, Evanston. -o- Mrs. Bentley McCloud. 338 Kenîl- 'worth avenue, Kenihworth, returined last Tuesday by motor froin Omaha, Neb., wvhere she spent a week visit- ing bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olmsted. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick and Mrs. Alfred McDougal of Kenil- worth accompanied bier. -o IMirs. Edwin Hill of Iiidianiapolis, left hast Wednesday after spending the week-end. with bier daugbter and son-in-law, M'r. and Mrs. Eugeîue Arms, 221 WVoodbine avenue. i

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