Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1934, p. 10

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W JIIL V rM c. 1 VJNovmber ,r19. 'Art League Starts F New.Sculp)ture Pose The Sculpture class of the North Shore Art league will start its second pose. Monday morning, November. 5. The first pose, taking. four sittings, *,as, officialty comipletedl at the last meeting of the advanced section of the class last Monday, but the mem- bers are holding an "unofficial" ses- sion this afternoon to get in some ex- tra work. The Sculpture class is ini two sec- tions, beginning and advanced. iinder the direction of Nancv Coonisnîaii Hahni. Next Mondav happens to lie the aniniversary of the unveiling of (tIe* of lier important pieces -of work,. the Missouri State M~emorial in France, which wvas univeiled on No- vempber 5. 1922, by Marshall Joffre. It wvas particularly fittinig that lie should oficiate at that ceremonv. as lie wvas the officiai "godfather" of the regi- ment tlîat suffered mnost heavilv at that site. Tiiose Who wislh to join thliC lass Nvill filid that the hegininiig of ane pose will enahie theni to start Withoult losing anything of tlîat particuilar project. More advanced stuldents vvho have not vet enrolled ivill he -w.elcomci and %vill he able to start riglît iii. For those W~ho wishi to begin., the iinsftc- tion 's individual and the%- cati start I this week or eveii later withoti iss- ing iinstruct 10'>. HOLD GYM LEADER TRYOUTS NEW TRIER CANDIDA TES IN TUESDA YPSELECTION__ 'I'Ire" ,candîdtis, ,'eside'îts of .New T ri'er townslzi/î. are 'iiskiinq support of thlt'vo/crs <t te liteeIcli> ita 6' field ,,jTu'îesdav. Thce are: l-.nîui-'r d'>-r'is,-8liîe.tee.I ,ne't ka, a Repu 1blkan uci' ate fol, iI'h Minois stalte le ' iislctîre frn th7th>S',alrjîl ist;rIel. She 'Sil 11<i ,î,l<e, of <dit, I Iiiî<ntkii J 'jiîge eî>>ii il .Ž Iîe astlî Mentl of thi'e</iItljz e res lt'aqe. liair',' C. k nne r4îhît >, 1324 Elnîztood av-en uc, Iliaîe ieblican candidat,, for o>îli/ lu.e<f Cook C0o111 t v. ,lîis unik, iluîniber of thîl'JilIiii'tte' rilage board. lIitish iyJ'Ivendorse<I 6v Bar associat ion. 1l alter . okoe li f ;7 Cresceîît drive, Gleiîeot', zco secks al seait on tlhe b<îard of cîni o»>îsoesfrollî Leaders' trvouts for the vîaî tl'cotnîv/insIlsiîte/pas classes at the Josepli Sears sclio<il iî <iI î1ranoa s Kenilworth are to h1w held the( latte1t part of tlîis iveek. accor(lillu to tlie FIGHT GARAGE FIRE plans of Robert NV. Towiilev, di-cc- for of Phivsical education' at thîe 'l'le \Vilmnette fire departmnent ,vas sclîol.Tue ndor gvîînsiun ~vrk called to thîe lhome of Frank G. Guith- starl.T h e ndeor. au'l caii veaý-rl Mr 1ritge, 917 Greenwood avenue last Sat- sTarts ciie\a1 %ve ii d eci e.r' rtav Nvlere the garage was ablaze. Tork ileii; assrul) of in dilectler-. \ ;Fh.11jifirsC wvas 1cxtinguisli<l, but the leaders and six issi,;t;ttt leca- r >~)( alrg(. Ii selectd or ac ofth tlr((ý yn- lblaze vas cauised bv pal)ers l)eingi nslenclasfrsaes. te licelurne(1inu the ailey lotviIgig to thîe nasîu clasesgarage tlîrougl fli h open <oors andl onI the 'dc'nîocratîc ballot ond /< luis bnt'ct '>IUOPSC<l <'V ULlE <<lit N JI VLIL<C Christian Science Churches .,Probation After IDeatli" xvas the tI bj cct of flie lssoi-seriiionIn iial (Cltrches of Christ, Scient sf, o>> Sunl-t (la', October. 28. l'lie ,goldlen text 'xas. lTu .last igi>IItlnglgICves oi it me noor. ceiny mt tAlai.Slil >1etiSLiUXUi > LOCKSMITHING'I deathi" (I Cor. 15:26). of ail kinds \lrs. Henrv E.,Ctitler. 407 Central' Aiîoig thie citations "w hidli coin- ax . îue.lia rcurued r m i wopriscd' thle lessoii-suriîîon ',vas the w ek-s stii IinSatlewlitre she foiloviîîg froin the ib1le : 1Iluitiil AUTO ,sflirs erMs ourselvcs flîcre fore iunder thi miglîtv SKEYS NV\\ \riglit and lier famuily ii< i ~.fitlena xî o I ____Iin due tinte : Casitiîîg aIl vouir care N Made from n* Al ipon l iin for lie earethi for vuLi. B e Nu mbers G LA S sj1sober, )e vglatbecauise vour ad- v'er,,ar\ the dev-il, as a roaring fion, PENVEROv-ketli about, seckiiig hoiii lie may LI D TR W ."A" Quality for clear vision de\<lut<ir : X\'lomi resîst steadfast în the LOCK SHOP t'tliî (1 Peter 5 :6-9). 1222 Central Ave. WiL. 3212 Millen Hardware Coie-> essoî-serxiioî also inicluded ______________________________ 1,219 liutev. Wil. 30601 the followiîîg passages f roui tlîe Chinstian 'Scienîce t extbool<, -Scientce aiid lHealth wîtlî Key to the Scrip- Chrit, cîe~ tres byMary Baker Eddy: "Thiere F1s C u ch o t ISt 1 neith~er place nor opportunity in Science for error ot any sort. Every Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wimtedi. cay makes its demnauds upofl us for lîîgher proofs rather than professions SUNDAY SERVICES-il A. M. of Christian power.. Tliese proof s -WÈDNESDAY-TEýSTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. consist solely ini the destruction of SCHOOLEXERCSES-9:iA... si ckness, and death by the powver SUNDAY of Spirit. as jesus deto etem NOVEMBER 4, 1934 '3-3) Suec E ER AS IN P NIHM NTThe Chiarles Graylings of 167 Abing- op, donî avenue, Kenilworth, have inoved -to 931 Chestîîut avenue. READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue _______________ Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. ML L N OERDN *Wednesday 9 A. MI. to 7:45 P. M. &D IIOC U Saturday 9 A,. M. to 9 P. M.Co yL County Line Rd., East of Skokie The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized - Blvd. Christian Science Literature ma be read, borrowed or purchased at Phone DEERFiEI.D 40 the eadng Rom.Special Jumping Lessons THÉ PUBLIC IS OORDIALLY INVITED TO ATIEND THE Thursdays: 4 P. M. -CHURCH SERICEKS AN» VISIT THE READING ROOM You'I enjoy rldlng on our bridie paths.. No roads, no tra.c "The Third A larm" Will Be Exhibited for Fir.emen's Fund 'l'ie \V il l cttc l'ire 1 )ci <art ilnci i tlîrougtiute courtc.,\ ,fSainh Ic'r, by participaîtion Ii i nt *rccîi iro< special performnîces i~ l-,\\iii cfti c ha ter, \Vdedyand '1litirsday te:iv N <elu wr7 and 8. -\ r. NI cyc> 5, who urecitl\t~cie o\iiîersIlp 'f theltic tiater, anid i itfui r reliairs 'and aiteratioîis. vIii rc- u)eiI \vitii the .thilliîng tl iîî llot u. l hîrîl Alarni.- I lerc \\-Il he txvo purfornianiccs, at i and 9 iiî, and a cz'apacity hiouse for ail four Ï: alreadv ass;ýured 'l Thefireincii have iuni dertaken tlie sale of tickets, and are callîng uipcn cîtizens to purcliase liber- ally, asthe treasury of thir henevolett association lias lîcen enîpty fur a ycar. Ail-Star Cast "The 'fhird Alarm" features Jamecs Hall and Aiiita Louise, two popular screen stars, and the pla y gives pleîîty of room for the display of unusual tai-, ent. It combines, ini welI proportione(l balance, tlîe elermçnts of tragedy and cconîedy,, with thrilling situations tlîat bring gasps f rom the audience. It por- traYs, in a fire. in an orphau asyluix, tlhe difficulties anîd dangers which the fire-figlîters experience ini the dailv rounds, of duty. -T he 'Ihird Alarmr" is not shown ouo the regnlar movie screens. It was pro- duced4 exclusively as a flremien's bene- fit film, anîd is preseutied for that pur- posée only. Tribute ta Fù'e Fighters Those wlîo appreciate the splendid wvork' of the. local fire department i protecting property f roui destruction by fire will fiîîd ini these benefit perform. ances an opportunity to express thîat appreciation in a material way, said Mr. Meyers. The Henry J. Brandts of 1530 Washington avenue have moved to 816 Forest avenue. November 1, 1934 1

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