1i2~v aWIIM&valà, JLI ctbr 5a13 »OR MEN T-SaTonES AND OFFICES JBARBER SHOP IN FINE WUGH CLASS. .building ln business section. Near tramnp. 2 chairs and other modern equlpment, Kroll & -Smith, Agents, 424 LAnden Ave. Phone Wllmette 600, 14LTN21-tfe NORTH SHOR~E FINE HOMES For Reîit and For Sale ALL SIZES AND PRICES Sec under "FOR SALE HOUSES" B3AIRD & WARNER, Inc. 522 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 523 Park Drive, Kenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 111LTN25-ltc 6 ROOM BRICK .$69250 3 BEDROOM, MODERN BRICK BUN- galow in Wilmnette. Wooded lot, 2 Blks. to Sta. and only 4 Blks. to Howard school. Superior neighborhood. $1,000 down, balance $41.87 per month -tot.il price $6,250. Ask Mr. Drayer. NORTH SHORE REALTY' 523 WINNETKA AVE. Winnetka 81 Wilinette 819 STUCCO HOUSE-1226 MAPLE AVE., Wilmette. 6 rms., enclosed sun porch, sleeping porcli. Ail rms. lieated. H. W. lit. Separate Pittsburgh Hot Water heater. Tile bath and shower. Shower tollet and laundry in basement. Oak floors; curtains and shades first class condition and up to-date; lot SOxl7O; 2-car gar.; paVed alley; fine lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers, etc.; ail taxes paid; ready to move In. Price $9,500. Titie guaranteed; have a $12,000 owners' policy from C. T. & T. Co. Ses owner. 1637 Washington Ave., Wllmette, or phone Wilmette 1994. 111LTN23-4tp EAST WILMETTE OWNER LEAVING CITY AND WILL make great sacrifice for quick sale. New brick Colonial, 6 bdi'm., 3%/ bathis, o11 heat, recreation room, 2-car gar., beautifully landscaped. Our best offer- ing. Cali Mm. Brown. THE BILLS REALTY, lue. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wibmette 3740 _______________________11LTN2-ltc Xinnetka CHARMING ENGLISH HOME ON beautifubby landscaped 3/ acre in most desimable section. 4 master bdmms., slp. porcli, 2 bathis; maid's room and bath; lav., receation rm., den, porches, oit heat, 2-car gar. A good buy at $45,000. FRANCES J. XVINSCOTT 902 Spmuce St. Winnetka 1267 111LTN25-1tc ONLY $1,000 CASH Buys weli built 6 mm. brick home, offered by mortgagee for $10,000 . Pay balance like ent. Convenient to everything. On quiet wooded street. Out burner. B. Smith. BAIRD & WARNER, mce. 523 PARK DRIVE. KENILWORTH Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 111LTN25-ltc REAL BARGAINS Bungalow, well buiit, good location, littbe .more than ground value .... i 35,500 Six room frame redueed to........ $5,500 Two-story. duplex, good location $5,250 B. H.. BARNET 526 Center St. Wlnnetka 96 ___________________ 1lLTN25-ltep AN UNUSUALLY FINE L IVABLE home; ail rooms iight and armaniged for comfort; lot 3 rnis., and sun rm., 2nd 4 bdrms., and lieated sp porch; 3rd mald's suite and billiard nm. 3V baths.4 exÈcel. loc. 128 Robsart Rd., Kenil- worth. WIi take smailer N. b ouse ln trade. F. Wanner, State 5111 or Kenil- worth 5111. 11LTN25-ltc HANDS 0F BANK 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. PRAC- tlcaliy new. Good location. Now $6,500. Terma. Kroll%& Smith, 424 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 500. 111LTN25-ltc 211 FRANKLIN RD., GLENCOE. N. E. 7 rms., 2 battis, attractive colonial, house on large ravlned lot; less thaýn Mtge. F. Wanner, State 6111 or Kenil-1 worth 5111. 111LTN25-ltc' "OR *ALE-HOU$"S XVANT OFFER Owner.saysselI, attractive brick and stone residence, fine location, large living roomi, sun roomf, Il- brary, dinlng room, powder room,, large Weil equlpped kitchen,. maid's dinlng roor». Second floor- well arranged, master suite of lounge room, bedroom, two.dressa- lng. rooms and fine bath with shower staîl. Large gubst roomn and bath, three other fam ily bed- rooms, sleeping porch, and both servants, quarters on third floor. Two car attached garage. Large beautifully paneled reereation jr<o<m in basement. Hot water oil heat. Large lot, over an acre and quarter with fine. trees, shirubs, fiowers, etc. This Is a real homie, affording one an op- portunity to buy at but a sinal part o! owner's investmnent. For fuirther details and inispection eall us. McGUJRE & ORR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis Street Gre. 1080 EVANSTON l1lLTN25-ltc Frenech Prov-incial U1omi'e VERY ATTRACTIVE BRICK; 6 ROOM home, 2 baths, e-tch with sliower, ex. lst fi. la v., oul heat, recreation room, - ltd. gar. Nice iandscaping. Owner lnov- ing East offers this practically new home at $14,500. R. M. Johnston & Co, WILMETTE 444 1IîLTN25-ltc OXVNER moving froin city will sacrifice lovely Eng. brick. 8 rooms, 3 baths, modern home, lot 80x182.* Will take best ofier. Act quickly. Mr. Remington. BAIRD & WARNER, Ime. 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Glencoe 1553 Briargate 1855 111LTN25-Itc FORECLOSURE MODERN ENG. BRICK. THIS IS THE kind of value that people are looklng for tnday. 4 family bdrms., 3 batlis, 3 servants' rooms and bath. 2-car gar. Oil lit. Large lot. Buils Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Glencoe 777, ask for Mr. MeLauglilin. 111LTN25-Itc FOR SALE - WILMETTE 6 room frame bouse on 3 acre lot in west Wilmette. Near transportation. Paved road. Fine for roadside gardener. $3,500. Easy terms. Wonderful lnvestment op- portunity. .HILL & STONE 404 Linden Avenue Wilmettp, Ill. NORTH SHORE'S BEST VALUE Attractive 9 rm. house, on large lot with stately trees; 5 bdrms on 2nd., large recreation rm. in base., central ]oc., among fine properties anid near lake. Will take sinaller Wil. house in trade. F. Wanner, Excl. Agts. State 5111 or Keniiworth 5111. 111LTN25-ltc EAST KENILWORTH ATTRACTIVE 7 RM. HOME ON WELL wooded 75 ft. lot; 2-car gar. A. real bargain at $10,500. MILTON. EZ. REID & CO. 601 Lake Ave. Wllmette 771 111LTN25-ltp TERRIFIC REDUCTION.! NEW-ALL, stone-Eng. lise. Slate roof, 30 fi. liv. rm. Doors on to terrace. Beaut. gdn. Brkfast rm. 011 lit., elec. dish washer, lav., 30 ft. bedrm. and private tule.ba., 2 other bedrins., tile ba. Unusual cir- cumstances. Winnetka 3603. 11ILTN25-ltc SACRIFICE OWNER WANTS $500 FOR EQUITY in excellent 6 roomn br. bIing. In Wii- mette. 3 blks to transp. ,Ail nice rooms. 50 ft., lot. Att. gar. Flood, Wlmette 608. 11îLTN25-ltc COMFORTABLE 6 ROOM HOUSE ON East Side. Wooded lot 100x200 witli lovely rock garden. 2-car garage, ser- vants' quarters above. Easy terms. Re- duced to $10,000. The Bibis Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Glen. 777, ask for Mr. Plestor. 1l11LTN25-l te FrOR AEVCN BARGAIN EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE VACANT parcel In exclusive section. Beach priviieges. Must sacrifice.for less than % the investment. Act quickly. Write B-1l, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 14T2-t Beautiful Country Estate SITUATED ON' 28 ACRES BEAUTI- fully landscaped. Consisting of aw9 rm. Georgian brick Colonial, *Îth 3 baths, 2-car att. gar., o11 lit., recreation rm. in' basement, stable for 16 horses. Was $70,000., Can now lie bought for haîf this figure., The filsRealty, Inc., 718 Ver- non Ave.. Phone. Glencoe 777, ask fori Mr. Lundquist. 124LTN25-lte REAL ESTATE LOANS0 WTe Desire Application FOR FIRST MORTGAGES IN AMOUNT $2.500 to $10.000 on North Shore resi- dences, Evanston to Lake Forest. We have funds available for immediate coin- mitinents. McGUIRE & ORR Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN25-ltc *First Mortgage Loans $2, 500-$20,000 iA.MORTIZED OVER A PERIOD 0F years with easy paynlents. Prompt service at a low cost. Full information giv.'n hy cailing our lonui departnent. SMART & GOLFE,,. me. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 ___________________127A-LTN25-ltc WE HAVE CLIENT WITH $ 1,000) OR any,. part thereof,. to loan on desirable North Shore Residences. 5 years' straight loans at 6% or possibly 51/2% interest. Eddington & Allen, Ine. 410 Linden Ave. Wilmette .107 127A-L'IN25-1 t. FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD 600DB $800 WURLITZER PLAYER PIANO -319.50; $100 Rome lieater '(4 rmns.) $25; spinet desk $7.50; comb. vîctrola and radio $15; $86 Electrolux vaccum 3$35; Horton mangle $15. '970 Linden Ave., Winnetka 2067. 129LTN25-Itp . DOUBLE SOLID MAHOGAN Y BEE); box springs and mattress, $1.1- Gold antique satin drapes, $35. Aniuque wall lianging, $10. Phone Winnetka 756. ONE DECORATED BED WITH BOX spring and mattress, and dresser, $25. Also spool twin beds wlth box springs. Phone Winnetka.- 433. 12DL23-itu> LGE. THOR WASHER AND IRONE, alsoAirway vacuum cleaner. Chea-i for cash. Phone Greenleaf 4646. __________129LTN25-ltp FOR SALE - TWO ROLL TOP OFFICE desks. Large size $18. Medium size $12. Phone Kenllworth 1528. ____________________129LTN25-ltc WHITE PORCELAIN STOVE WITH oven regulator. Good cond. $15. Also antique Oriental rugs. Reas. 111 Park Ave., Wilmette. 129LTN25-ltp VICTORIAN ROCKUR $5. SIDE CHAIR $2., and settee $25; Walnut secretary $25; mali. piano wlth bencli 325; lamps, etc. Phone Winnetka 639. 129LTN25-îtp 7-PIECE CATHEDRAL OAK DININO room set. Very reasonable. Plione Winnetka 1190. 129LTN25-Itp WTD. TO *UY-HSENOLD. 600D8 LARGE BOOKCASE for office use. Must lie bargain. Write B-10, Box 40, Wllniette, ill. 130LTN21ilp WTD. USED GRAND PIANO FRONI private party. Cali Mrs. Pate, Van Buren 6878. 13OLTIN25-2tc FOR SALE-MISCELLANOUS ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTAN[C.t, COMIb- plete llth edition, 29 volunes ani 4 flew volumes, India paper, lumpi leather blnd- ing, perfect condition. Price $35. Pli.)ne Winnetka 1252. 1311LTN2rhc OFFICE SAFE, DES3K AND CLOCK,ý Cannon stove, oriental rugs, pictures, books, dressing table, leather coucli, and mîlscellaneous articles. 622 Forest Ave., Wiimette. . .13ILTN25-ltp BOOK 0F KNOWLEDGE, LIKE NEW, leather bound, twenty volumes. E . H. Buckley, 1612 Granville Ave., Chicago. Phone Hoilycourt. 0164. 131LTN25-ltp PART OR WHOLE 0F FRIDAY Series of Chicago *Symphony Orchestra Tickets. Phone Glencoe 132. FOR SALE- A. B. C. OIL BURNER and 275 Gallon tank, used 1 winter.. Phone Wllmette 1089. 131LTN25-lte WTD. TO *UY-MISCRLLANKOUS Goldman-Junk Dealer Highest prices paid for junk Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 1. 132LTN24-tfp WTD. TO UUIY-MIUCKLLANKOUS Billiard Table. FULL SIZE, WITH COMPLETE EQUIP- ment. For, home use. Must be reas. Write B-4, Box 40,, Willnette, Il 132LT7N25-tfp WANTED FOR CAS-il 011 burner to heat small offlIce, 2590 Cubic ft. CalIMr. Drayer, Winnetka 81. WANTED - PAIR GIRL'S FIGURE skates on shoes. Shoe size 4%/ or 6. Tel. Winnetka 1354. 132LTN25-ltp NOTICE The following merchandise will be sold for charges if flot calied for on or before November 2, 1934: INrs. J. H. Beuchier, 720 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill., One Summer Ermine Jacket $25.00; Mrs. H.1.Erenberg, 5432 Drekel Blvd., Chicago, Pl., One Raccoon coat $35.00, One Silve~ Muskrat coat $37.50, One Mendosa S ai coat $47.50, Mrs. P. C. East, 120 Meadow Lane, Win- netka, Ill., One Red fox $750; Miss Della O'Neal, 1380 Edgewood Lane, Winnetka, Ill., One white thibet fox $5.50; Mrs. Wil- kins, 1125 Ayers Place, Evanston, Ill., One Muskrat Jacket $8.50. M. B. Okean Furriers, Inc. 546-548 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka. CARI) 0 F TIIANKS The fztniily of the late Ms.Aneli McDonald Brownlee wishes to express a sincere atppreciation of the many kind- nesses shown by friends at the tirne of lier passing. Home Lighting Needs Measured Accurately Housewives would complain if they were asked to wash the dishes or do the family darning by the ýlight of a candie. Yet in thousands of Amercian homes electric lighting is used so hadly and so thoughtlessly, and aduits and children are so careless in wvorking and reading habits, that home lighting often is littie better than candie light. Modern science bas developed funda- mental mules for the new science of seeing which now may be. applied to the lighting of homes. For- normal eading or sewing on light goods, 20-. foot candies are needed.' For more critical work or prolonged eading of fine print, 20 to, 50 foot-candies are required. A foot-candie is the amount of Iight given by a candie at the distance of one foot. Roughly speaking, each watt of lamp's rating corresponds to a foot- candie when the lamp is one foot away. Dr. Matthew Luckiesh, expert of the Nela Pamke laboratories in Cleveland, says: "A 40-watt incandescent Ianip gives 40 foot-candies of Iight when placed one foot away. "Lt must be remembemed, howevem," he adds, "that Iight decreases hy the squame of the distance. Thus at two feet, the lamp does not give haif as much light, but only one-quarter as much. That is, a 40-watt, lamp, two feet away, fumnishes onl y 10 f oot- candies of light." Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibili1ty with its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnisbed Without-Obligatio'n Telephone 521 Main Street, Wihnette Wzi.ianm 32 UNVHIs1Ty 7317 October 25 , 1934 02 1. WILMETTE LIFE