w i i ,uip-r r ip i-r i October 25, 1934 They' re he r e- opportunities galore.-.t sel a. CLASSIFIED AD VER TISEMENTS General Notice- Clamaifled. advertluements tu1be chargod ouhy Glencoe. -Inclusive, whose namos appear in the telephone directory. or *ho are regular subacribers to either WIMETTE LIFE. W u'NETK11A TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Raus- 2M cents a Une. Advertleements run ln ail three paper». Raes IMMNUN CHARGEU0ONU DOLLAL Average of Oive worde to the lins. No black face type used. 20% dieount on ail cash advertiae- monte when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wiltnette, or 581 Lincoln Ave., Winn.tke.. 14% diseoeut on ail advertisoments run tour conuecutivo imsuee, Deadline for Insertios__ 'laa:med advertisement» vil i"».o WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers;, Wednosday 9 p. IL for WINNETKA TALK and Thuruday 5 P . for GLENCOE NErW& Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Winnftka S00 (Winfletka 5»00 alter 6 p. IL), Greenlet 48000or Shoidrake 116-uni?. LOST AND. POUND I USINESS SERVICE LOST-NEAR SKOKIE SCHOOL, PAIR Fr 11 T of glasses with "Walter H. Dodd" oR or ale-±îreplace Logs inside of case. Please r caîl Winnetka HARDWTOOD $8~5 TON 427 or return to 527 Cherry St. Reward. y 3L25-ltp BIRCH AND MAPLE $10.50 DEL. LOST-TUES. BETWEEN THE CHIM- Kindiing % ton, $5. Coal and coke. neys and New Trier H, S. brown Any trucking or moving. Rubbish taken leahercag an kes.Finder please away. Rotten cow and straw manure. lathe ca1nd99 . 32-t good 4 yard load, $10. A-i black soul, caliWinetk 199 3L5-lp f4 yds. $6. E. G. Haglund, 514 Birch, REWAR OFFRED OR ETR Winnetka 2108. 16LTN25-ltp of black and white wire haired foxi terrier. Answers to naine of "Zeke." 1 XWOOD FOR SALE Phone Gencoe 1367. 3L25-ltp. DRY HARt-WOID1 FOR FIREPLACE, LOST - FULL-GROWNi SPRINGER .30 INCHES LONG. WINNETKA 1334. spaniel, white and liver color. Gone 16LTN25-tp 2 wes Winnetka licenso 1284. Tel. Winnetka 2174. Reward. 3LTN25-ltc LOST - WILL FINDER WHO TELE- phoned regarding black handbag pick- ed up near my houso cali again regard- ing return. 307 Abbotsford . 3LTN2-ltp PENSONAL ANYONE WITNESSING THE AC- cident ut Greenwood and Sheridan Rd., Wiimetto on Oct. 2th around 3 :35 p. m. piease cail Miss Larson, Winnetka 8U20. 4LTN25-ltc WILL SACRIFICE SEVERAL PIECES of antique furniture for cash sale, settoee, desk, etc. 808 Oak St. Phone Winnetka 145. 7LTN25ltp FOR SALE SEVERAL QUILTS. ONE twin te first prize quilt at World's Fair. Few interesting antiques. 815 Forest Ave., Wllmette. 7LTN25-ltp BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CEMENT CONTRACTOR ALL KINDS OF CEMENT AND BRICK work. Leaky basements repaired. Masonary and plasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15LTN25-4tp *USINEsS SERVICE Bargain! $ 12.50 Per Cord for the best of fireplace wood. Any length up te 3 ft. This price for this month oniy., Phone University 8800, Room 318,. reverse charges. 1 2-t ELECTRIC W EL D ING. BOILER welding, automotive machine shop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 16LTN25-26tlp ELITE WINDOW CLEANERS QUICK SERVICE 6c a window outside. 12c in and out. Interior cleaing. Storm sash put Up. Estimates cheerfully given. J.,KITCHEN WINNETKA 415 16LTN25-ltp Plastering Stucco Cernent -Basmentts made waterpoof- (3eo. A. Thursby-Whitewashlng Wllmette93:87. 16LTZ;22-4tp FIREPLACE WOOD SEASONED) BIRCH' AND MAPLE logs.. Reasonable. Hearthstone Wood Co. Phono Hollycourt- 0846. Reverse charges. -16LTN25-ltp SEASONED HARDWOOD $8 per ton delivered. Black dirt-3 yard load $5. Sod, 4c sq. ft. Phone Wil- mtte 452. Guet Anderson 435 Ridge Road 16LTN22-4tp, Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UICEUHOFFEN, EXTERMINÂT- IuE engineer. Ph. Wilmette n«6. 16LTN15-ttc FIREPLACE OAKWOOD $9 TON AND 'À. Delivered. Cail Highwood 369. 16LTN24-4tp CLOCK REPAIRINQ CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, antique dlock repairing. Learned trade in Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and Fiold's>. Will caîl. Free estimate. David Johansson, phono Diversey 2041. 20LTN24-lltp COLLETTL"E SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowns-Wraps--Suits--ýCoats Origlnal--Copied-Restyled-Altered 833 Elm St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN23-4tp CHILDREN'S CLOTHES DESIGNEI> and created. Dancing costumes. Doils dressed for the holidays. Handmade knitwear. Phone Winnetka 2740. 22L25-ltp ALTERING, RELININO, MENDING and ail kinds of sewing at my home. Reasonable prices. WINNETKA 1167. 22L25-ltp CARDENINO TWENTY-FIVE YEÂRS 0F EXPERIÎ- ence in landscape designing and con- tracting fits us to handie your prob- lems this tall in a manner and at prîces which we are sure will picase you. BENJ. E. GAGE AND ASSOCIÂTES R. V. D. Giddings, L. A. 564 Center St Winnétka 564 27LTX25-ltc Perennials..... ... 5 and 10. cents each Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens. Real Bargain JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY 2343 West Park Ave., Highland Park 2 blocks west of new Skokie Roard PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 49 27LTN25-4tp BLACK DIRT HORSE AND COW MANURE URBIN LEVERNIER Phono Gienview 21 or Glencoe 926. 27LTN24-4tp LAUNDRY EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WASH- ing and ironing; also do rough dry and wet wash. Wiil caîl fnr and de- liver. Wilmette 1351. 34LTN25ltp CABINET BATHS SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatments in parlors or your homo.j TECKLA HEALTH & REDUC. BATHS 833 Elm St.. Winn. 356 38LTN25-4tp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Cabinet bath, mnassage, needle shower, 1Ultra-violet and Intra-red lampa. 627 Grove St. Phono Gre., 1642. 3SLTN20-ttp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSe GENUINE CÂBLE MIDGET UPRIGHTf Piano, can be had for balance due on former sale, continue payments of pro- vious buyer. Fpr complote Information « write Credit Mgr., P. O. Box 137, Chicago. 40LTN25-2tc aSEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINIES AND V A C U U M CLEANERS, ALL kinds repairod. Esta.blished more than fitty years ago. Now located ln Wil- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 63LTN29-tfc WEcARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repairs, but uncailed for; Black pony coat, $18; brown caracul, $24; gray caracul, $28; leopard cat, $32; American broadtail, $26; black caracul, $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seal, $58; genuine mink, $150; and many other.- worth four times their price. Aiso 20 jacquettes at $13 and 38 fur scarfs AI $4. Economy Section, Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. open evenines. 59LTN24-2te GIRLS' CLOTHES 8 TO 16 YRS.; school, sport, afternoon and evening dresses; sweaters, skirts, borets, coat almost new. Fine value. Winnetka 2934. 69LTN25-ltc FOR SALE-BADGER TRIMMED NEW winter coat. Also leopard cat coat, size 14. Phono Glencoe 256. 59LT25-ltp LADIES, RIDING HABIT. TAN WOOL, size 16. Brown boots, 7%/ A. Very good condition. Wlnnetka 2336. 59LTN25-lte SILK AND WOOL DRESSES AND FUR- Strimmed coat, size 18-20. Seil reason- able. Phono Wilmette 234. 59LTN25-ltp FOR SALE - BLACK PONY FUR coat ln excellent condition. Size 14. $18. Winnetka 1457. 59LTN25-lte LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidentiai service, legal rates MOTOR. LOAN CO.* State Bank Bldg., Evanston. .Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tf, SIT1UATION WANTED-FEMALE W H ITE WOMAN WANTS PLAIN Scooking or general steady; or cleaning, serving, care of clilîdren by hour or day. Winnetka rets. Highland Park 87. 68L25-ltp EXPERIENCED W H I T E WOMAN with boy o! school age wishes position, general housework. Good cook. Best Winnetka rot. Phono Winnetka 1180. 68L25-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL WANTS general housework. No, laundry. Phono Winnetka 1432. 68LTN25-ltp WANTED"TO BUY--CELLO1,N GO condition for sehool. orchestra practice work. Can pay $10. Write.B-9, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. *40L25-1tp PAINTING AND DErcôRATiN4G Paint, Paper 5 Rms.,' $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK.- Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroomn enameled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 rm. firs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. Matérials furnished. Melvin Skolnik Wi. 3413 42LTN25-ltP DISTINCTIVE PAINTWQ 1DECORATING Old floors made like new with electric machine. Special Faîl rates. Fred Broberg Bn. 1061 42LTN24-4tp ANNIVERSARY SALE Zebra fish, red piaties, bottas, 2 for 35c. Black mollie, 25e up. Angol fish 49c. Guppies 3c.. Plants 25e doz. Davis St. Pet Shop, 1025 Davis St., Evanstoni. 44LTN25-ltp For Sale . .. Maie Pointer Liver and white. Excellent hunter. 3 years oid. Winnetka 3704. 44L25-ltp PIANO TUNING Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Factory, Dealer, Acoustic Laboratory experienco; good reterences. E. I. VAN HARLINGEN 1323 Wilmetto Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Loweli Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp E.XPEIRT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- pair worir guaranteed. 22 years Chick- ering, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view. Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN22-4tp Garden and Housework WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phono Winnetka 1552. 69L25-ltp auITuAioN wà%ND-Pzm^Lit COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE.REFERENCES WB ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp.. Agency WILMETTE. 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite "L" Ter. 68LTN25-tfc EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN H-IGH GRADE domestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to empio$'ers. References In- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Eim St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN25-tfc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED .Goodopenings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Estabished 26 years 799 Eim St. Winn. 10#7 68LTN19-tfc --Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3321 RELIABLE HELP Ail domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 6BLTN18-tfe RESPONSIBLE CAP ABLE WOMAN wants day work 3 days a week. Best' N. S. ref. Wil aiso care for chlldren evenings. Winnetka 1530. 68L25-Itp EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAID. A-i cook, neat server. Aduit famiIy pref. Light iaundry. Col. Stay on place. N. S. refs. University 1299. 68LTN25-1 tp EXPERIENCED WHITE MA!D. GOOD cook. N. S., ref. Winnetka 471. 68LTN25-1 tp EXPERIENC ED REGISTERED NURSE prefers steady position on private case; assist with housework; wiliing to travel. Reasonable price. Phone Berk-, shire 0825., 68LTN25-1te EXP. WHITE GIRL WAN'rs POSI- tion in.private home; lst floor work, cooking or general wvork. Fond of chil- dren. $10-$12 wk. Ph. Wilmette 4288. 68LTN25-1 tp COOKING AND DOWNSTAIRS, OR generai. Reliable white woman. Ex- perienced, good worker. Likes chlldren. Excellent references. Keystone 8879. 68LTN25-Itp COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL hswk., excellent cook-5 years refs. Good with children. Bohannon Emp. Agency, Ph. Wilmette 1170. 68LTN25-1 tp A COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES TO cook and serve. dinners, luncheons, weddings, parties. Mrs. Clauqen. Phone Wilmette 1733. SSLTN22-4tp POSITION WANTED TO Do LIGHT housework or take care of chlidren by the day or week. Phone Glencoe 1612. 68L25-ltp WISH TO PLACE MY EXPERIENCED general maid in good home. Excellent cnok. Neat. Colored. Mrs. I. L. Porter. Phone Wilmette 2076. 68LTN25-ltp EXCELLENT FINNISH COOK WILL cook by the day, do day work. Highest N. S. references. Winnetka 2940, Aima. 68LýTN25-ltp GERMAN WOM AN WISHES LAUNDRY work. Can give North Shore refs Gruhn. Phone Bittersweet 1044. 68LTN'25-ltp EDUCATED AND REFINED SCOTCH woman wisiues position as companlon to invalid or eiderly lady. Phone Win- netIka 3337. 68LTN25-Itp COLORED WOMAN WISHES STEADY 1place. Good cook. Stay nights. A-i refs. Phone Greenleaf 2369. 68LTN25-ltp EXPER. GERMAN GIRL WISHES generai housework. Gnod cook. Good references. Phone Sheidrake 9709. 68L25-ltp YOUNG GIRL WISHES POSITION AS mother's helper or care of chiidren. Phone Glencoe 1466. 68LT25-ltp 81TUATION WANTED-MALE