Octoàer 25,1934'a A 1Mr. .J YA I~~wth he musement',SeekerbI VARSITY BILLS HAROLD LLOYD Presents Comnedian in "The Cat's Paw," Story by Clarence Budington Kelland Mieni, vomen and children are thrilI- ing to thc news: He's here again! Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Harold Lloyd will appear in Clarence Budington Kelland's story, "The Cat's Paw," at thc Varsity theater. a Once again Harold Lloyd is thc un- suspecting, naive young man-witî wide, horn-rinired spectacles-who blunders into (iticuIt situations. He plays missionary's son lizekîel Cobb, brougît up in a rernote Chinese prov- ince, quotes froin the poet ing Po, and knows practicaly notlîing of the nmodern world. Wakes Uip to Find He's Mayor Througli a fluke, he's elected mayor. while in Anerica looking for a 'mother for his children." But thc wily ýpoliticians frame hin when le refuses to take their commands. There's plenty of cornedy, and it l)uilds up stcadily to a final clinmax. Sharing honors %vith Ulovl in this fine picture are Una Merkel and George Barbier. Before the -Cat's Paw" on Satur- day, the Varsity offers the children a special Hallowe'en party of car- r toons, an extra liour of entertainrnent. with Mickey *Mouse, Betty Boop, andl Popey-e. The dloors open at Il o'clock ini the rnorning andl children are asked to corne carly, for the extra cartoons xvi le off ered at the first-slîow onlv. Monday and Tuesday, October 29 and 30, the Varsity presents "Thc Human SkIe," s t a r r i n g . ... ... .. .. .Adolphe Mcii- . .. .. .. jou a nd Doris Kenyon. E n - ~- ~joyable f ro m start to finish, the pcture cen- tertains w it h Ad oipne iNen- jou is seen.as* ................ .1... .... .... .... .**,...a w a in d e ring Doris Kenyon father witî a love for his adorable children and his d 1ivorced wife Doris Kenyon-but a wcakness for wealthy wornen as well. Doris at lcngth decides to marry stuffed-shirt Reginald Owen, but Adolphie gets togetîer with thc youngsters-Charlo1tte Henry, Dickie Moore, George Ernest, Dick Wins- low-and things really liappen. Heret Appealing Picture "Have aHeart," a wistful film about a crippled girl, will appeal to Varsity audiences Wednlesday and Thursday, October 31 and November 1. jean Parker, James Dun!", Stuart Erwin and Una Merkel ar-e the, stars. jean figlits for love ini spite of lier hiandi- cap.. and when it seems she lias won lier battie, things suddenly go wrong. But the. problem is worked out beautifully. NEWCOMER TO SCREEN Eddie Tamblyn, Whio cnacts the ole of "Shadow" in the Warner Bros. picturization of the famous Carl Ed comic strip, "Harold Teen," is comparatively a newcomer to pictures, liaving played in only three pictures, "The Flood," "Sweetheart of Sigma Chii" and "Flying Down to Rio." A ction, M ystery Thrill Patrons at 1'Valencia Theater Ralph Bellaniy, the north shore's contribution to Hollywood, is co- starred xith Shirley.,Grey in an inter- esting new pic- scheduled f aor sliowing at the Valencia t he a t e r t hIl 1s T hl u r s da y. "T Il e Person- alitv Kid," a prize ring pic- peppy punch- ing, will thrill at the Valencia Ralph Bellamy on Friday. Pat O'Brien portrays Ritzy, an egotistical prize-fighter who believes lie is winning on i al)ility, until he finds out the figlits hiave been framied. He then keeps on going doxvn, dowà~, dovn . . . untîl lie finds.that his wife (played by Glenda Farrell) is going to. . . but the film* must be seen before this critic clum- sily spoils the story.. Saturday- brir.gs a mystery draina, -The M.\oonistone," based on Wilkie Collins' famous story. David Manners and Phvll'is Barry do good work ini the leading roles. Ronald Colman Returus Ronald Colman, after a year's ab- sence, celebrates his return to the screen with a brisk, energetic per- forman 'ce in "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back," the attraction at the Valencia on Sunday and 'Mo nday, Oc- tober 28 and 29, Loretta Young is thc girl xvho nccds lpl-and Ronald Colman leaps right inito thc midst of the mvstcry. He lias need for his, quick xit and his fast talking ways before he gets out of thc maize of dangers! .Charles Butterworth is priceless as Colman's right hand man. Un a Merkel 1portrays Buttcrworth's b)ride who (loesni't get to sec much of her new -hubhy" l)ccause lie's 50 busy lielping Colman. An oriental prince (Warner Oland) thickens thc plot of this thrill- iflg picture. Screen Galsworthy Nove! "One More River," from the novel by John Galsworthy, will be enacted at the Valencia on Tuesday, October 30, by an excellent cast including Diana Wynyard, Mrs.. Patrick Camp- bell, Frank Lawton, Jane Wyatt, C. Aubrey Smith, Reginald Denny and Henry Stephenson.> Wednesday and Thursday, October 31 and November 1, Leslie Howard stars In a made-in-lEngland farce, "ýiTIc Lady Is Willing." Binnie Ramnes and Nigel Bruce also do fine work. gCOMMUNITYI Theatre FRI. & SAT., OCT. 26-27 Hal Le Roy Rochelle Hudson Guy Kibbee ""HAROLD TE.EN" Wlnnetka OCT. 30 One Day OnIy A Gay Frenchi Farce "ITO US LIBERTY" FIGHTS 64 ROUNDS In the Warner Bros. picture, "The Personality Kid,," a romance of the prize ring, Pat O'Brien fights sixty- four gruelling rounds. Not that many rounds of 'fighting show in..the picture as the time consumed, without.count- ing the minute rest period, would amount to more than three hours. TOT TURNS TABLES! Cal York, famous correspondent for Photoplay magazine, tells the one about the youngster who stopped William Powell and said, "I've been an admirer of yours for a long tixne. How'd you like my autograpli?" OPEN DAILY AT 1:30 TO&y (Thuraday) Last Day. 1LEE TRACY in "Yom BeIong t. Me" W$itHolan Morgan-David Hoft Fri, Sat., and SUD., Oct 26- )*v gelai endI MM by CLAMEUNC WiNSTON VUAI KIDS! Doors Opn Saturday At 11;00 A.M. For Special HoIIowe'en Party! Mickey loue-Betty Boop Popeye-In an Extra Hour of Elitertanmen-Plus Harold Lloyd In 4"Cat's Paw"t COME EAEYI. Extra Cartoens o. lot Show Onhyl Mon., Tu.., Oct. 29-30 'THE HUMAN SIDEI With %%dolphe Menjou Doris K.nyon comsng Wed.. Thurs., SOct. 31-Nov. lut IHAVE A HEARTIO With James Dunn-Une M.rk.l Beginning Thursday. October 25 This Theater WilI se for Remodeling and Redecoratinq Watch for Opening Announcement, rTeatro Gel Lago Acres of Free Parking S pace in "No Man's Land" Phones: Wilmette-Winnetka 3900 MATINEES SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS. Doors Open 1 :30 Show Starts .at 2 p.. m., Con tinuous Evenings During Week Doos Open 6 :3o-Show Starta >7 P. m- PRICES AT ALL TIMES Aduits, 25c-chuldren, 1kc Thursday. Friday, Saturday October 25, 260 27 In THE RAIN"9, witb Roger Pryor -Heather Angel Sundayand Monday October 28, 29 witb Warner Baxer and Madge Evans October 25, 193 4 WILUIRTTIR TAPIR