October 25. 1934 WILMETTR LIPE THýE JUNI-OR LIFE I Howard D-3 Outscores D-2 in Grid Battie, 7-0 Howard D-3 defeated Howard D-2, 7 to 0, in football at the Village green, Iast Tbutrsday. Howard D-2 kicked off to Howard D-3 and How- ard D-3 came through for about ten yards.. Howard D-3 got a touchdown and then the firsthaîf ended. Howard D-3 kicked off to Howard D-2 in the second haîf and Howard D-2 came, through for about five yards. How- ý ard D-2 got to the D-3 four-yard1 line -and it wvas the last down. D-2's short pass was blocked. Then the! game ended. - Howard Anderson. Howard 6A. Many Present as Dance Classes Begin at Stolp Friday, October 12, the Parent- Teacher association dancing, classes of Stolp school %%ere started. The fourth. fifth, sixth and seventh grade classes were held in the afternoon and the eighth grade classes were held in the evening. The, classes went over big with many present. The eighth gradle classes which were held at night had an attendance of eighty or more would-be dancers.-Robert Ferrenz. Stolp IC. HOWARD F-2 VICTORNOUS Howard F-2 outscored Howard F-1, 20 to 6,,in a grid tussle at the Village green Monday, October 15. The players for F-2 were Bob Dodds, Os- car Beck, John Brandt, John Sargent, BobMatson, Arthur Green and Dick Kahn. John Brandt scored ail the F- touehdowns: The extra points were muade by Oscar Beck and Dick Kahn. The touchdown for F-I was scored by George. Leal.-Dick, Kahn. Howard 6C. TRY WRITING POEMS The. seventh grade children of Howard were to w rite a poem Tues- day for homework in grammar. It had to be about September and Oc- tober. There were funny, scary. and just plain mies. Most of theru were good ones. Some had illustrations around the poeîn. Miss Madsen posted them on the front board. The reason the class was asked to write theru was to give us practice.-Dor- othv Kraft. PUT OUT NEWSPAPER Stephen Finney, Bob Canning and,ý Richard Finney are going to publish a weekl y paper, The Star. Friday. October 19, they gave out a free copy to every person in Stephen Finney' s and Bob Canning's room. They will have to get a very good paper out to be better than the Times junior, which Dick LaBonte and Knox Bet- tinghaus are publishing weekly.- Harold Buzan, Central 6th grade. HAPPY THOUGH BEATEN Monday, October 15,' Central 6A, M4iss Johannsen's room, played a kick- bail game against Stolp .lB, and. eighth grade. We piayed it on one of the diamonds in the. school yard. Stolp IB defeated Central 6A, »In to 15. The sixth grade girls had a good timne lven though they lost.-Janet Whitehead, Central 6A. STUDY PLANETS, STARS In general science the Stolp eighth grades are studying planets, stars and constellations. The next subject of study will be souls and rocks.-Dick Hooker, Stolp 1C. PEWFLES WI N. 19-0 Wilmette pewees trounced High- land Park, 19 to 0, in a football game' at Deerfield-Shields, October 18. Kim Brown, quarterback, niade one touch- down, jobnny Miller made two and Don Hutchins made the extra point. -Dick Cochran, class 7C. CvuuKtcLASIFIED Monday when the 6C captain went down to the gyin to sec whom her teamplaedshefound that the girls, had ail been classified. . Sally Ed- wards, 6C captain, came out and told. the teamn members we had been classi- fed'and to go down and see what team we were on. We are now di- vided up. Wben Mrs. Fanckboner classifies the girls she getsthe weight, height and age from Mrs. Stopka and divides them up according to size.- Evelyn Jacobsen, Howard 6C. Telephone Directory* TO SOON P. GOES PRESS In » the interest of good, service, subscribers are requested to cati the Telephone Com- pany and give notice of any changes or cor- rections that should be made in their listings 1ILL INOIS, B El L TELEPHO1-0N E COMPANY Howard -GirlsCopt AfterThyrClufe The aoward girls were classified by Mrs. Fanckbonèr Monday, Oc- tober 15. "Classified" ineans that Mrs. Fanckboner takes âdl the girls from fifthto ci ghth grade an~d puts them into groups, by height and weight and age. After she had finished classify- ing them' E-i and E-2 played each other. E-i team had four extra girls. E-2 had some extra ones too. E-i won the game, il to 9.-Gladys Dal- strom, Howard 6C. October 25,1934 WILM ET-TE LIFE