Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 52

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.16~~~Cý - K sILPT IFOtbr2,13 PFirst Con gregational John G. Hindley, minuster "Getting Ahéad" Io thé subject of thé third ln a séries of sermons which thé Bey. Mr. Hindley la preachlng on "'Mak- lng Pull Use of Our Religion," at thé il o'clock service next Sunda>' morning. Thé- musical program for this service foilovu: Prélude: "Prélude, Fugue and Varia- tions" .................. Csar Franck Anthém: "Fear Net. 0O Israel"..Spicker Quartet: "«Psalm 150" .. César Franck Postlude: "Toccata f rom Fifth Sym- phony-........................ Wdor Thé Young Peopl's group meéts nt 5:30 on Sunda>' evenings undér thé lead- ership ef Francia Hayes. Open te al ef high sehool age. On Saturda>' nighit they wiii énjoy a Hallowé'én -party et thé church. Thé Nortbvest circlé mééts on Frida>', Octoher 26, wth Mrs. Howard Miller. 1001 Greenleaf avenue, wlth luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. Thé assisting hostésses are Mrs. H. E;- Coyl, et 518 Lîndén ave- nue, Mrs. A. L. Grinnéil of 2425 Kenil- worth avenue and Mrs. R. . XMclrath of 1629 Highland avenue. Thé North 'End circl ié vii niet on Monday, Octeber 29, vith Mrs. R. R. Lip- pineott, 1132 Ashland avenue. Lunchéon at 12 :30 o&clock. Thé asslstlng hestéssés will hé Mrs. C. R. Bixby et 1104 .Ashland avenue. Mrs. R. E . P. Kline 'of 1311 Greenwood avenue and Mrs.-L. Pérry ot 1127à Greénwood avenue. On Thursda>', Novémbér 1, thé Cosy' Corner circlé viii méet with Mme. Enoch Steen, 1535 Spencer avenue. Howard Hindle>' viii give a.Hallow- 'en party for Cub Pack 63 ln Pilgrim hall on Frida>' évenlng, Octoher 26, at 7:30 o'clock. On Saturda>' at 9:30 a. mn. thème viii hé thé regular meeting of Cub pack at thé church. Ail boys of 9, 10 and 11 yéarq of age are Invlted. Mrs. Walter G. Mlntosh viii enter- tain thé Junior departmént of thé Church school at hem home, 1100 Greenwood ave- nue, -with a Hallow'en froiic Saturday evening, Octoher 27. Scout troop No. 1 meéts on Tuésday at 7:30 p. mn. Scout tmoep No. 2 meets on Wédnesday at 7:30 p. m. Girls' choir réhéarsai at 3 :30 p. in. Thursda>'.J Boys' choir rehearsal at 4 P. nm. Thurs- day. Senior choir rehéarsal at 7 :15 P. nM. Thursda>'d Girls' choir rehéarsai at 10 :30 a. in. Saturda>'. Boys' choir rehearsal at il a. ni. Satur- day. P;rst Pre.çb vte rian Ninth streét at Greénleaf avenue James T. Venéklasen, ministér At thé mornin g worship service at il o'clock, thé minister viilpeach on thé thème, "'God's Plumbliné," a suggestive lesson from onéet thé prophets et an earlier agé. We welcoe you te our services. Thé music for the service,arranged by Miss Erma Rounds, diréctor, viii hé as foliows: prélude,,, "Barcarolle," Rach- inaninoif; anthem,"nliné Thine Ear,*' Himmel; solo, "'How Beautiful upon thé Mountains," Harker, Edvard Otis, soie- let; postlude, -"Grand Chorus" (March Form), Gulimant. Junior churceh, In chargéetfM rs. Stan- ley Peterso n, viii také camé et the littie chiidren duing thé morning vôohip pé- riod se that thé parents ma>' hé free te attend thé church service. Our Bible achool méets for study at 9:30 o'ciock, ln ail dépatments, undér the gênerai direction of Ralph H. Ricé, superinténdent. Our Aduit Bible clans meets at 10 'clock te study thé practical lésions' from thé lité and léttérs of Paul. We ina- vite you te study with un. Thé pastor's ciasa for those who v'ish te prépare for church mémbérship, wili aneet at 9:30 ock. Thé Tuia ociety. thé hlgh sohool young people's group, WIii méet at 6:30 for tea, and later for a discussion of thé topic, "Great Modern Christiàns-AIbèrt Schweitzer," led by Robert Héndersen. This, lite .story la a most fascinatlng one, and wil hé Inspirlng to young people te- day. We Invite thé young peeple te inéet with us. Thé Forum, thé college and post-col- legs group ofi young people, will bégin their meetings Sunday at 6 o'clock. Tea wl hé served, followed hy a meeting dlscusslng thé subJect, "What 1s Relig- Ion? What of It? What Does 1[t Mean to Me?" Boy Scout troop No. 5 viii inéét at thé church Monday évening. Spolce No. 9 of thé Woman's socléty wyll meét Tuésday with Miss Mary Pope, 904 Lake avenue, at 1 o'clock. Our midweek service wlll hé héld on Wednésday evening at 8 o'clock. We wiii hégin a séries' ot studiés on "Modern Applications' of thé Sermon on thé Mount." We Invite you to spénd this hour with us. Thé Chicago Présbytérl sociéty viii meet Friday at thé River Forest Presby- térian church. Thé speakers wiii hé Mrs. Edwin Cozzéns of West Africa and Mrs. Joseph H. Rodéheaver of the.North- ern Baptist Théological séminar'. ]Rés- ervations for thé lunchéon must hé made by Tuesday evénIng wlth Mrs. Frank Eager. Thé choir viilréhéarsé Frida>' événlng at thé church. Girl Scout troop No. 5 wiii méét at thé church Saturday at 1:30. English Lutheran Séventh street at Greenléaf avenue "A Housé of Worship", Thé Rev. David R. Kabélé, pastor SIJNDAY SERVIICES Church school ........ 9:45 a. m. Morning worship....... 11:00 a. m. Luther league.... «...........56:30 P. M. Choir réhearsal Friday évening at 7 :30 o'clock. Many' new voicés have recéntiy héén added to our choir. Thé choir director would like to havé a few more- if >ou caré te join a church choir we in- vite you to réhéarsai Friday évening. Next Sunda>' Is Réformation day. 1which is one of thée utstanding Sundays in thé Lutheran church. Tuesday, Octohér 30, thé Chicago con- féréncé of thé Women's Missionary soci- et>' wili hold Its Fali conférence In our church. Sessions heglnning at 9:30 a. m., 1 :30 p. m. and 7:30) p. m. Thé Woman's societ>' viii meét at thé parsonagé. on Thursday, Novembér 1. Thé topie for study wili hé "Thé Oriental in Industry."1 We Invité ail thé vomen to méét with uis. To thosé vho are iooking fer a church home we invité you te vorship. vlth us and sharé vith us thé hlessings ot thé Gospel et Jésus. St. A ugustine's Dr. Hubert Carleton, D. C. L., réctor Néit Sunda>', Octobér 28, viii he St. Si- mon and St. Judeé's day. Thème wili hé Hol>' Communion at 8 a. m., Church achool and Bible classés at 9:45, and Hoiy Communion vith sermon at'îrý. ini. Thursday, Novémber 1, viii be Al Saints' day. Thème viii lie clébrations et thé Roi>' Communion at 7Ta. in. and 8 -a. ni.,This la thé last hol>' day ef thé church's year, and is In remembrancé of, ail vho have gene hefore and havé net been special>' remémberéd. Thé ummagé salé held by thé vemén et the guiid lu thé paluh house bégan yesterday and viii continué through te- day (Thursda>'). Our Boy Scouts are meeting regulani>' Wédnesday événlngs at 7:30 ln thé par- lsh house. Boys sééking admission should appi>' as soon as possible. John Fowler ls Sceutmaster. Thé Boys' Véstéd choir practicés Tués- day évenings at 7, and the Girls* Véuted choir Saturda>' morningua at 9:45, bothAnl thé parish heusé. Au>' boy or girl wbo would liké to Join these choirs s3hould at- tend thé next practie. Théré wlll bé four more sessions of thé Training School for Church School Téachers and OffIcers at Christ Church Parlsh House, Wlnnetka, on succeeding Monday evéntinga, beglnning at 7:30. The East circlé of thé Women's guild meets tomorrow (Friday) ,at thé, home of Mrs. J. C. MeQuide, 731 Elmwood ave- nue; thé West circlé at thé home of Mrs. J. J. Walworth, 1531 Spencer avenue, and thé North circle at thé home of Mrs. A. E. Logie, 1032 Ashland avenue. Thé thrée circles ail méet for luncheon. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, J. H. Gockél, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a. m.-Flrst service. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday sehool and junior and Intermediate Bible classés. 10 a. m.-Senior Bible cla.4s. 1l a. m.-Sécond service. MEETINGS Childrén's Christian éducation classes, Saturday, 9:30 a. m.; Wédnésday, 4 P. M. Choir rehearsai, Monda> at 7:45 p. m. Sunda>' wé shall observé thé annivér- sar>' of thé Réformation, bégun by Dr. Martin Luther on October 31, 1517. Tlhé subJéct of thé sermon wlll hé: "Thé Thrée Great Principlés of thé Reforma- tion." Thé Luthéran church is oftén termed "thé Mothér Church of Protes- tantism.'l It wiii Intéreat you to héar ln what respect this is trué. A joint célébration of thé Réformation, with spécial référencé to thé 400th an- nivérsary ef Luthér'a translation of thé Bible. viii také placé in thé Stevens Hotél kiuditoriumi Sunda>' aftrnoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Walter A. Mater of St. Louis willi héthé speaker. Frida>' evening at 8 o'clock thé pastor wiii lecture on Christian Science. Thé lecture will hé followéd hy an open forum. Ail are, invitéd to come, not oniy te hear, but also to join ln thé discussion. Wilmette Babtist Wiimétté and Forest avenés Rev. George D. Allison, pastor On Sunday niorning ait il o'clock, Dr.' Allison preachés on thé thème, "What Christ Means to Me," and a service of méditation and prayer, with mnusic wili: hé built around this heart-séarchingj question. Thé chorus choir will lead in thé praise service, and rénder thé morn- ing anthem. Rehearsal will hé held to- night (Thursday) ait 7 :30 for thé men's chorus and ait 8 for thé comhined choir. "Firésidé Forums" hégin Sunday evé- ning ait 7 :30 in hundreds of Baptist churches throughout thé land. Théy are primarîly for Christian fellowship, homes belng opened for thé meeting of1 church groups, who énjo>' thé singing of hymns around thé piano and engagé ln1 conversation on thé- Christian wa>' of life.. On Octohér 28, Llnk I mééts with1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, 176 Fuller lane, Winnetka, wlth Charles V. Clark as leader; Link II meéts with Mr. and4 Mrs. Clarence Clarke, 925 Central ave- nue, with Mrs. -George B. Williams as leader;, Link III with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blaylock, 1220 Forest avenue, Mrs. Bla>'- iock leading; and Llnk IV with Miss Annie Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Beach at 1114 Ashland avenue with J. D. Dingle ln charge. Men, womén and Young folks. are urged to participaté heartil>'. Anothér group of homesWill bé opened.on Novembér 4. Wednesdae, October 31, thé Fai Pet- lowship dinners hegi#n at 6:30 with an interestlng séries of programs, éach foi- lowIng a deiightful meal and a chance to meet 'wlth man>' Christian friends. It la désired that a large contingent plan to. comé on thé opéning night, as we mu4t do without a délégation of.our men who are atténding a, Baptiat ral>' thé samé evéning. This évent lsaiat North Shore Baptist. church on BerwYn avenue, be- gins with a dinnér at 6:30 and Includes aà stirring addréss b>' Rév. Néil Poteat of« North Carolina who made thé outâtand- ing Impression at thé Northern Baptist- convention In Washington. It la not too much to expéct two gréat gathérings of our people on, thé same avenlng, we trust. Missionari reàding on Mondays, from 1 to 3 p.* me' isplannéd hY Our Missionar>' Educatipn'ç!onnihttoe at thé home of Igra. C. H.- Jones, 1514 Foreat avenue. The women of Llnk IV are meeting today (Thursday), with. Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, 1004 Michigan avenue, Mrs. C. B. Thompson and Mrs. C. C. Chatley assistlng. Tomorrow (Friday), Llnk 1 meetçs wlth Mrs. Edward Meler, 910 Elmwood ave- nue. Mrs. Bell and Miss Kindt assistlng. Llnk Il méets Frlday with Mrs. J. W. Brashears. 1241 Ashland avenue, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Gruhn and MrB. Burnslde assistlng. Llnk III meets wIth Mrs. A. B. Gebért, 1526 Gréénwood avenue, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Gathercoal and Mrs. Lane assisting. Ail of thèse gatherlngs meet to séw at Il a. m. wlth lunchéon follow- Ing. Members oi. thé Sunset club are asked to turn out strongly on the coming Sun- day evéning, for the program on "Arma- ments", and for the planning of the excellent play, l'The Tinkér," which we plan to produce thîs séason. Thé B. Y. P. U. holds Its regular session in the Gulld room, 6 o'clock Sunday evenlng, foliow- ing up last Sunday's excellent discus- io.Jane Blaylock's group wlll put on thé program. Effort is being made to havé the Church school départments start wlth full représentation at thé opening hour, 9:30 Sunday morning. Too many bave been coming In laté. Let ail cooperate In chécking this. Thé réading of thé book of Psalms Is our Bible study for the months of Novémbér and Décembér, and a plan of réading wlll hé furnlshed to ail who are Interested. Néarly one hundred read thé book of Job In Octoher and tis record should hé éxcéédéd in thé new study. Methodist Church Révérend Amos Thornburg, minister Thé minlstér's sermon thème for thé Il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning will hé "Thé Lord 1s Our -nHome.,, Théeinusic for Sunday niorning is as follows: Organ, prelude-"ThreChorale". Brahms Miss Marié Briél IntroIt-"-ýFathér, In Thy Mysterlous Preseflcell................... Matthews Anthém by thé. cholr-"ýBlesséd Art Thou",......................Monestél ,Offertory solo Organ postlude-"Wé Thank Thée, God" Bach Thé Church school meéts éach Sunday inorning at 9 :30 o'clock. Théré are classes for.ail ages from thé nurqery to ý hé adut department. New enrolmnts are made each weék. Thé following divisions of thé Woman's Aid are meeting today (Thurs- day) : First-12 :30) p. m.-Luncheon-Mlrs. C. A.> Lundberg, 1010 Elmwood avenue. Second-lU :30 a. m.-Mrs. George Hoffman, 66 Warwick avenue, Wlnnetka. Third-1 2:30 p. m.-Luncheon-Mrs. Paul Rensch, 1639 Hlghiandavenue. Fifth-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. J. W. Hum- phries, 255 Wood court. Choir réhearsal Is héld éaeh Thursday évening at 8 o'clock under thé direction of Miss Marié Briel. Ténor voices are. wanted. Thé Philathea class wiii havé a Hal- low'é >n party Tuésday évening, October 30, at thé church. The following scout troops for boys and girls méét In this church: Girl Scout Troop 1-Thurlsdays at 7 :15 P. M., Girl Scout Troop, 2-Thursdays at 3:45 p. m. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuésdays at 3:45 P. m. 1Boy. Scout Troop 3-Thursdays at 7 :30 p. rd. Thé Brownié pack, for girls 7 to 10, wiil hé started as soon as two leaders can hé securéd. Thé High School chaptér of thé Ep- worth league wiii meet Sunday evening at 5-:30 o'clock. Al high school students are urged to attend. Théta Epsilon Rho, formerly known as thé Young People'a chapter of thée p- worth league, wili méet Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock with thé Rev. Mr. Thorn- burg as thé speaker. Thib Woman's Aid society wilI nmt (Continued on, pgge .63); October 25, 1934, LIPE

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