48 WILMETT2 LI1'E October 25, 1934 L M HOIIIE! ANDU GARDEN How to Put Your Garden to Sloop; T erne at Center At 10:30 o'clock* Mondayr morning, October 29, at the North Shore Garden center in Winnetka Commun- ity House, Mrs. Clay M. Baird will tell "How to Put the Garden to Sleep." The Evanston Garden club. wwý- cabunet Work and Refinishing Draperieg Slip Covers Fabrics -Antiques i, LI NDWALL Bsvmusw.. mess 001Sf Wlibamtko145 will be. in charge for the day, with. M rs. 'Arthur Boettcber, Mrs. George Graif, and Mrs.'George Sollitt as its representatives.. Mrs. Montague Ferry and ber able committee wil take care of the hibrary. Carl- Gibson Smith, rose speciaIist of Chicago, spoke October 15 at the center. According to him, it is quite possible to grow tbrifty roses on the north shore. 0f course, he said, some attention must be paid to soul andl fertilization. Mr. Smith feels that any effort expenided is well worth wbile in the.anticipation of a beautiful summer garden. He mentioned many chnice varieties sure to thrive in this section. The specimen exhibits shown that PEAT MOSS 0 G. P. M. QUALITY Large ale .......$425 3à Bae.. $7 Milleu Hardware Co. 1219 Wilmett.. Ave. WU. mea SA'LE 01 -NURSERY STOCK NORTHSHORE GARDEN 0F MEMORIES is unable to buy any edjoining land for trensplenting trees and shrubs and, hence, must reduce its stock for thinning purposes. It will sell et auction to the highest bidders, in lots of ten or more plants. fine trees and shrubs of practically ail varieties desirable for plentng in cemeterles, perks. and private estetes, on Tuesday. October 30th, 1934, beginning et 9:30 e.m. Amongst evergreens will be sold fine speciens of Kosters Bluespruce 3' to 6', Colorado Blue and Greens, Black His,. Norwey, and other spruces of verious heights: Scotch, Austrian, White, Mughu and Jack pines of verious eges*: Pyramidal, Globe, Americen, Amurense erbor vitae; Greek, English, Swedish, Irish, Vrginie, Pfitzers and Golden Juni- pers: thousends of eech of Schwedler, Norwey and other Maples, and of fine Moline, Chinese and American Elms, 11/2" to 4"p, and a few Globe-top. Elms-: e few Americen EIms 8" to 1 2"; Americen Ash, Mountein Ash: Lombardy, Simoni, variegated and Boleene Poplers; Welnuts, .Oeks, Lindens, Larch, -Cut-leef. Drooping Brch, Sycçàmores and others. In deciduous shrubs there is e small block of Kolk- witzie <Beauty Bush), severel. verieties eech of Spirea,. For- sythia, Honeysuckle, Philedeiphus, -ilecs,, Privet, Thorn and many others.:eh free from disease, strong end.bushy plents 3' +o 5' tait. For fi.rther information write, wire or phione JOHN WESTERN Northshore Garden of MeMories North Chicago. 111. Tel. North Chicago 1067.. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. North Chicago 4101 mornings end evenings. day were particularly interesting and ýwelI thought out. They brougbt forth mucb favorable comment.. Included was a slver double cornucopia,. filled witb second bloomis of phlox, syringa, lilacs, and other flowering sbrubs, which,, in a contest, would have, been a prize winner. Mrs. Thomas Eddy, chairman for the day, brought from ber own garden stunning cimifuga racemiosa, which she arranged in a mercury container, in that way show- ing a lovely thing that thrives in al- niost full shade. "Let no onie despair should she have a garden in the shade." is the advice of the Garden center. There is a growing interest in the- center, and many are seen there with notebooks and well sharpenied pencils, gleaning ail of its free information. Pioneer Wilmette Residence to Take on Modern Aspect Work bas been started, on the remodeling of tbe Bockius residence at the southeast corner of Eleventh street and Central avenue, Minmette. And thereby suspends an interesting bit of pioneer north shore bistory. The Bockius home is built on a 'sItc once occupied by an Indian wigwam situated on an Indian trait which was still visible in the early '90s. WThen Central avenue was first paved. The first white man's building on this site was a long cabin used for many years by many of the early setters as dwelling, pending the con- struction of their own homes. Later HOW ABOUT NEW DRIVE? and meeting bouse.. The property was, purchased by Dr. The laying of a new driveway is Bockiuswoi 89rbittesrc suggested by the . Federal Housing turc and raised the bouse, using the Administration as a suitable property old Iogs in the construction of the improvement project that miglit be present house.- where they still re- financed witb fuîids obtainccl from1 main. private lending agencies cooperating! When the roof of the home was with the Government in its nation- burned off in 1903, the structure was wide modernization program. There 'remodeled. are many types of such improvenlents; And now the bistoric home is being which are available. to the home entirely modernized on the complete owner. Popular among them are con- exterior with use of Careystone as- crete drives, either solid or in narrow bestos lumber in Colonial clapboards parallel strips. Gravel and cinder also after the Cape Cod fashion for the first make suitable surface material for the a story, the upper portion of the bouse stretch of roadway between vour to be finished in asbestos wood garage and the street. grained shingles, also simulating the 'Cape Cod style of architecture. CAULK AROUND WINDOWS Passersby have taken a keen inter- est ini this revamping of a well known Weatherstripping does tiot pro- nortîi shore landmark. tect the spaces around the outside The home is now owne d by the window and door frames. These Misses Florence L. Mary 14.', and should be thoroughly caulked if heat Hattie H., Êockius. is to be satisfactorilv retained and Plans and specifications have been drafs prhîbied.provided and the work is being done by the Careystone Modernizing di- ROTTING ROOF' DANGEROUS vision of the Mercer Lumber com- No matter how attractive the home pany. may be the final joint of judgmnent is the roof. Shingles that are rotting and curling not only are unsightly but constitute a grave danger in case of ire. TREE, PLANT AUCTION North Sbore Garden of Memories at North Chicago, Ill., being unable to buy any adjoining land for transplant- reuuc t.tin SHEET MEITAL WORK its stoc for thinning purposes. It 0 Gu will sell at auction to the highest * GTTERS '0 FLASHINGS bidders, in lots of ten or more plants, 19 DOWNSPOUTS *b DECKS fine, trees ,and sbrubs of practically -C<spp.r or Gaivaniued Iren aIl varieties desirable for planting in cemeteri.es, parks and private prem- Milleu Hairdwaire CO. ises, on Tuesday, October 30, begin- 1210 Wflmegte Ave. Wil. tu ning at 9:30 o'clock. TULIPS-Our Best Sellers-Plant No.w Landscaffe eric Darwin 25 at ioo rate.-Per zoo Bar. de la Tonnaye, rose...............$ 5.60 Bgartigon, crimson...................... 5.00 Clara Butt, Pink...................... 5.00 City of Haarlemî, red.................. 6.40 Dreani, pale heliotrope .....;.. , .ç.6o Faust, black.........................6.00 Farnc. Sanders, rose red ............5.6o Mme. Krelage, rose................... 5.20 Pride of Haarlem, red............... - .6o Rev. Ewbanlc, lavender........... ...... 5.20 valentine, violet................6.001 Wm. Copeland, lavender .................5.6o Zwanenburg, white............. ....... 8.00 Breeders 25 a: 100 rate.--Pr r 100 Bronze Queen, sof t bufi................ 6.oo Bacchus, best purpie.......... ......... 7.00 Louis XIV, purpie & bronze.............. 6.oo Panorama, orange red.................. 6.oo Single Early Belle Alliance, red................. 5.6o Cottage Mnid, pank .....................5.6o Hobbema, strawberry ....................5.60 Rising Sun, deep yellow................ 5.4o Double Early Couronne D'Or, yellow....... ......... 5.40 Murrillo, 1gb: plait...................5.60 FRANKEN BROS., 440 Elm St., Cottage1 25 at 100. rate-Per à100 Avis Kennicott, yellow........ ........ ...$ . 6.oo Dido, orange, red................. ...... 6.40 !nglescombe yelto*, .canary... ........ zo Moonlight, yellow;......................6.oo Mrs. Moon, deep yellow........ ...... 6.0 arerose edged yellow>................. 6.oo Raela, soft rose .... .......6.80 HYACINTHS .Mbamnoth l Çertrude, dark pink.................1400 Grand Maître, lavendèr deep. .. ...........1400 Lady Derby, ligbt Pink................... 1400 L'Intiocence, white ...................... 1400 Qu.een of Blues (Pinks)............... 1400 Other uaridéUes at .Iower prices CROCUS ist size, .$3US et.00 Purle.w...............3.00 Fine Mixed ...........2.50 Sutail Buibi lA Heavenly Blue.......... 3.00 mo~ Siberica, Sky Blue .--- .4.00 MERFrn Snowdrops............4.00 L. Deerfiold, Ph. 241 Octob.er 25, 1934 WILMETT9- LIFE 1. 9 t