Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 44

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WILMBTTH LI1*E October 25, 1934 n T Exhibit Wide Range of Styles in SFowOctober 3( Handsome models, a carefulli selected group of exhibitors, aný excellent music, are A combir ing to make the annual fashiot show of the Winnetka board c: the Northwestern setulement , gala. social event on the nortf shore. Smart apparel, clothes for al bour of the day and evening, and for al most everyone in the family, will bg shown at 2 o'clock Tuesday, Octobec 30. at Christ Church Parish bouse Variety so. characterizes this exhbi. tion of fashiions that each exhibitoe is endeavoring to concentrate onà specialty of some kind. There will bc shown moderate priced costumes a welI as those especially made to or- der, furs in the latest styles, gar- ments from a trousseau shop; in faci, the variety will range from the sim- plicity of what well dressed children should wear to the dramatic pomp and glory of a bridai party. Mrs. Donald Defrees, chairman of the exhibitors committee, reports tbe following firms cooperating: Charles A. Stevens, Uhlemann Fur company, Saks Fifth Avenue, Carson Pirie, Scott, and company; aIl of Chicago; Edgar Stevens, Evanston; Elsie Thal, Winnetka; Hanna, Inc., Wil. mette; Florence, Glencoe; and the Sports shop, Lake Forest. Mrs. W. W.ý Darrow, chairman of the music committee, reports that Heinkel's orchestra, of Chicago, ha! been secured, This popular orchestra is well known and bas played in the past for St. Luke's style sbow. Arrangements bave been made sc that tbose who bave puichased tick- ets for tbe benefit can make reserva- fions for luncheon at Indian Hill club. Mrs. Robert Laird will take tbese re- servations, wbicb sbouldnot be made not later tban Monday noon, Octo- ber 29. Luncheon will be served at 12:30. Already several parties have been planned; among those enter- taining are Mrs. Everett Graif,' Mrs. W. W. Darrow, Mrs. John Hooker, Mrs. Warren L.amson, and Mrs. John Ott. Enfertaifq Schumann Heink, Mr. and bÈrs. A. F. Thaviu, 388 WVash-, ington avenue, Wilmette were bout and bostese a;. a dinner last Friday evenlng in honor of Madame Schu- mann-Heink. Their guests included Mischa Mischakoff,. concertmeister of the Chicago Symphony. orchestra, Charles Previn, radio conductor*,.Mr. and Mrs. George Parish, Walter. Schu- mann, the guest of hono?'s son, and Adrienine Silver. Service Club Program The regular meeting of the Pro- testant Women.'s Service club wil b. held Widnesday, Novetuber 7, at 12:30 oclock in Marshall Field's Wedgwood room. Following lunch- eôn there will be a book revew. Women of Rotary Stanf Bridge Luncheon Series The second in a series of monthly 0 bridge luncheons of the North Shor~ Ogroup, Women of the Rotary Club o f Chicago, was held at the Georgian yhotel Monday, with Mrs. Paul AI..; d drich and Mrs. Fred Duncombe of - Winnetka, Mrs. K. Barnard of Kenil- 01 wortb and Mrs. Julius Frazier of Ev- )fanston as bostesses. aasMrs. Frank D. Fulton of Winnetka, a spresident of the Chicago organiza- ýh tion, is meeting with the various com- mittees. She and Mrs. Harvey P. rsKendall of Chicago, secretary of the jorganization, were guests when Mrs. )eC. H. Meister, chairman of the bouse e committee, entertained ber commit- ete at luncheon. Otber north sbore ,-women on this committee are Mrs. )rW. W. Steiner, Mrs. J. L. Frazier of aEvanston, Mrs. Leo B. McShane of oe Kenilwortb, Mrs. Fred Duncombe of ksWinnetka, and Mrs. F. H. Seubold of The Women of Rotary, wbich num- tbers in its membersbip many north j- shore wornen, is planning a bridge n lunicbeon and fashion show November P 21, at Field's Tea room. The pro- ceeds fromntbe benefit will be used ,f for crippled children. e Announce Two Parties efor Southern Alliance e The Soutbern Women's Educational alliance is to have its monthly tea f NMonday. October 29.. at 2 o'clock. t at Mrs. Hubert Burnbam's studio in, 5 Evanston. James Arthur Edmunds, 1baritone will gi've a group of songs. Hostesses for tbe party are Mrs. J. R. Hallowell of Evanston, chairman of tbe afternoon, Mrs. Carey Orr of Wilmette, Mrs. William F. Beniois;t; and Mrs. J. Paul Clayton, of WVitt-, netka, Mrs. George L. Wilkinson and and Mrs. Ward Chittenden, of Evans- ton, and Mrs. H. M. Pulsifer, Mrs. W. A. Pusey, and Mrs. Harden Fitts, of Chicago.c A card party, followed by tea will5 be given by Mrs. Pusey at tbe Park-s way botel Thursday, November 8, for the benefit of the alliance. - a Mlrs. Clayton. president of the al .- liance. has been invited' to represent il that group as one of tbe tbree mem- 3 bers of the Delegate assembly- of tbev Amierican Council of Guidance and ti Personnel. association, which was 4 formed tbis year witb financial help q from the Carnegie corporation.' This is to meet in Atlantic City Fehruary -V 20.a Empress of Navy' Bail, Miss Jane McIntosh, daugbter of Arthur T. McInfosh, 521, Roslyn S road, Kenilworth, was chosen, cm- f2 press of the Na vy balheld last Sat- bo urday night at the Evanston Woman's club by. the Navy R.O.T.C. of North- western university. Miss Mclntosh was elected that evening by a group of judges who had sixteen beautiful Northwestern co-eds to choosefrom.S Miss McIntosh, whàois a member of oi Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, led cm the grand march with James Martin Ir at last year's Navy bail.1) Participate Again in Style Show AlJrs. Donald Defrees Of [Winnetka, Pictîired abov'e îith lier twvo dogs. Carlos and Airta, has, with her cominittce. secured exhibitors wZho w-il show a great varieti' Of clothes in the annual style sh.ow for th.e bene fit of .Vorthivestern UniVersity setticinent, ini Christ Churchi Parish house October 30. -Mrs. De! rces headed the saie committee la.st year as this, and Carlos (1111 Arta were twVo of the ,,ost 'o pilar inodels in lPut -veor's show, 'xhibitinfi COilars a:tdWbankets. Rogers Park Club Has Program Next Wednesday The Rogers Park Womnan's club on October 30, will have as its speaker at 2 o'clock Willie A. Law- son. Her subject is "America'and a NIew Citizenship." Sbe is a business. and club woman of -Hot Springs. At 10, Ralpb Scburmnan will give an llustrated lecture on "Vitamin D M'ilk." Mr. Schurman says that vitamin D milk is greatly beneficial o the adult as well as to cbildren. Ample time will be provided for questions after the picture. At 11, Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber of Vinnetka will discuss the "Import-' ance of a Constitutional Convention' " .At 12:45, Mrs. James Massie of Chicago, will review "The People's Choice," by Herbert Agar. This book won. the 1934 Pulitzer prize for bis- tory. On October 31, from 10 until 3, the School Children's Aid and Cbild Wèl- ire groups will meet at the club ouse. Ii-Mi-Win at Shawnee The annual October party at ýhawnee Country club will be held )n Saturday, October 27. It will be alled the Ni-Mi-Win, which is the ridian expression for fafl festival. jinner wilI be followed by& dancing. Wellesley Luncheon at Fair October 31I Tbe last Wellesley day luncheon at a Century of Progress Will be the closing day of the exposition Wed- nesday., Lun.cheon wiIl be in the Trustees lounge not in tbe Italian club, as was fi rst announced. Miss Margaret Christian,' chairman of residence at Wellesley college, Wbo is coming to Cbicago for ten days to visît schools and interview pros- pective students, wil be guest of honor at the one o'clqck luncheon. ýWellesley bostesses.at the Women's College Board lounge in the Hall of Social Science .will be Mrs. Irwin Rew, Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley, and .Miss Elizabeth Kingsley of Evanston and Mrs. Newell S. Kn"ight of Kenil- Worth. Luncheon for Divisi*on The Third division of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist Episcopal church is serving a' luncheon to- day (Thursday) at the* home of Mrs. Paul Renscb. Assisting bos- tesses are Mrs. J. Robb Harper, Mrs. A. H. Puessle, Mrs. A. G. Acker- mann, Mrs. Hazel Hermanson, Mrs. William Reinhold and Mdrs.* A. L., Christy. An mntercsting -progranýl wiil be given in the atternooni.' Jctivtiles in ScialCircles TENl" mB1ROIRCK ,October 25, 1934

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