Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 38

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«ctites, in Scial Gie »tivitBttT8N BRO es Announce Patrôns. for Junior League Follies Nov. 1, 2, 3., Many men and women of the north shore, identified with its social and.cultural life, are sub- scribing for patron and patron. ess scats for the Junior League Follies in Glencoe.the first three evenings in November. A box office will be opened-at the Georgian hotel on Tbursday, October 25, at whicb time exchange tickets may be turned in for reserved seats. The box-office will remain open tbroughôut the following week, bui ticket holders are urged to get in line as early as possible so that they may l)e assured of obtaining reservations for the night tbey prefer, particularly if they hope to be present for the big opening night. The Junior league's charity bud- getý for the year, including the run- ning expenses of its Dental dispen- sary, depends on the success of the revue. Encouraged by the splen- did returns from early ticket sales, the ticket committee, ably directed by Mrs. John Kimbark, is bard at work on the final drive to f ill every seat in the bouse for each of the three performances. The list of the patrons for the Junior League Follies is annouinced by Mrs. Carol Alton, chairman of the committee on patrons and pa- tronesses, as being: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Asbcraft, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BaIl, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Baumbogger, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les H. Boswortb, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward P. Bracken, Dr. anid Mrs. Artbur Black, Mr. and Mrs. John 1z E. Blunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buck, Mrs. O. J. Buck, Mrs. Frank. Bers- bach, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bers- bach. Dr. and Mrs. Frank- Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Biggert, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Buffington, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burgess, Mr. gind Mrs. Monroe Cockrell, Mr. and Mrs. Philip.Connell, Dr. and Mrs. Budd Corbus, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carroll, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Colvin. Mns. Edward F. Carpenter,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker Davis,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D~awes, Mr. and Mrs. George1 B. Dryden, Mrs. L. H. Date, William Dyche, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fallon, Mr. *and Mrs. Roger L. Foote, Judge and Mrs. Martin Grid- ley, Mr. an.d Mrs. Hamilton Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. William Ogden Green, Mr. and Mrs. Robert' H. Gault, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hawley, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ward T.'Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Ho over, Colonel and Mrs. E. M. Hadley. Dean* and Mrs. Ralph Heilmati, Dean and Mrs. Arlington Harvey, Mrs. Walter Clyde Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam B. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. R. To W.d Easterner Dubois Photo Af fer the first oft/he ycear, Miss Bettiy Virgin;ia Henning wuilI be- coine the bride of Adain Edivard Coi ieliins, Jr., of Buffalo, lhep- par- ents, ir. anîd Mrs. Charles F. Ileiniig of Glencor awnouince this ïveek. Mrs. Harriet N. Batchelder of Washington, D. C., and Miss Mayme Richards of Toronto, Canada were recent guests of the A. W. Wiggles- worths, 125 Woodstock avenue, Kenil- worth,. L. Lasater, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmeni Lutkin, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Leverone, Mrs.* John Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth MacKenzie. 1Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Merrick, Mr. and Mrs.- William Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, Dr. and Mrs. Linni F. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Munns, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Midgley, Mr. and Mrs. William'Mc-, Donougb, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. George Pad- dock, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirie, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Porter, Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, Mr. and Mrâ. Irwin Rew, Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Ran- daîl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ravens- croft, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Sanders, Mr..and Mrs. Edward Sheridan, Mrs. R. W. Sears, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schner- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Merle. Slane,, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ste'vens, Mr., and Mr. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stone, Mr. and Mrs. George Thorp, Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Troup, Mrs. E. Crane Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Welles, Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Warner, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Welcb, Mr. and Mrs. Lansing War- ner, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wing, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Wieboldt. Dinners Will Precede Smnith Club Benefit The Evanston-Nortb Shore Smith College cluib has taken over the sec- ond night of the performance of "As Thousands. Cheer". at the Grand Opera bouse as a benefit, for iI.s scholarship fund. Many dinner par- ties are being planned before the performance on Tuesday night, No- vember 6, and it promises to be a gala affair, the committee in charge declares. Mrs. John R. Nicholson of Glen- coe is chairman of the committee, Mrs. Harrv Trees, Mrs. G. Lyle Fischer. Mýrs. Gair Tourtellot, Jr., Miss Dorothy Fabian and Mrs. Hor- ace Marchant are among those ac- tivelv working for the success of the l)enefi t. Mrs. Charles W. Schweppe. Mrs. Kersev Coates Reid. Mrs. R. Arthur Wood, Mrs. Horace Armstrong, Mrs. Frank C. Compton, Mrs. E. O. Mc- Nair, Jr., Mrs. W. S. Warfield, III, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, and Mrs. Clarence' Burley are among the pa- tronessee. Announce Engiagement of Betty V. H.enningj Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Henning, 90l9 Sheridan road, Glencoe, announce the engagement of their daughter, Bètty Virginia,, to Adam Edward Cornelius, Jr., of Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Henning is a graduate of the Knox School for Girls, and since ber grad- uation is studying art. Mr. Cornelius is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. The wedding wviIl take place after the first of the year. In Charge of Bridge In charge of t/te cOmrnittee ar- ranging the con tract bridge lessoins thte iuas an.d eans conmittee of thte 1Vornan's Club of Wiimette is. sponsoring to s'weIl ifs building fund, is Airs. Roy R. Marquardt of 218 Woodbiine avenite. Con tract Bridge ,Course Offered at Woman's Club The Wilrniette Woman's club is offerinig a. course of les.sons on modemn contract bridge under the sponsorship of the ways anid means committce of -wlich Mrs. Clifton L. Darling is general chairman. This course wiIl be conducte d by Frank E. Bourget, a nationally knowvn lecttîrer and author of several digests on contract. He will point out the strong and weak spots of the Culbertson, Official, and Sims sys- tems with special reference to the intelligent coý-ordination of play by people who have learned different systems. Bidding conventions will l)e given particular* attention, and the course will include both the lecture period and the playing of actual hands with privilege. of question and answers for special problems. Mr. Bourget is well known as a bridge expert and the Woman's Club of Wilmette is fortunate to be able to offer tbis course to its mein- bers and friends.. In this connectioîi, we desire to emphasize the fact that these lessons are not restricted to members only but are open to the public and1 tables May be made up of your own particular bridge part- ners so that you may enjoy a plea- sant evening of play as well as the interesting course of instruction of- fered at a minimum of cost. Classes will be held on Monday afternoons for those who cannot come in the evening, and on Friday nights (be- ginning October 26,)- from 8 to 10 for- couples and the business men who wisb to improve their game. Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt is chair- man of the contract bridge commit- tee and the other members of ber committee are Mesdames Frank Bur- pee, J. J. Downey, Frank Guy, W. C. Huggins, Nelson V. Joyce, Charles F. Kremer, Herbert B. Mulford, H. A. Storms, George E. Walk. Informa- tion as to the cost and tab)le reserva- tions may be secured from any meni- ber of the above group.-L. M. C. 'Womnanless Wedding', ta Be Given in Kenilworth, "Coming.soon! 'A Womanless We d- ding,' a 5omedy for your approval," is tbecrisp announcement of the en- tertain.ment to beý given at the Mem- orial gymnasiumn of the joseph Sears ,school. in Kenilworth by an. "aIl- star cast of, fifty, of' Kenilwortb's prominent men.", The following coin- mittee is in charge of the entertain- ment: Mrs. Ward Starrett and-Mrs. Gardner Henderson, acti.ng as co- chairman, and Mrs. Bentley McCloud,' Mrs. Leonard Paider, Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Miss Miriane Shattuck, Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, Mrs. Harold McKenzie, Mrs. Charles Ware, and Mirs. R. C. Quinlevan. Mrs..Harry Campbell 1 Sheridan -oad, was hostess at a small bridge ulcheon, yesterday. October, 25, 1934, WILMETTE. LIFE

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