October IInd to October 17th' rî Long and Short Wave PHILCO Foreign Reception Guarantsed Crunow Console .$5950 Foreign 'reception with sas.. Gels English, French, Spanisk, South American and other far distant -stations, clearly and with volume. At $59.50. No Money Dowvn Ai rg -GtSWsPS et sea. airpianes. amateurs, police colis, as w.ll as stations thoua- sands of miles distant. Another fast sfepping CRUNOW. $7950 At right-A stili finer example of Grunow engi- neering. Plainly a masiter- pioc*. Complet. band coverage. Tune in world stations. No Money Down The De Luxe Cru now, $9950 More tubes, More power, stili greater range, marvelous tons. Tunein freign stations witk sas. on, tis 1fin. model. Easy Payments.. No carrying charge if paid ifl 90 days WIEBOLDT On Davis Street' Libe ral Trade-le AIIowance on your old Radio during Radio Week et Wleb.idt's. free HOME Trial Radio- 9s Store Hours 9 a. me to 6 P. me Foireign Reception Guaranteed! *-THIS PHILCO At bIt-m naddition, f. world rang.i bis modal has Philcof4",fedpaf- .nfed lnclined ,Sound Board. Eaawj Pagments-No corrying charge if paid in 90 dags 7*hird Ploor <4VNýS TO0N #Sedwrdays Open #09P. M. Wilmette 1100 Try These Radios ia Your Home! 3 Deys Trial Without Charge or Obligation' WJLMETE IFEOCTOBDR z,5, '934 2 .......... . .......... NO MONEY. DOWN 29 WILMETTE LIPE