Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 1

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Publishe .ekyb LLE HLI TERh, I 23-126CnriA Enuimtc liou uorpinpie$ e 1LIFE Eniered. assecond cdas. inatter Mardi 13, 1924» at the post office atWilmette, Illiniois, under the act Of Mardi 3, 1879. VOL. XXIII, N.0 25 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOIBER, 25, 1934 , PRICE FIVE CENTS CIVIC LEAGUE WJLL INSPECT HIGH SCHOOL Villagers Invited to Join Group. Friday at Dinner Meeting and Tour of School Tomorrow night (Friday), the Wil- mette Civic league. will be bost at a dinner meeting at New Trier Higb school, to which the wives and fami- lies of members, their friends and the public are invited. This meeting is in line with the policy of the league to interest. itself in local af- fairs, the higbest institution of Iearn- ing in the township naturally com- .manding its attention. The program for the evening wilI open with a dinner in the mess hall at 7 o'clock, -during which W. L. Brown, director of reference and re- ,earch will talk informally of the building program, which is a subject of keenest interest to every patron of the school. Students WaiI Assist Following dînner the league mem- bers and their guests will enjoy a conducted tour of the school plant, especially the recently completed building to the north, during which several of the departments wiIl be seen in operation. Students will be there to assist in demonstrating oper- ation of the various departments. These will include, notably, the in- dustrial 'arts and household arts de- partments, and the science depart- ment, embracing biology, pbysics and chemistry. Other departments will probably be added to the itinerary. In order that members and guests may get the most out of the inspec- tion journey, and have opportunity for dloser contact with demonstrators, the party will make the tour in smnall groups. Want Reservations Indications are that a large number will avail themselves of this oppor- tunitv to view their high school plant in operation. It is therefore suggest *ed that reservations- be made im- mediately through Herman T. Reil- ing. whose telephone is Wilmette 3049. Issue Summonses to Colleet Tardy Taxes Justice of the Peace Ralph E. Sins- beimier who is now collecting deliri- quent 1931 personal taxes in New Trier township, said last Saturday that he bad just' issued 400 sumrmonses, and that from now on approximately. 500 such summnonses will be issued each week until the more than 5,000 delin- quent' cases are covered. He advises that those wishing to avoid *further litigation should corne in and see hirn at once. TO ADDRESS MASONS Prof. Hilton Ira Jones, well known lecturer on scientific subjects, will ad- dress the Wilniette Masonic lodge to- night (Tbursday). His subject will be, "Science and the. Future." Tbe lecture will be a feature of tbe month- ly birthday party of the lodge., SPEAE Major John L. Griffith, wthictié commrissioner of the Big Tept con- ference, president of the National bItercolle.qiatc con ference, presi- dent oft/he Chicago Rotairy club and active L.egionn.iaire, ui11 be speaker at a meeting of 1-VilmnettcecLagite for Defense of Constitîttional Gov- eréunent at t/he 14o,,an's club, iVilinette Monday vc'ening., Noeein- ber .5. St. Joseph's Parish Plans 3-Day Bazaar The parish of St. Joseph's church will bave a bazaar on' the evçnings of October 26, 27 and 28 in. thé' new school, Ridge and Lake avenues. Mrs. Adam Brown is general chair- man of 'the bazaar and Peter Mick is co-chairman. The committee mem- bers in charge are as follows: Phillip. Hillinger, Jr., refreshments; AI Scha- fer, groceries; Frank Dolan, bingo booth; Mrs. Joe Steffens, bakery sale and supper, Sunday; Mrs. A. J.ý Rassenfoss, linen booth; Paul Meyer, games; Leftilda Bauer, toys and doils. Supper will be served just on Sun- day night, on the other evenings, sandwiches will, be for sale. InThis Issue Amusement Directory1 .... 59 Aviation ............... 24 Book Comment .........* 46 Boy Scouts....... ..... 22 Church News ............ 52. Clfssified Ad......60462 Club Pages....... ... 40-45 Editorial-News-Comnnent 34 Girl Scouts .............5U Home and Garibn .... ....48 Homie Modernizmng ....49 Junior Lie ...........54-55 Music................. . Nqew Trier News .....30 N. S. PerSonalities...... 17 IRoi Estate Section...... 51 Society Pages ........ 3- Village Loses "Garage Case in Supreme Court Hallowe'en Vandalism WiIl Resuit in Arrests Prematu re celebration of Hal- lowe'en is causing much annoyance throughout the village, and dam- age to property is frequent. Last year citizens interested in protect- ing their property made a list of the names of boys engaged in these annual depredations, with the purpose of signing complaints and prosecuting tbem if the acts are repeated this year. Parents should take the initiative in pre- venting boys and girls from par- ticipating in vanadism, at any time, as arrest is a serious matter. It constitutes a first offense, which is part of a. criminal record kept by tbe juvenile court for guidance in case the cuiprit is arrested a second. time. This is a warning that should be heeded by both. parents and children. Lutheran Mission Groub to Convene Here Next Tuesday The Chicago Conference of the \Vo- men's Missionary society of the Uni- ted Lutheran Church in'America vil hold its fail conference at the Wil- mette Lutheran church, Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue, the Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor, Tuesday, October 30. Sessions will begin at 9 :30 and 1:30 o'clock with dinner hour at- 5:45 o'clock and evening session at 7:30. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Lutheran Church in America bas:- a * mership of 110,000. The conference to be beld next Tuesday will include representatives from about fifty of the Luetheran churches in the Chicago area. The morning sessions will be de- voted to -business. The afternoon ses- Sion will include reports f rom the re- cent National conventionheld at Day- ton, Ohio. During the dinner bour the Sundav school will present a playlet. ...Alice in Thank Offering Land." A* the evening session Miss Maya Winther of Saga.Ken, Kyushu, japan and Miss Lydia Reich, R. N. of Tsifigtao, China will 'be tbe speakers. These session s are open to the pub- lic it is explained. VISITS. DÂUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Mcllraitb, with tbeir sons, Evan, Jr., and Don, attended the. recent Ohio-Illinois football game, bringing borne with them to be, their bouse guests, Mrs. T. T. Quirke and ber son, Terry, Jr., Io returned to tbeir home Monday.1 Mrs. Mellraith goes to Lynchburg,1 Va., this coming week-end for a visiti witb ber daughter, Miss Janet, who is1 attending Randolph Macon Woman's college. Rulng Makes Legal Erection of Building nt Lake-Main Street Northwest Corner The Illinois Supreme court banded down a decision Monday of ths week which, temporarily at least, makes le- gaI the building of a garage on the va- cant lot at the northwest corner of Main street and Lake avenue, com- pelling the Village to issue a permit for its erection. The case was carried to tbe higber tribunal fromt the Supe-. rior court, in which the Village also lost. Asked- about the decision, President C. P. Dubbs replied that further ac- tion in the matter will be held in abey- ance, pending a conférence with Attorney William H. Symmes of the law firm of Kirkland, Fleming, Green and Martin, Chicago, attorneys for tbe Village in the case. President Dubbs stated that he is uncertain about what steps are still open to tbe Village, or, whetber the Supreme court of Illinois is the court of last resort in the case. However, lie empbatically stated that if possible the case will be carried to the United States Supreme court for adjudication. 1Was Mandamus Proceeding The action was one for mandamus to comfpel the Village to issue 'a per- mit for the. construction of a garage on the property above described. It was brouglit by the State Bank and Trust coxnpany of Évanston and Her- ert L." Zipf, trustees of the estate of Arthur A. Zipf, owner of the prop- erty. They were represented by Attorney William Lister of:.Evanston. On March 1, 1932, the plaintiff made application to the building commis- sioner for a permit to erect a gasoline filling station on the property. The application was denied on the grbund that under the zoning ordinance fil1- ng stations are not permitted within the Class "B"' commercial zone, and that the property of the applicant, as described in- the application is in. a commercial district. Deniy Second Application An amended application was filed by the applicant on April 22, 1932, for. a permit to build a garageý on the property, the zoning ordinance at that time permitting garages to be erected in the commercial zone. This appflica-. tion was. also denied,, and the Village board immediately, amended tbe zon- ing ordinance, removing garages. from the commercial district and permit- ting them only in the Class "C" indus- trial classification. The applicant in- sisted upon the issuance of the per- mit, pointing out tbat the property is zoned for commercial purposes and that a garage came within the specifi- cations of the ordinance. 1Being thus unsuccessful in secir'ing the permit, the èpplicant instigated the action in mandamus to compel its issuance by the Village. The Village board elected to fight the case, which was tried in the court of Superior 1(Continued on Page 6)

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