Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 27

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October 25, 1934 WILMRTTR LIFE Ticket Sale Strong for Forum Lectures Tickets are selling rapidil1ly for the series of lectures to be given by the North Shore, Congregation Israel Lecture. Forum 'whîch has arranged' a program of upusual menit. The opening lecture Tuesday, Nov- eniber 6, will bc in the nature of a discussion on the relative meits and demerits of the Rooseveltian recov- ery policy. John T. Flynn, noted American economist, Who bas risen to, promi- nence for bis lectures and writings on financial* and economic subjects, and wbo is now special counsel of tbe senate. committee investigating the munitions trade, will explain wby he tb.inks NRA is not accomplisbing its objectives. Prof. Paul H. Douglas, as a mem- ber of tbe Consumers Advisory board of tbe National Recovery administra- tion %vil], on' tbe other band, defend its policies and tell wby be tbinks "we -ire on the road." The discussion promises to be live- Iv and stiniulating sitice botb speak- ers are well-known to be tborougb scholars wvho bave gonie to the sources for tbeir information. This lecture will be followed by five others during the season. Tb& otber' speakers %ill bc Richard XVashburn Child. IDr. George Vincent, Geoige Sokolsky, John Strachie3. and Prof. Arthur Compton, wbo will cover a wide field of thought and interest. Tickets may be purcbased, from MIrs. Barnett Faroil 1, chairman, 741 Prospect avenue, \Vinnetka (tele- phione, Winnetka 609) or at the tem- ple office,. Lincoîni and Vernon ave- nues, Glencoe, (telephone, Glencoe 725). Single admissions wilI be sold provided that aIl seats are not taken up by course subscriptions. Christopher Morley to 1Lecture- Here Nov. 6 Cliristopber Morley, noted novelist and poet, will lecture on. "Streamlines ini Literature" Tbursday evening, November 8, in Thorne hall on North- western university's McKinlock camp- us. The lecture is sponsored by tbe downtown university college for the general public. and is tbe second in a series of six lectures and symposia now being presented, under the gemi- eral tbeme, "Six Views of Tomorrow. 9 Morley, widely known as a master of wbimsy and an enduring figure in American letters, will bring to bis Tbrone baIl audience not only his familiar humor and briliance, but also his great awareness of a new struc- ture ini contemporary literatur.e. As a poet, novelist, essayist, and editor, Morley will interpret new movements ini American and English literature. Morley is coming to Chicago from New York City, where he is now filling speaking engagements after a summer spent in travel. AT COLLEGE CONqFERENCE Miss Harriette E. Webster, a seni- ior at Connecticut college and presi- dent, of Connecticut College Student Governiment,' will represent tbe col- lege at the annual conference of the Womnen's Initercollegiate association for Student Government, to bc beld 1at Allegb 1any college, Meadville, Pa., from Wednesday to Saturday, Octo- ber 17 to 20. Tbe general topic for discussionwill be "Tbe Pbilosopby of StudentGovernment." Miss Webster is tbe daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. AI- t)ert S. Webster of 1601 Tentb street, Wilmette. Mrs. Herbert Lundabl, 224 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, was hostess at é.-hen thbr bridge club Wednes- "Doctrine of Atonement" was the, subject, of the lesson-sermon, in ail Churclies of Christ, Scientist, on Suni- day, October 21. The golden text waý, "The Son 'of man camenot to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give bis life a ransomi for many" (Mark 10:45). Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- Iowing f rom the Bible: "Then said Jesus unto bis disciples, If any mnt will corne after me, let himi deny him- self, and take up bis cross, and follow mie" (Matthew 16:24). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages f rom the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: Wisdom and Love may require many sacrifices of self to save us from sin. One sacrifice, bowever great, is insufficient to pay the debt of sin. The atonement requires constant self-immolation on the sinner's part" (p. 23). BAUI 'ILECTURE "One', God, One Humanity, One Faith--the Divine plan of Baha'u'llah," will be presented in an ad dress open to the public by Dir. Ali Kuli Khan, Sunday afternoon, October 28, mit 3:30, o'clock in Foundation hall o.f the Baha'i' temple, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, NWilmette. Stephen A.,Willianms, Jr., 515 Ab- botsford road, -Kenilworth ', is 'golf champion at the Evanston Golf club. THE PEMBRIDGE A, Permanent Home in the Rest Zone MANoR HousE. DINING ROOM CLAUDE A. WARD Ma.iging Directer 1406 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 390 011 Durn.r Service ALL MAKES w unea375 DaF .Nht OLIVER HANSEN i I FOR SALE B-LUNE BOULER 25« FEET WATER RADIATION COMPLETE WITH GAS BURNERS ALL CONTROLS GUARANTEED There surely must be sons body who wants to avail hiniseif of the ad- vantage. of jas heat!1 For smciia per- son this B-LINE BOILER is a buy! It is as nearly perfect as any gas heat- ing nunit and is in excellent condition. Guaranteed to give the. maximum efliciency of gas heat. kt was ýtaken out bçcause of the. more economical oper- ation of an oil hurner for automatic heat. Direct inquiries to address below. there are manMy, mre definite A&DVA&NTA&G ESbuoia! Oit heat means economy in every sense of the word, especially when produced in the modern.oul burner and with Murphy-Miles Fuel Oit. Murphy-Miles Fuel Oit will go farther than other fuel oils ... is richer in B. T. U. content ... delivers more heat per dollar. Phone today and have your tank filled at current low prices. .MURP.,HY- MIL ES OL COMPANY WiIIow Roud. West of Skokie BIvd., Wineka (Plent No. 6) Wilmette 900 PHONE$. Winnetka 855 E.xeutive Offices, 1801 Fullertont Avenue, Phone Diverse7 2780 SIX PLANTS CONVENIENTLY LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO ARIA October 25, 1934 WIL ME ýTTE LIIPE

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