ÏMPE ~To WINNETICA Mr. and Mns. E J Bohnen and their two-year-old son, Michael, move d early this, month from 20,11 Ketiilworth avenue, Wilmette, to 535 Willow road, Winnêtka. ANNOUNCING A New Shop For Women Who Knit Only the finest iomported Scotch Wools for- town aideco u n tr y clothes. THE SCOTCH WOOL SHOP ]Boom 25 The ChUrch Street Building 708 Charch St., Evanston Ui. 7670 sigma CRi, Alumni to. Hold Hallowe'en Fete The Chicago alumnni chap ter of $igma, Chi. wil hold 'a Hallowe'en dininerdance in the Marine dining room of the Edgéwater Beach hotel Wednesday evening, October 31, and north shore members of the chapter have r been advised to make their reservations with Chester Cleve- land,. Andover 1853, before Tuesday noon, October 30. Clyde- Lucas and bis California Dons, the regular Edgewater Beach orchestra, will play for the dancing. There is to be a SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED- PERMANENTLY Aiso Moles and Warta Elizbeth De Bourg. R00om 3z6, Hahn Bldg. Ph. Ufi. 2444 /1619 flrrington AvP. special f loor show featuring Alta Warshawska' and her petite ballet. Hallowe'en decorations wiIl contri- bute to the carnival spirit of the oc-' casion, and there will be-special'fav- ors. Dancing will be'informai. Be- cause:of the. large crowd which will be in attendance on Hallowe'en, no tables will be beld for those flot maàking reservations, it is announced. Faculty Members Plan Froie, on Hallowe'en Many New Trier students will be attending Hallowe'en parties in the various north' shore villages next Wednesday evening. Members of the faculty, too, are planning to celebrate the occasion. A "bard times" party is to be given by the men's and wo- men.'s faculty clubs. It will be held in the Girls' club roomi starting at 8 o'clock. October 25, 1934 Sixteen Join N. Sý. Beiter Film Couincil (Co.litribrited) The montbly meeting of the North -Shore Better Film council was held Monday eveniniz at the home of the president, Mrs. Robert Halliwell, 1133 Lake avenue, XVilmette. ,Sixteen new members joined the council and thé president took the time. usuallv spenlt in going over the bookings, to explain in détail how the various rating sheets were put to use. She also zave a short re- sume of the council's past activities and its future bopes. The new members were: Mrs. C. H. .\,ayer of Wilmette; Mrs. H. L. Barker and Mrs. Warren Clobisy, of .Wilmette. representing the Woman's Catholic Club) of XVilmette; Mrs. Charles H. Cooper of Glencoe. the Glencoe D. A. R.: Mrs. Milton Asher of Glencoe. the North Shore 'Meth- odist Episcopal church: Mrs. Paul B. Kellv of Kenilworth, the Kenil- worth Neighbors: M-\rs. Peter WVag- ner and daughter. Miss Cecilie XVag- uer. of Wilmette. St. Joseph's church: M.\rs. E. R. M.Latthews of Wii- mette. st. John's Lutheran church: M.\rs. Norman H. Camp of Glencoe. V<omn'sLibrarv club: Ms W. D. mill &- of Wilmette. Wilmette Bap- tist church : Miss Anne Whitmack. lil>rarian. Wilmette Public lîb)rar-t: 'Miss Dorothy Pettiuger. juniors *of the Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- mette.: M\rs. join Petaja. the North- riclge WVomnan's Club) of XVilmette: Mrs. Barton 'Sackett of Glencoe: Nîrs. Cecil 'Meredlith of Kenilworth. the Kenilworth Neiglîbors. Twvo letters were read to the couuicil. onie from C. P. Dubbs. Vil- lage president of WVilmette. to the LUited Artists corporation endorsing thé work of the North Shore Better Film counicil, and one from Ms Thomas Winter. associate director of public relations in Hollywood. Calif.. pertaining to the effects that lhe national dlean-up drive had ha-l on Hollywood. She savs that the wvise producers.are uoWw orking 0o1 out- standing dramas which when finished vilI be dlean, popular and distin- guislied b)v excellent acting or char- acterization. photography, music aud ound effects. while the foolisb pro- lucer (to bis owîî downfall) will con- tiue to give out mediocre or trashv ilnms with the suggestive scenes cut Dut. Miss V"ivyenine Moriu of Wilmette vas appointed to represent the North Shore Better Film council at the onfereuce of motion picture chair- ren. slated at the Hotel Sherman, 'hursday, October 25. GET HIGH RATING Alice Ebeling and Cathierine Rounds, both of wbom were gradu- tted from New Trier last J une, have )een ranked among the highest iirty-five students in a preliminarv nglish examination for the, 237 fresh- nan students at Grinnell college, ac- ,ding to word reaching here this veek. The thirty-five students who, vo the distinction will be placed in special advanced section at' theý ollege. CHAGEMEETING DATE The Glencoç Rotary club which bas en holding its meetings on Mon- iys, announces that beginning Octo- er 30, it will, meet on Tuesdays at àe Skokie Country club, with the :ception of the week of Thanks- iving, wben the meeting will be held n Monday due to previous arrange- tent of speaker dates. Ernest L. Estes, Jr., a graduate'of ýw Trier High scbool, bas been 1ce co-catainof te.Frshme WILM;ETTE LF Openung Announcement Next Week ý è October 25.9 1934