Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 20

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WILMETTE LiFE October 25, 1934 S4~o? s~a4 Friday and Sturday OnIy !~CCOAUTMACAROON CUPS 2 Presh and che wy ....... .......... 2 DANISH ALMOND COFFEE CAKE Dehcu, ons for ,mny mml ...... ... l HALLOWEEN L.AYER CAKES Tro dieu. up your Hallowe'en pmrty....... FRESH APPLE PIE, A. Ic ... 23e 35e !BUTTER COOKIES. LB.23 HEALTN SALAD Wholeuomene d refreshing and * f resh ......................... ? Ibs.W54! SAUT ED HALIBUT STEAK ExcelIently prepared .......... L33e Bake Shop-&Sreet Floor WIEDOB«L]DT9S-EVANS&ýTON On Davis Street Wilme*1'e 1100 !ELL To ENJOY SEALED OIL HEAT Phone Wilmette 2385 hon you buy fuel oil fromý us we deliver a. definite amounit of heat units for yu home. We know how to give you the most heat per gallon per dollar spent. Our combus- tion engineers save you money by selecting just the right kind of oil for your particular type of burne r. efrerwe specifya certain type you can know th1-at you are going ta get that particular fuel ail every time your tank is filled. Th. great facilities of the Sheli Petroleum Cor- Tporation are your.s through u s . . . 33,000 oil wells. from which to select the exact oil your burner needs ta give yau 1the most heat. jJoblends. . no mixing . .. no thinning... it is uniformly the same. We couldn't blend Sheil fuel ail with, some inferor brand because we do Inot carry any other. We prde ourselves on exact quality as' well as prompt delivery. Send for our new booklet, "Sea.led Heat Direct ta 'You.' ýSPENCER PETROLEUM CO.* Petroleum Bldg. Chicago 616 S. Michigan Ave. Phone Har. 5121 Wilmitt Plant-C. W. Edinger, Mgr. 3630 Lake Av.-Phone Wi. 2385 or Uni. 5035 $erving the eniire Nonth Shore from Evansiron i-o Highland Park M ADVERTISWIC WILMETTE LIFE Shoiw Bank Deposits Increase $3,OOO,OOO Puiblished in response to a cali fromn tbe auditor of. public accounts, the statement of theý State ýBank and Trust company of Evanston as of, Sept. 29, 1934, shows deposits of $10,- 171,128.45 as against $7,106,741.55 on March 5, - 1933, at the date of the president's bank moratorium. A net increase of $3,000,000 in de- posits îs indicated during this period after Postal Savings amounting ta, more than $250,000 were recently re- turned. This policy is consistent witb that of,» large banks in New York and elsewhere with excess re- serves which cannot be employed at a profit sufficient ta pay. interest on the offsetting deposits at the rates required by law. It is estimated that during, April, May and June of this year banks throughout the country returned ta the treasury $187,000,000 of Postal Savings deposits. G. C. Williams, executive vice president of the Bank, states that during the same period from March 5, 1933, to Sept. 1934, the bank bas openedover 6,000 new savings and checking accounts. The State Bank and Trust com- pany is now roundingz out its 6th year of service ta Evanston and the niorth shore, having been. organized as the Evanston bank in 1874. RETURN FROM ORIENT Capt. and Mrs. E. A. Wollesen, well known along the shore, returned hast week from China and the Philip- pines., Captain Wollesen 1was in charge of the Naval unit at North- western university for three years. He bas been appointed chief of staff unider Rear AdmiraI Wat. T. Clu- venius at Great Lakes. October 2.5, 1934 ,WýILMETTE, LIFE. - C. H. Mayer. Heads Ches s Club for -Carrent Seaso.n The Wilmnette Cbess club, held its annuàl meeting at- the residence of C. H. Mayer, 247,Laurel avenue, Frn- day, October 19.. Mr. Mayer was elected president, William Young- quist, secretaiy, G. A. Reinhardt and William Winberg, vice-presi- dents, and Montgomery Major, teaml captain. The club had -a highly successful season last year, winning the champ- ionship of the North Shore Chess league in the major division, andilos- iig the minor division titie to the Icelandic Chess club by the slim mar- gin, of half a point. The two WVil- mnette teams in the Chicago City Chess league acquitted theinsel 'ves creditably against the stiff opposition. of much stronger and larger clubs. .The club anticipates an active sca- son this year under the guidance of Captain Major, an experienced chess organizer who. was one of the di- rectors of the successful \Vestern Chess association tournament at the L.awson Y.M.C.*A. this summner, and is also team captain of the Illinois State Chess association, director oi the'American Chess Federation, and lias just been elected secretary-treas- tirer of the Chicago City Chess league. Chess players in Wilmette and the north shore are invited to participate ini the connnig season. Xlrs. R. R. Lippincott, 1132 Ash- land avenue, will be hostess Monday at a luncheon and meeting of the North End circle of the Wilmette Congregational church. She wil ble assisted by Mrs. Charles R. Bixby, Mrs. Leslie Perry, and Mr.s. R. E. Pattison Kline.

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