ON HUNTING TRIP. Carl 'M. Prussing of, 163Z Central avenue, accompanied by Chicagol friends,. left Saturday to motor to Minneapolis where he will mneet a, friend a nd go to South Dakota for pheasant and duck hunt- WILMETTE LIFE October 25, 1934 ing. Mr. Prussing operates the Packard Gun club- at Niles Center. Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, 822 Central avenue,. entertainied the East End circle at its monthly meetinig and .1uncheon Iast. Monday. Travel ýService sponsors Lecture ont October 29 The North. Shore Travel Service, State Bank -building, -IEvanston. is sponsoring a travel talk.to be held in the- Orrington hotel bali-rooni, Mon- day eveninei October 29, at 8 o'clock,. to which.the public is invited. 'H. G. Moore, whose talk. "Around theAWorld in 76 Minutes," is illustrated.by many picturés, is officiai lecturer for the Canadian Pacific Travel System, and1 bis travels have taken hîm to forty- five foreign countries as weIl as to eigliteen of the islands of the seas, aggregating some 400,000 miles. The lecture covers Madeira, Gibraltar, the ports of the Mediterranean. India, 1Ceylon.. Sumatra, Java, China. japan, Hawaii, the Panamna Canal and Havana. LWANTED WIlI bey meu used suite shoes, overeoats; aiso fur eonts. Best pruces. Prompt E servlee.W J. MARKS-Uni.2220 '.l7.42 ('uster St., Evintotm _ Mi Il I~Lft anc Fr <na Tho mas SufPerb i Inaugurai Pro gram of Recital .Series By Joyce Whitmn A versatile p rograîn of vital, singing ôpndthe Artist-Recital. series of 1934 last Moîîday evening at the New Trier auditorium. John Charles Thomas, the baritone of concert, opera, and radio fame, poured fort h note after note of perfection such as is seldom heard on anly concert stage. The, program consisting of songs in Gerinan, French, Italian, and Eng- ish was so well balanced as to seem inevitable in its progression. And as a crowning glory, the strains of opera were again heard on the north shore. It is difficuit to find wor(ls to de- scribe Mr. Thomas' singi ng-superb diction in ail four languages, execu- tion given only to the most highly trained artist, and, above al. a voice of exquisite purity of tone, enormnous range, and velvety smoothness. To me Mr. Thomas' voice ranks among baritones as Elisabeth Rethberg's, amon g sopranos. Briefly, there are no flaws. Displays Versatility SMr. Thomas opened his recîtal witlx a group of German songs, four Schu- bert and two Schumanni. 0f the Schubert, "Nacht und Traunie" wvas, to me, the Ioveliest. \Vith mnagnifi- cent control, and breathtaking p)ianis- simo, the artist crcated a tone-poem of unquestionable beautv., Schu- mann's "Stille Thranen" withi its lim- pid melody brought out anew the astounding legato,.which Mr. Thomas has under such absolute control. As the program proceeds it becomes ini- creasingly difficuit to comment. Eacli song shone upon a niew facet of bis voice. After the. sereile deptlis of German lieder-Pagliacci. perfornied with effortless ease of language ani mus ic. Carroll Hollister, M r. Thomas' very able accoinpani st, continued w.itli three piano solos-Bach, Debussy, and Lecuona. Hîi, playing showed sym- pathy and feeling, especiallv in -the Debussv xdiere he seerned most, at home. Mr. Thtomas' thîrd group, perhaps the artistic climax in bis program, wvas composed of five Italian and Frenchi songs. It is hard to choose between the plaintive, pathetic, "Amuri, Amnu- ri" of Sadero, or the passionate "0 Nuit d'Amour" hy Isadore de Lura. Entirely different in subject, eacl vas a unit in phrasing and interpretation. Again as an encore-opera. Thiis tinie the Toreador song.,' Encore& Double Group The printed program closed with, five English songs, but a comct's tail of encores doubled the group. john Alden.Carpenter's. "The Green River" with the poetic words of Lord-Alfred Douglas, touched the depthis of quie- tude. Robert MacGimsey's "Land of Degradashun," lu vivid -contrast, xvas of equal brilliance of execution. Then came the encores, alniost a recital in themselves. First, siniplicity with "Annie Laurie," theu the clever "Dragon's' Doom,"l ringing, "I Love Life,." that roarng spiritual "Gwine to Heaven," and finally "Dedication," an almost solemiil)enediction on a joy- ous eveuing. SWith such. an opening of another Artist-Recital series, we cannot fail to anticipate a superb. season. On Nov ember 26, Madame Sigrid Oniegin promises a different but equally thrill- ing evening of music. Mr. and Mrs. Char les W. Allen, 1926 Greenwood avenue, returned last Tuesday froîn a seven weeks' visit in1 England. They went over on the Cynthia and returned on the Tran- sylvania. * UCTION. Monday, OCTOBER 29, il1ar.. "ROSE VILLA." GEORGE J. SAYER ESTATE PISTAKEE RAY, McHENRY, ILL Ail Furniture, Steinw'y Baby Grand Piano, Antiques, Drapes, Hand Tufted and Oriental Rugi, Hall Chime.Clock, Billiard Table, Musical Hall Clock. Furnishinga of the country residence of the late George J. Sayer on Pistakee.'Bey, East of McHenry between Johnsburg and Volo, 111. Routes-Harins Road-Routes 60-21. Open for inspection Sundayo October 28, froin 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. nm. Williams, Barker & Severn Co. Establishesi 1879 AUCTIONEERS Mr. Jack D. Stinson and Mr. Walter E. Husting the Opening ýof SHORE LUNE MOTORS, INC. 664 Cenfer Streef Winnetka DODCE-PLYMOUTH CARS,& DODCE TRUCKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT If is the desire of the management to give the best, possible service on ail makes of cars as well as Dodg e and Plymouth, and with this thought 'in mind, are very pleased to announce.. that we have secured -the services -of Otto Blomberg and Selmar Henriksen who have gained.on enviable reputation on the north shore over.a period of, 14 years., COMWPLETELY EQUIPPED SHOP STORAGE PARTS ACCESSORIES SHORE LUNE MO0TORS, !! 664 Center Street Phone WVnnet'ka 1773 October 25ý 1934 WILMETTE LIPE, J?,O"À le . La Wn*lt A de