WILMBTTB LIPD October 25, 1934 -c'.. I___________________________________________ I f.. p Officiai Publication Report, of the Condition of The Wilinette Staâte fank located at Wilmette, State of Illinois,, at the close of business on the 29th day of September, 1934, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to Iaw. Cash, D)ue From Batiks and Other Cash Resources.$ U. S, Government Investments ............. .... Investments ,Guaranteed by U. S. Government..... Other Bonds and Securities.... .. .................. Loans on Collaferal Security ,...................... Other Loans ..*................................... Loans on Real Estate ....... ....... ............. Overdrafts................ Other Real Estat .............. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures..... ........ Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit....... .. Customers' Liability account of Acceptances ..... Other Resources................................. 785,M5.08 169,352.87' 13,350.00 726,049.81 140,936.26 10,029.70 139,»0.69 276.94 77,805.77 150,001.00 None None 9,«u633 Total ,Resources ......................$2p=92717.45 LIABILITIES Capital Stock......... .................. .... ... $ 100,0».00. Incomne Debentures and/or Capital Notes ....... 75,000.00 Surplus ......... ..... ......... ................... 50,000.09 Undivided Profits (Net)..................... ........ 1,864l.87 Reserve Accounts...... ................. ........... 10,173.16 Demand Deposits.................................. 1,198,418.31 Time Deposits ...... ................787il70.41 Due fo Banks ....................................... None Total of Deposits Secured by pledge of loans and/or invesfments........... $ 2,773.99 Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments.......... .....1,8, 87 Total deposits........18,327 Bill Payable . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re-Discounts .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Dividends Unpaid . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Letters of Credit . Bank Acceptances ..... O ther Liabilities .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nône None None None None 90.70 Total Liabilities ....................... $2,222,7l7.45 Memorandum: Loans and Investrnents Pledged to Secure Liabilities: Loans and Investments Pledged: U. S. Government Securities ...... Noue Uther Bonds, Stocks and Securities ....$Ssu8.00 Loans and Discounts ...... Noue Total Pledged (Excluding Rediscounts) .. . .*. . . . . . . . . Pl.edged: Against U. S. Gov't and Postal Savings Deposif s .... ......... ~ .o Against Public.Funds of States, Counties, School Districts and other Subdivisions or Munîcipalities........... ...Noue Against Deposif s of Trust Departments (Federal Reserve, Member Banks only) Noue Against other Deposits......... Nouei Against Borrowinigs........ ...Noue WVith Auditor of Public Accounts f0 qualify for the exercise of Fiduciary Powers,.... Noue For other Purposes........... ....... ýNou.e Total Pledged . ......... .......... $s,880.w $5 88000 State of Illinois Counfy of Cook 5 ss Il W., D. Leary, Cashier of the Wilinette State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above stafement. is frue to the best of my knowleédge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. W. D. LEARY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of October, 1934- VERA PRIEK, (SEAL) Nota.ry Public. I Wilmette LibraryNewsI By Afte Whitimack (Wilmette Librariàn) "What. can we do-how can we find our particular place in the scheme of things?" Thgt's the question, that We hear on ail sides at this, time ofyar And in this year of depression the question seems more difficuit f0 an- swer. The usual professions are no doubt over-cfowded, but in our highly complicated civilizaf ion there are hun- dreds of occupations so littie known that fhey are apf to be overrooked. A number of agencies seek fo help those in need of vocational guidance. Your public library is one. The long active winter is before us- an excellent opportunity for every one f0 work, study, and prepare for the occupafional demands of life. Students, enfering college without definite professional leanings; june graduates, ready to face' the world after a lasf care-free summer; those, already employed but yearning for new fields f0 conquer-all these can take advantage of the library's voca- tional maferial. We have insfalled a ddvocafional shelf,"ý where you will find helpful books such as -these: Bennett-Occupational Orientation. Cades-Jobs for Girls. Cottier and Brecht--Careers Ahea?. Dodge-Fiff y Little Businesses for Women. Fancher--Getting a Job. Ferris-Giris Who Did. Fiiene--Careers for Women. Freyer-Vocationai Self-Guidance. Graham-How to Get a Job during a Depression. Institute for Research-Professiofls and Prepare for Spring Trip to Washington The season of falling leaves is a bit early for thoughts of spring time, but already a few New Trier studenits a re beginning to think about the pos- sibilities of making that spring vaca- tion trip to Washington, D. C., and other points, of historic interest in, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. F. D. Frishie, of the social studies de-, partment, who for years has been in charge of the New Trier student tours during the spring vacation period, announced this week that a group would be going again next spring. It will be the seventh time that a trip of this kind bas bèen made by students from New Trier. The. tours are made in alternate years. Mrs. George Rodger and her sister, Miss Neil Kimbail, of 928 Oakwood avenue have returned from Saugatuck, Mich., where they went for several days last week to.close their summer cottage. Miss Kimbaîl is leaving soon for Los Angeles, to rema in for the winter months. FRIGIDAIRE SAL E Used, Rebossessed, and Flo or Models 10 1. 200/oDiscount' ALL SIZES 4tod 15 Cu. Feet N ORTH'SHORE Refrigeration Co. lac. 704P Church St. Gwre. 6464 Vocationsi. Pitkin-New Careers for Youth. Piaf t-Book of Opporfunities. Platt-You Can't Fat!. Powell-How to Write Business Leffera. Ryder-Make Your Own Job. Taintor-The Private Secretary. Weaver-Profltable Vocations for Boys. The Wilmette public library has added the following new býoks f0 ifs collection: ]FICTION Birney-Forgotten Canyon. Brewstër---Modern Short Stories. Brooks-Prosperity Street. Chase-Mary Peters. Coffey-Calm Tourseif! De Voto-We .Accept, with Pleasure. Haiper-The Foundry. McGraw-Business IHours. O'Fiaherty-House of Gold. Pirandeiio-Naked Truth. Rhodes-Beyond the Deserf. Beaford-Giory Jam. Southwold-Winding Road. Stone Goid Journey. Tbirkeii-Wiid Strawberries. Young-This Little World. NçONFIîCTIONq Overstreet-We Move ln New Directions. McKelvey-Rituai of Parliamentary Law. Kent-Without Gioves. Garett-Coyote Stories. Sanford-Short History of Mathema tics. Brannt-Practical Dry Cleaner. Jackson-Laundry Work. Crawford-Heritage of Cotton. Bast-Essentils of Tphostery. Foure-French Cathedrais. Doust-Simpie Sketching. Coffn-End Piays at Bridge. Muler-Federai Aid for EqualizatIon of Educationai Opportunities. Hodgson--Government OwnershIp of Public Utilities. CuPPY-Iow to Tell Your Friends from the Apes. Krier Buffet Teamn Tops Bowling League The Krier Buffet team is in. first place, with twelve victories and three defeats, at the close of the fifth week of the Sportsman Bowling league season. The league bowls at Bleser's Bowling academy in Wilmette. Krier's added to their string of vic- tories, last week by winning fhree games from Bleser's, 895 to 877, 949 f0 891 and 888 to 843, giving Krier's a total 'of 2,732 and Bleser's 2,611 for the evening. Only one game separates the second and third place teams, Edelweiss and Sunset Villa respectively Edelweiss dropped three games to Sunset Villa in last week's matches. The Wilmefte Tailors and Hugo and Bingo are tied for- fourth place, with eight victories and seven de- feats. Hugo and Bingo improved their percenfage. last week by tak- ing f hree games from the. Cycle Inn, 932 f0 790, 911 to 886 and 8 89 to 780. The Tailors met Harry's Tavern., wjn- ning two games and losing one. The tavern boys copped the first game, 818 to 794 and the Tailors took the next two, 921 to 807 and 843 to 838. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle, Howard. 1008 Greenleaf avenue, announce the birf h of their daughter, Kay Ann, af the Ev- anston. hospifal on Wednesday,. Oc- tober 17. 732 TWELFTH STREET (IaN erbon's Garage> October'4 1934 WILMETTE LIPÉ