Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1934, p. 10

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Iê - WILMBTTE LIFE October 25, 1934 RETUINS To KANSAS Miss Mary -Niésiadt of, Wihmett has ieturned to Manhattan, Kan after a weelC's visit with ber parent! Mr.' and- Mrs. George W. Niesiadi 805 Greenleaf avrenue.' She hdad her bouse guest, Miss. Hazel Lovi goodof. Maryville, Tenin. Miss Nie stadt and Miss Lovingood are prési dent and vice president respectivel of Sigma Gamma chapter of Kapp Delta. Miss Elizabeth, Scbwarm, daughte of the Arthur C. Schwarms, 925 Ast land avenue, is visiting frnends' Springfield, Ill., this week. She wer there on Wednesday and is returnin Sunday. Bell It mowfor bave e go vern ment fleenue te bey old goïd, plaUnim and silver. No e ff tego eiuewbere--we wIII par "a la em.h or rade for new J.welry. D, PAGLIARULO II1WâWi..tt. Ave. WL 1061 Finqer E U Powder Wavi ni Blendnq Beaufy Cufture iii &Il ifs Branches teShore Une MotosOLaA HEE A OPeus".in in Itwill be of interest Io their many as f riends on the north shore Io know that il- Jack. D. Stins on and Walter.E. Husting, le- umder the firm namne of Shore Line i- .l Motors, Inc., 66S4 Center street, Win- pa netka, have been appointed b>. the Dodge Brothers corporation.as authorized sales erand service representatives of Dodge ;-ndPlymouth motor cars and Dodge in trucks. ut Mr. Husting bas been engaged ini theV ng automobile business for the past 26 -years, man>. of wvhich were in an execu- tive capacit>. for the General Motors corporation and tbe Chrysler corpora- tion. Mr. Stinson lias, for tbe past ten years, been in the investment buisiness. Botb are residents of Wilmette, wberc tbey bave lived for several years. It is the announced plan 'of Shore Line Motors. Inc., to carry at aIl timies a large stock of Dodge and Plymouth Icars and Dodge trucks. and maintain a modern service department. Tbe latter. equipped to serve owfners of aIl makes Tivo Newi Trier boysç are tcininind of cars, will be in charge of Otto Blom- sify La-z school for brilliant scholý berg and Selmar Henriksen, botb vefl respective conmuniiies. They are lapn knowvn in Winnetka and the north shore. Jteh: Clark Baker, 347 Ma pic avenue, where the>. have heen engaged in this lef 1fr. and M1rs. J. Dean !7aiI. 150 AI business for a number of years. EDIlMI IDEAU NORMELLI At the aniual assembl>. of tbe Iawv school, qield. on McKïnlock campus, CeowcertSoprano :- eacher of Voice Monday, October 15. tbe Nortbwestern Tone production - Diction - Repertoire Universitv Bar association presented to Intorrime w, m dlvfi 'thom càtrg Mr. Baker a silver cup, an award fur j Studi Euflul g-II1 f.' . lveu the. achievement of bigbest bonors in PA..-s.,udiCRGI. lçal-RoIde., UNI. 7278 bis freshman year. He was also award- j 1101W« for that is SERVICE g, â Our service " éxperts save you time and trouble by prompt and thorough service. Our prices Save you money because we do flot charge for extras. Tbat's economy! THE OIL WELL Bob 'n' Mac Man Sfret *f Lindon Avenue Phone MWilm.t*. 3334 -First Churcli of nihr ist, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TB.STIMONIAL MEETING.-8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. OCTOBER 28, 1934 Sub>ect: PROBATION APTER DEATH READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesdlay 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to,9 P. M. -The Bible, and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and aIl other authorized -Christian - Science Literature mmay be read, borrowed or purchased at - the. Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE iCHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING BOOM a ed the Cheltan scbolarsbip of tbe scboûl, whicb is mucb 'sought after and higbly prized. Mr. Vail, in being cited f or bonors, is, maintaining bis enviable record for fine scbolarsbip. He is an alumnus oi Harvard universit>., where be vas an initiate of Pbi Beta Kappa, graduating witb Magna Crin Laudi, the bigbest honor to which students can attain. Both young men are in their second year at Northwestemn Law scbool. PLAY TOUCH FOOTBALL Boys at the joseph Sears school in Kenilworth will play. toucb football next week ' Robert W. Townley, di- rector of physical education at the school. announced. Tbis week marks the close of the football season at Sears and the end of the North Shore Grammar Scbool league scbed- ule of: football games. After a week of touch football, the Kenilworth boys will1 turn to soccer. Mr.. Townley said. The indoor gymnasiumn work at the school will begin on Monda>., November 5. Mrs. Thomas Roberts Grimes, the former Dorothy Wiedlin of Wilmette, retur 'ned to ber home in Niles, Micb., [ast Monday after a week's visit with Eier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn F. Wiçdlin, 120 Park avenue. Mr. Grimes' 'oined bis wife lastweek-end and re- :urned borne with ber. You are sure to like thisw* Macorou Disqe, i, ee and Vasaillu Regul PERCi 413 Uinden Avenue CHOLHONORSI g distinct ion at Northumestern Un*vier- lrslîip, tlîus brtinginig lonor to their nesç Edqward Baker (Ici t), son of Mrs. Wilînette, and J. Dean V1ail. Jr., son Ibiiiydoni ave ne, Kc;îilcortlz. Candidates to Be Heard at An Open Meeting TuesdayV 1 Candidates for the various state, national and county offices will speak at an, open meeting of the Winnetka League of Women voters to be held at Communit'y House in Winnetka Tuesday 'night, October 30, at 8 o'clock. There is also to be a speaker on the constitutional convention. Inasmuch as the speakers are scheduled clos.ely, the meeting wil start promptly at 8, it, is announced. A large attendance of, politically mninded north shore residents is ex- pected., Following is a list of candidates who will give brief talks: For congressman. tenth district: Ralph Church, David B. Malonev. For State senator, seventh district Charles F. Baumrucker, Arthur j Bidwill. For General Assembly, seventh dis- trict: Frank Foster, Oscar S. Johnson, Bernice VanderVries. For judge, Probate court: Harrv C. Kinne. For Board of Appeals: David L. Shillinglaw, T. O. Wallace. For president.,County commission- ers: George F. Nixon, Clavton F. Smith. For county commissioniers, country towns :1 William'i Busse, H. Wallace Caldiveil, Carl Carlson, William N. Erickson, Frank J.. Kasper, Walter A. Rooney. Miss Margaret, Knapp of Indian Hill road, entertained ber duplicate contract bridge club at tea Monday. Iàr 60,é velue (QUART) 45 D.CK*S Wilmefte 4120 Iu October 25, 1934 W IJLM lSýT T E, L.1 P . le

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