IM SCHLESSER S 401 LINDEN AVENUE Pi.aoty of Parking Spa". WILME1-TE 150 -li W@ItIu-Prompt DeIiv.ry -ft THIRTY-THIRD FALL FOOD FESTIVAL RICHELIEU VEGETABLES Doz. deu Bantam Corn-2's 1.75 i o1. Kernel G. B. Corn-2's 1.90 i den Banta m idbite-1Z-oz. 1.65 i l'Sifted Peasu.-' 2.25 2 irfine Sifted Peas-Z'. 2.50 2 atoes-Zu 1.65 i atoes-25Çs 2.20 21 dl Green Beans-2's 2.20 21 agee Cut Beans-2's 1.75 li FRESH CHICKEN LIlVERS. 16C 17c 15Sc 20c 2 15C zoc 20C 16C ib. 39c An event that cornes only once a year. In this annuel sale we offer the fines+ essort- ment of canned goods, sta pies, meats and fresh foods at tremendous savings. Stock lup now With fhese canned food 'buys." They may nover again be off ered at such iow prices. Ail prices include deiivery. Corne in or telephone your orders. Large or small, we welcome them a&i Puget Sound Sockeye Salmon 2o. .45. 22c Baby Stuart Tomato-2ýj'a. DoL. 3.85. 35c Doz., 1tu017c CANNED FRUITS Doz. N. Y. Applesauce-Z't 1.30 Fresh lPrunes in Syrup-2ý6'a 1.95 Royal Aune Cherries--25%'& 2.95 Grapefruit Sections-Z'.1.8 Peurs, Stemnzed and Cored-Z1j'a 2.75 YelIovw ChezgPeacheu-Z5i's 2.80 Hand Packed Tomatoeu-Z'. 1.45 Hand Packed Tomatoe-ZWu 's 1.9s Brown'& Tomato Juice-13-oz. 95c Pineheart Sliced p %lepe- s2.&S 12c 18C 27c 17c 25c 13c 18C 9c 25c LU VER SAUSAGE. lbIL c MINUTE TAPIOCA.i SNIDERS ,09. 14-oi. 15 C PET or CARNATIO- -. for'19 uC CATSUP. bfU.IMILK. fori ROLLED PORK LOIN l.2 Jmbo Ripe Po 29ts TOKAY4 s.2 C ROAST, no bones. lO.2ices C GRAPES. 1s25. ARMOUR'S STAR SLUCED VALENCIA JUICE BRUSSELS l BACON, 3 Ibs. 1.00. Ib. 35Jc OAGS eimsz . 9do8'7 SPROUTS. quart box 197C ROYAL BAKING BEAUTY BOSC PRICES BAKING j POWDER. I 2-oz. suze3.5 rC PEARS. basket of 10 L25c POWDER i 2-oz. su. I6C COLLEGE INN TOMATO COCKTAIL. $fr 1I CAMPBELL#S TOMATO SOUP. 3o 0 26-oz. jar. j5___for_____3___for_____20c___ RICHELIEU CANNED FRUITS JONATHAN EATING 5 ~.2 cCNNED VEGETABLES DOZ. APPLES, bushel 1.79. 5 DoL5 c Aplsuci' .50 14c WOLF'RIVER COOKING New Pack Spinach-2Ws i»1.0i7c Royal Ana. Cherries-2ýj'a 3.4531C APPLEol$n Hutan Cru25 : 1.65 15e 31 APEbushei 1.39. C Gode BnIbs.oftr pears, Stemned and Cored-21j'a 325 29e 35eleYELLOW ONIONS. Ib-n 35c Whole Kernel G. B. Corn--rs 1.75 1 6c Aricotsffl-2ZW2cs L W NON.3 s 1O .Saider Tidht. G. B. Coru- IDAHO- Red Rabbit, Selected's 1.75 16e POTATOES. 15-lb. cloth bag 35 ~c EtaSfe ea2su CALIFORNIA 15C STEAK. lb. 33 c Sifted. Peau's. lis 17e RHUBARB. A. bs. I ICP. R. Early Junpk-e lis- s 1.5 s5 CRANBERRIES. 2 25c SPRING, LAMB. IL.23 C, îndat Hanraclk je1 ibs. WALL-EYED PIKE. P. R. Toantoe" s2's 1. 1c Raggedy Aunue Peacbes-Z3Çs 3.10 27C 1!/2 to. 2 ibs. each.lbI19 Raggedy Aune Apricots--23j'a .3.70 13i FRESH MUSHROOMS. Raggedy Aune PinepIe-4Ws* 3.10 :28C LAKE TROUT. lbI C* pouïd box29 BI. l d Dutch 7 BB0 2 for 25c S. O. Se iz2 i1CI..nser J7. Dol por go 70om Ne Carris.g go De WILME 402 Linclen Avenue WiImette 160-161 WINNET KA 718 Em Siset WInnetlka SI LAKE VIEW 3959 Bsoàdway Buceklngrbam SMO ROGERS PARK 1508 Jaivis Ron Parik 0114 Ordura Drought t. e eurDe.. A Il A long eh# Norti hoA.. OCTOBER î8, 193 Gold Whc Gold Sna SupC Tom2 -Tom Refui