WILMETTR LIFE October 18, 1934 OPENS, FURNITURE STUDIO T1he. Furntiture studio recently opened for business at ý1120 Central avenue in the Wilmette theater building. The, studio isoperated by. Earl Palmer and specializes in every phase offurniture work, including, upholstering. and re- parn.The studio's work rooms are located at 1625 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Harnms of Great Bend, Kas., will. arrive in Wilmette on Friday to spend the week-end with Mr. Harms' brother and family, the Marvin Harms, 1020 Miami road. REF.RIGERATOR SETS, 5 Triangular Glass Jars P5g on onameled stand...~ 7 VOLLRATH VITALIZER, For storing lettuce, celery, etc. Reguwla price $1.75. SCURLOLK KONTAERETTE I. (as illustrated) 5 31-oz. jars on bail-hoaring white tray REFRIGERATOR EQUIPMENT DISH BUTTER DISH price $1.60. 9, 80 Rogniez prioe $1.60. 980 Te most fathionab. and largest~ sliggaine in England. Entiro- SO R RY IYdiueront from n y othor game VOLCANO ............. ROASTER, Chrome Finish IT TOASTS as it hoil a& it cooks FIREPLACE SPECIAL Fire sereen, - Andirons and set of fireplace E7 tools ail in Swedish finish. A $21.85 value for $51 AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT IN HOME LABOR-SAVING ECONOMY ~ A New Heavy Duty Electric MACHINE $L *9 1Does a complete wash. 2. Washes anything from silk to flannels. 3Safé-al machinery enclosed. 4. Uses '/sc electricity per wash. S. Double coated enamel finish. 6. W11l tuck under kitchen' sink. 7. Clean-sanitary. 8. Cait aluminum, agitator. MILLEN HARDWARIE COMPANY 1219 Wilm.tte Avemue Phone Wilnaette 3m6 John Charles Tho mas, famous .- icrican baritone, 2(ilII ingurate the Ci, rrent .vason of Winnetka Music îb Artist-Recitai series Monida v rvei'nmg, October 22, in the Nrew Trier school auditoriu, A group of Germnai songs, onze grotp in. Italian, anîd a t tird in English, wilI comprise Mr. Thoinas' prograpir nei A'onday. (Carroll HoIli.çter, noted plan 1st, ztll accompany Mr. Thomas and ?cill I'rescnt threc solo nzimbers. VISIT WILMETTE Mrs. C. M. Williamson of Fairmont, W. Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yost and another friend, were lunch- con guests of Mrs. P. L. Hillinger and her daught.er, Miss Beatrice, of 1520 Spencer, avenue on Thursday of last week. Mrs. William.son is the mother of Miss Ilillinger's fiancé, Chenoweth Williamson. They came to Chicago to sec A Century of Progres s. Beauty Sho-p onnounces Miss Winifred Ochs Formerlv of the Cyrille Beauty Shop, and known sas "Winnie" by lier host of customers in Winette, is now assisting Miss Eleanor May *in offering a superior b2auty service t o the womren oif this communtv. SPECIALIS. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Shampoo, Set, Manieur., Trin or .AreL Any 2 foir 75c MONDAY ONLY MARCEL.....,50c Phone Wilmette 2802 400 Limden Avenue Above Lyman P/àarmacy Monday's prograni will be as fol- lows: Hoffnung .............Schubert Nacht und Traumne........... Schubert Der Jungling und der Tod .... Schubert An die Laute ..... Shbr Stille Thranen... .......Schuenn Der Husar Trara .........Schumann Bourre ................Bach-Saint-Saens La Cathedrale Engloutie .. ... . ebussy Malaguena ................... .Lecuona Mr. Hollister Ili 0 del mio Amato Ben ...S. Donaudy Gondoliera Veneziana (In Venetian) .. .... .....«.. .. .Geni Sadero Ainuri, Amnuri (In Sicilian). Geni Sadero La Danse Macabre .......Saint-Saens 0 Nuit d'Amour (From Messaline). .......... .... . .. Isadorf, de Lara IV Bonnie George Campbell...... ... ... ... ... .. ...F'rederick ICeel The Green, River. John Aiden Carpenter The Stutterlng Loyers ......... Men........ Arr. by Herbert Hughes 0 e from the Fields . Herbert Hughes Land of Degradashun (new)........ .......... - Robert MaeGiinqey Mr. Thomas MOTHER PASSES AWAY Lewis Megowen. 534 Essex road. Kenilworth, with.Mrs. Megowen and the former's brother, Robert Lee Mcgowen,. of Kcnilworth, motored to Alton, III., Sunday to attend the funeral of .his mother, Mrs. Lewis Megowen,, who died last Saturdav. The, Rev. an d Mrs. E. P. Gieser of Ishpeming, Mich., were gucsts of the Ernst L. Schulz family., 1314 Isahella street, al Iast weck. Me. and -Mrs. ýReginald A. Bull- iuger, 707 Park drive, entcrtaincd the former's' relatives from Riverside for tea last Sunday. RETURNS FROM WEST Miss Lois Schulz, 1314 Isabella streèt, has returned from a two months'1 trip in the west. She ,visited'.Glacier1 and 'Yellowstone parks and, then1 stayred at. tbe Meàdow Lake lodge in Mçnta=a G OLD t nw* for reay onylWe bavie a goverument- licous. t. bar old golO, plaUnuRm and liver. No »eel te go eh iewhere-*will Pay you ln cash or trade for new jewelry. D. PAGLIRULoO 1166 Wilnette Ave. WiL 1061 1 Z_- October 18, 1934 WILM]gT'TE . LIPE