Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 5

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October 18, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Teachers of Nort hlShore Meet Oct. 29 Newv Trier High school and the pub- lic grammar scbools in the four New T1rier 'township, villages - > ilmette, Kenilworth, Winnêtka and Glencoe- will be cl(sed on Monday, October 29, s() tlat teachers cati attend the annual reetinig of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' asso- ciation at Evanston Towniship High 'clool. Supt. J_. R. Harper of the Wilmette Public schools is 1resident of the Lake ,Shore division and will presidie at the nî< )rn îngl and afternoon general ses- sionls. 'l'erc will lbe a number of sec- tiotial meetings in the morning. \Ieml)ers of the New Trier Higit school faculty %vill preside at two of tîles'e sectional meetings,. Mrs. Jane Ul.iter. head of the New Trier home ec' uîlomics departiient, at the home econonîî)Mc, section, and M.\iss Eleanor liÂbhey, New 'Trier librarian, at the. lihrarv sectioni. Chester I.. Persing of the New T'rier Englisb department will talk on 'Discovering- the Reading In- terests of Maladjusted Students" at the lihrary section meeting. Miss Flora l1kwman, member of the Glencoe pub- lic school faculty, is secretary of the primary section. Q ther Newv Trier township teachers are represented on the various com- mittees of the Lake Shore division. S. R. Logan, assistant superintendent oi the Winnetka schools, is on the legislative. committee, Miss Marioni Carswell. principal of the H ubbard Woods school, is on the appropriations committee. and WV. S. Brown, matinal education instructor at New Trrier High school, is on the resolution comtîîittee. Several noted educators are on the pr-ogram for the animual meeting. Hitler's Germany Will1 Be Optimist Club. Talk rPie guest speaker at the meetiiîg of the Wilnîiette Optimist club) Tues- day, October 23, will be Gui'Aford Hix, of the Northwestern university school of speech. His subject vvill be, "An American Student ini 1-itier' s GermnaiNv." Mr. Hix bas just re- turned from a sojourn of eight months ini Germany, and wiil tlîus speak f rom recent first han *d obser- vation of conditions in that country. While Optim'ist club meetoi-gb are flot open to the public, couirtesies %vill be extended those desiring to hear any special program. Tihis can he arranged by application to Aider R. ýTighe, president, or any niemnber of the club. VISIT WATER PLANT Eîghteen senior engineers f rom tl e Engineering college at Ames, Iowa, included a visit to the' new Wilmette Water plant last week in their an- nual inspection tour of enîgineering projects in and around Chicago.,Thev ,also visited -the new sewerage dis- l)osal plant at Niles Center. Mr. and Mr s. Har.ry Smythe. 43 Ketîilworth avenue, Kenilworth, motored to Mt. Carroll to get their daughter, Dorotbv, who attends Frances Shimer school, to spend the week-etîd with thein. Mr. and Mrs. ýSmytbe left Wed- nesday for a week at Frenîch Lick Spriîngs. - '.frs. J. E. Hubble of Bronxville. N. Y. left Friday after a visit witli the Wýilliam Freudenreichs. 310 Ab- botsford road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Fren- (letreich's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. John Littlefield of Bangor, Maine, wvill arrive Sunday to visit ber. ADDS A THEATER Sain' C. Meyers, 1012 Grccw-wood a7'einlu', Jilniette. zvho is t/he di- recting yleiu.s of Teatro del Lago. long establishied iitotion Pict:îre ho use ini Spaitish corirt, has addcd the Wihin-ette theater on Central avcin e to Iris responsib'ilities. 1fr. Me vers assu mcd charge of the tizeater t/us wzeek. In taking over the theater iii Wil- mette' s central business section M.\r. Meyers promises extensive alterations in the near f uture. It goes without saying, of course, that only pictures of best -quality, will be shown in conformit3y with the policy in vogue at Teatro del Lago sitîce its itîceptioti about-a decade ago. Madame Barry-Orlova to Lecture at Baha'i Temple "Can Science and Religion Agree?" is the subject of the lecture to be given ini Foundation hall, Balia'i House of Worship, Linden avenue atîd Sheridan road, Wilmette, at 3 :30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, October 21, by Madame Barry-Orlova of New Yor-k City. Madame Orlova bas been speaking during September and Oc- tober in. Milwaukee and Wilrnette and nowv is giving a series of lectures ou Tuesday evenings at 8 :30 in the M.\asonic temple, 32 West Randolph street, Chicago, anîd on Fridays, also at 8:30, iu the Baha'i Center, 116 ~ Michigan avenue. The subject for Friday. October 19, is, "WTlo Is the Kinîg of Kings?" Mr. and Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon, 321 Leicester road, Kenilworth, returned last Saturday f rom a two weeks' mo- tor trip through New England. They also visited in Washinugtotn and spent * he week-end with their son, Cy,.who s reshman at Dartnouth. B EAU 5 SHUE' Fi n qer Powder Wavi ncj Blendini Beauty Culture in ail ifs Branches MRS CLEO SAoE Q 1137 CENTRALAV WIJ fl BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114 Third St. Phone Wilmette 828-J LARKWOOD. Old Timers' Night Mona yfor L'ocal K. of C. Councl Old Timers' Night, anl annual af f.'ir dedicated to the, charter menibers and o ther- early members of' Ouiîmette Council, Knights of Cloumnbus, will take place next Monday night at the Wil- mette M asonic temple. This'year' s event. as planned by a committee consisting of Past Grand Knights joseph W. Lech- lier, Edward Cunningham, Albert Stall, and William Dooley, promises to bc even more pretentiousthan former ones. The featu re of the entertainment program will be, a display of mental wizardry. hy M. Vincent Gottschalk, wh'o. incidentally, is a member of the order. Mr. Gottschalk's offering, whiclî is entitled "Thirtv Minutes in the Fourth Dimension," is not vaudeville. despiite its excellent entertainment value. Recently lhe gave an impromptu dem- onstationl of his art at a meeting of the Chicago chapter of the order, and hield bis audience of more than two hundred members spellbound for al- most two hojurs. On twv' occasions hie has heen the guest speaker before gath- erings of the American Society of Magicians. yet there is nothing of the usual magician 's act in lier perform- ance. He has also lectured to the iargest educational societies in the world. On the program, too, will be a prom- mnent speaker, who will discuss a timely and interesting suhject. Later in the ASK FOR* Mr. SCHOEN- .. nd avoid being misled and disappointed, 48 Years' Experience Upholstering and Repairing Furniture New Location 326 Linden Avenue Art Furiture Co. CHAIR RECANING Phone Wilmette 4453 This hosiery lias beon accepted with sucli great popularity, emong Wilmette women, thatmany wil .wear no other. AiU the new Fall colors are in- ciuded, in this speceia offering. Chiffon and Service 7 5c Hase, box of, $1.00 Hase, box c IHase, box of for )f 3 for $ 7 fo $3.75 White They LastI $1 .25 Chiffon Hose per$ pair Il 61 WiIm.ite Avenue PhoneoMWiImette 4406 October , 18,.1934 evening the members will be led in old-fas 'hioned, community singing by a professional song leader. The», committee wishes to emphasize that Old' Timers' Nigbt will1 be an open meeting. No business matters W ill be cons idered, and every Knigbt in this vicinity is invited to attend., SPOKE MEETING Spoke Twelve of the . Wilmette Presbyterian church will meet Tues- day, October 23, at the home of Mrs. H* E. Pine, 2143 Beechwood avenue. at 12 o'clock, noon. ...ýWILMETT.E., LIIIPE .cthxl 1 vcý

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