60 WILMETTE LIFE October 18. 1934 Legion A uxiliary I fIlm.ette- Post No. 46 I On Tuesday evenîng, October, 15, Mrs. C. B. Cochran, 1605 Walnut avenue, installed, the. incoming of- ficers -of the Chicago Elev~ated unit, held at the Great Northern hotel. Mrs. Cochran; who has been prom- mnent in auxiliary affairs for many years and is now Cook, county Fidac chairman, and a nimber of the state Fidac cotuinittee, was also the speaker of the evening, lier subject being, "Amnerica n ism" *A special board meeting ini comîn1 ec- tion with the reguýlar sewing Meeting mill be lbeld today (Thursday), at the home of Mrs. George Leal, 1719 Walnut avenue. .Mrs. Frank J. Dowd, 1503 Walnut avenue, wvas imsfalled last ý%veek as (lis- trict director of the units of the Sev- enfli district of the Amierican Legion auxiiiary at a lumcheon and aIl-day meeting hield at the Georgiami hotel, Evanston. Amnual reports wvere readl in the inorming, amnd the installatiomn and enterfaimîmemît foiioved the lunch- eon. The Cook Countv Gice cluîb, umm- der the directioni of Iucile 'l'umnulul, sang a -roui) of songs. Past district directors and Comumnder Francis E. Phelan wveie gumsts at the luncheon. .I rs. Dowd is a past îresideîit of flic Xilmette unit fand( lias served bier unit as secrefary and ini humerous other offices. She lbas serve(l as delegate t0 the Departnieît convention and as a delegate to tbe Cook couîîfy orgamiza- tiomi. She lias beemi a mnember of tlic district board for fbree vears. Hem executive abilitv and kîoiedge of al the departmieîts of auxiliarv work niake lier admniiralv suited for the office t0 wbich sbe has heem elected. As district director Mrs. Dovd -viil be a menuber of tbe cxecutive boards of botti the coîmîîtv and tlhe State depart- mlenît Frtto congratulate Mrs. Dowvd fromi lier own unit were Mrs. O. G. Daily, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Williamn Benner, Mrs. A. W., Bersch, Mrs. Normuan Demîo, Mrs. D. C. Leach, and 1Mrs. C. B. Cochra-n, wvbo attemîded the luncheomi. Mrs. Daily as social chairman of the district. vas gemeral chairman. Mrs. Dowd's appointees. f rom the WViimette unit to her new district board are Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Fidacj chairman, and Dr. R. N. McKenney, who will serve as child welfare chair- man. Mrs. Gertrude Johnson,,as unit president, will also be a menîber of the board. A Siuiiinari'v of the l"ear's ['ork House Chairman Katherine Leal furnished ail meeting, places; Social Chairman Mrs. Winifred Bersch served the refreshments and gave her help to aIl ways and nieans projects meeding ber. Ten regular meetings and one special meeting were held during the year. Amnerlcanlsm-umder Mrs. 0. G. Daily-. 1250 fiag codes purchased amnd dlstrib- uted in W lmette sehools and clubs. Paid fourteen Girl Scout nember ,hips in troop We are sponsoring, presented this troop with a ftag and pald one Girl Scout's way to camp for one week. Sold one hundred, a nd ten d ozen cookies for theîn In. their drive and helped thein deliver four hun- dred dozen. Durlng youth week held program, in two sehools, Mrs. C. B. Coch- ran aîs speaker also worked on NRA drive. Our Amierieanism program> toolk thse Cook eounty pmize for the best ail- around Amerleanism Work durlng thc year. Donated to the National Defense fund, attended National Defense con- ference and seventh district national de- fense program. Purchased national de- fense plate and also eopy of the "Red Network" by Mrs. A. W. Dllling whlch in held for circulation to our membershlp. Child Weltare-under Mrs. James Bar- eus. Clothing, five Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, layettes, beddi.ng. and Cod liver oil.were given to needy ex-serv- ice familles. 'We sponsored two o rphans at Normal, remembem'lng them on birth- days, Christmas. and Easter and even visltin g theni- at Normal.. Also helped several orphans at St. Radwig's orphan- age by taking them. toys and asslsting wlth a Christmas party foir thein. Helped girl froni- Normal ini high sceol mmnd sent donation of $5, to Wilmette Health center for undernourished chil- dren,, also eontrlbuted to Department Child Welfare fund. ('oni niunIty Service-under, Mrs. George B. Bassler. She and her eonmmitte .erved 212 lioums at National convention, eiglht bous on Conninitv ('best drive, 24 bous on NRA dr-ive. Served on tlhe Wiluîîctte Welfare board, a.ttended Li- l)mary board meeting, >belped i vith Daily Tinies ('bristin.as Clier i' prties ind is helping on doîl contest foi, the, 1935 <'bristns eheer ari. Also gave thiree layettes valuted àt $12 . peli to îicedy WVilînettc' fa niilies. She aflso col- letdone hundred glaisses of j(elly- tii he lised att the orp1)a nages atnd vetoeî'a s' nurse. Demfonstration by our Girl Seout troop and a play, '.The First Flag," preÉented by the pupils of the fourth grade of Howard school. Also talk on the flag by one of the school ehildrefl from this: grade. .Septeinber-Radio sklt planned by Mrs. Kidd followed regular meeting. An-, fluaI reports and convention reports. Pulfrllty-undei- Mrs. Howard Hickey. Reeeived publieity ini local publica- tions. ltelalllttioin-tiiidei Mrs. Thos. L. D. 1Hall. '£%ade semi-monthly trips to North Chieago or Hines hospital, at- tended Seventh district' bamrn. dance pro- grains at North Chicago, contributed food, cigarets, tbree hundmcd nmagazines, 250 decks of cards, 150 pounds carpet raýgs, 25 jig sa«w puzzles, five year zsub- scriptien to National Geographic imaga- zinc. Ield l)irthdav party ini September nt North Chieago. Sold $45 Worth of aruties froin limes and North ChienIgo at flic Wilnette Womîîa m's. cl11b mart.* ('onmtmlltted 10 (Cookeounty sliîpem' fuiid, l1Iian1 ilaIrehabîlitation i fund, cigaret fund, Seventh district ('hmistrnaq I)aty-, Coîok eoimnty înergency fuind. Sevemîlli retalnlng their service as long an pos- sible. -(3) By furnishlng the publie and niembers of the 'legislature with exact information concerniing the scoPe %nId purpose. of proposed legisiation.. '.The by-law.s o f the leagu e require that it shall be strictly non-partisan."1 NRAI Subject at Forum in Temple Tuesday, Nov. 6 John T. Flynn, editor and author, and Prof. Paul H. Douglas, econo- mist, of the University of Chicago, xvîll discuss flic aIl-al)sorl)ing question, "Is tbe N RA Accompflisbing ifs Ob- jective5 ?"' at the opening lecture of flic 1934-'35 series annuallv condullcted l)v the North. Shore Congregational Israel iin the Temple building, Lincolnî and Vernon avenues, Glencoe, on Filî uîd'Mis. Ed %va rd eCtill is<on. <1 stiit plîi(' îplates. \ovenilner co. lleeeived andi îevieived Fidar mi-n:9 lîg uderMn,. Al odenkirk. Nir. FlN-nn i-eînerged into proinence zine, gave tlrtee years of this mag:îzinle (onîleted layeiittes vatl11Ud at $12 as a resuilt of the depression. Preced- tii the 1-oward school, suhscî'ibed one *ý;wh :;in(l heldtenl mleetingLs. dollar to the Fidac fuînd. %lisîti»K-under Gî*. (.1. Stone. V i ing the crashi of 1929 lie wrotc in .111 tior .:ii ities-uid(ei ' Mfus. Fi ik ite<1 or wrote to ail ase~s rîipîrîted I ii nmrous journal,, descriptions of the I )owNd.li eld eight reguLa r mi lier ltîring the yeir. sent tWîî fi)l 1 forces finovinIl s tw co1Iap-se. and vvith fuîîîtet-ii pa id 111) meliners Th kiII eces a o abY s. i Wý lthe astotnnding fi filiienit o-f b ispre- group a ttended Armiist ie progra în :t at yi)s iliii il I iul i.Norlwiî n the WVilniette theater, attended partv for I eno. From the v'arionis jpartieq, »pr9- (dictions lias brouglit bis opinions. into orphlans at St. lledw'ig's, vontriloting Je<ts anid <iilit inatde by tho îie e great importance ini ail,(IisctIiOls of îîresents. IMade twno <tozen tea uî '( he tuxiliary, this qcommnit t-.t aised $1 <2 urn eooicpobei foi- the lodge at Normal, <-ontibuted <ig- for me year. orcreteoocpolis riet tray fav'< rs foi. j jn<.s Ihspit*î <mon Prof. Pauil 'Hl. Douglas wÎ1i1 argue St. Patrivk's day. Collecte(d and senît 27) iT T7 X*ithe question from bhis viewpoint. He potiiids of silk stockî mies to Ii es, (-ltit -t ivrs. V'an der V ries ranks among the ieading economîists tliree sets of Orphan Anniie dolls. ofthe lUnited States and a,. a mecm- rddMenomial day, had bea eh paît y, Giv e n Linquali.fied br the Cn nr di~r or tii) ahpough Wîlttwalntt eatr l .L.E d re e tof the National Recoverv .\dîiii.tra- Enti-red a blook ini the HIstor ica ok.n.Vt. n os m ntto ihagmns vl en egi eontest. Mrs. Bernice T. Van der N'ries of tiontebiscarusns~illndwi 3itusie uîîiider -Mrs. Fred Kidd. lfllpe-d N\innietka, Republican candidate for f h isusos reaeandl present poppy skit, helped Professor I)ouigia' ha, rccent1v ,it;il metins wenniuiv aý eeddthe state legisiature fronm the Seventb I1 i~ t i etnswc ui vsneebeen iware, 5000 rzefrIi helped on the Seventh district (atysenatoriai district, inciuding New arle aS500.Oi ni0fr1i, niglît and prepared skit for Septemibe r Trier township, received an uinquai- 1)0kO "The Tbeorv of \\Vag(ý'" a, mîeeting. .ied ndre nt n the coebh est work in an international Popply-iimndet, Mis. ('an Peterson. Net- issudenof hrsemt ulein h pulbe coînpetition on that subject. .ted the auxiliary $107.57 froin the sale ished of the A egisiButive pubters '1f 5,150 popp)ies* ihdIvteLgiltv ,oes' Prora-ude Ms.William j. Benner. league. Reference to Mrs. Van der Jack Siayton of 607 Fore.,taene <>tuber-Joint installation of offi(cerq Vries' candidacy, vas coucbed in the: who is stuidving at Hanover rollege. witil Legion at Shawnee Country club. oli erMdsnIt.,i etrii, o "Bernive T.Va.deVre,98Pn the village for a we-n visit withi sîîeeteh lîy Dr~. Pringle of> North Ch1, sticet, Winnetka. A wolmanl of fine bisfmi. eage. As this was also y<iuth wveek, Dr. standing in hier eoniunitv who lias 0 MeGîi swik onAmercansm.At hisshown a keen interest in public affairs mneeting we- also honored oui, charter and has served with ceidt as a menul)er Police «Magistrate John L. Peters. inembers. ~~~~of the Winnetka Village cotîncil. Sh<e< 59\ahnto vne n i .ititary---Mrs. M. Lieber, parliamentar- (exccptionally well qualified for1',SerVie' 1s51i9iWashingohn biven. adere ian, sîmkc to uis on world events. in the solegislature."\Iltt -ýi, er ]V'eruiar-Tailk liv Mrs. W. G. Sutlie's To tbose wh'o nav be uninfornired weekend guests of trieiîd, at Lake On national defense., Miss -Alice regarding the purpose of the Legis- Marie, Pawv Paw, M.,ichi. Stadc's dancing îupils also entertained laieVtrslauth olwn u:s at thîs meeting. ltv oeslauteflovn .%la -Talk by R. Ross, British vice- definition of aimis will be enlightening : Nfr. and Mrs. L. Mf. Allen, 258 Nie!- consul, on Enigland. "Thwe objett ef tielt ag' shahl he toi rose avenue, Kenilwortb. entertained .ilbril- -Talk by Miss Natalia Greensfel- l)romoite good govertnnwnt throughl the terTedveeigdne )ig dei-, ehuld welfare officci' of Spring- agenv>y of the State legislature:terT sd- 'vniglmerbde field, 111. "(1) By assisting the publie to formi a club) this week. 3îy-Poppy skit by oi own members, corrc ugn n eninng the work 0 followed by talk by Miss Hlaîtwell of and vharacteî' of the niembers of the Mr.CvonSaa,216 ec- tlhe Oceuipational Thcrapy departmnent of legisiattire. 1Ms lvo enai 16Beh 11lmes hospital. -(2) By aiding iin the nomination and iwood avenue, entertainied informnallv .Jumme --Tilk by Mrs. Bliss, Village health election of desirable legislators, and in1 at a small luncheon last Tuesdav. 66BEEGLAHNSL Presented by BRAUN BROS. Service Stations le's easy ta sce why FIRES'tONE TIRES are so îîuch better thaîî the ardinary tire. Here is wltî akes theiî better: On the inside they are protecied bv ,ite Firestone process of Gurn- Dippiîig. Oin the outside with big, deep, blacks of tough rubber that ALWAYS halds the road. Corne in TODAY and get same TELLIME - CèNNOUSE£ WilmtteBraun Bras . Sucver FLa'.ti WilnettePraducts Available ai ,1222 Central Avenue 1909 Laite Avenue 540 Greenbay Road Phone WiImette 3212 Ounst west of Ridlge) Phone Kenll*orth 4'#"# Phone Willnette 257i Wllmette Avenue and Ridge Resut (Sonthenst Corner>. WII. 5105l yuu owt' h to ur family. North Evanston Firestone Costa 1No More! )Modern Garage, 2à32 W. Railroad Aveniue, Phmone lverçlty à470 ROS SILVER FLASH DKALUNSDROSService Stations October 18. 1934 eosm? HERE Co LEM MEILOME «T WORLD%*ý GRENÇT OPTIMISI! 1 WILMETTE LIFE