Octoer 8, 134 ILMP TP A. iI M Dubbs Invites Obseervance 'Of Navy Day Here Village President C, P. -Dubbs is- sued a proclamation this week calling upon Wilmette residents *to displav the flag and to give thought to the United States navy on'Navy day, Sat- urday, October 27. President Dubbs' proclamation follows: WHE IEAS, SaturdaY, October 27, 1934, bas been designated as NAVY DAY, the date set apart to aequaint our people wlth the history and traditions of the American navy and to informn the people as to what the navy is now doing, flot onily in its own spbere, but as an asset to our nation other than defense. Onée hundred and fifty-nine years ago, the 27th of ortober, 1775, a speclal coin- rittee presented to the Continental Congress a bill whie-h provided for the construction of the first fighting ship of our navy.. Otober 27 is aise the anniversary of the birth of the late Theodore Roosevelt, who was responsible for the upbullding of an adequate navy, so that lt was un- der his eonnand as President of the United, States; that our navy becamê rated amongst the nations of the worl'I as a first class power. Th(erefore, on Saturday, October 27, 1914, our 1p ule are requested to display the flag and to give thought to our navY in honor of the day. Debate on NRA to -Open Chicago Forum Nov. 4 In celebrating its tenth -session, the Chicago Forum presents fifteen pro- grams of debates and addresses by speakers of international renown. The Forum program opens Sunday after- noon, November 4, according.to an- nou'ncement made this week by Judge William H. Holly. chairman of the managing committee. Fred Atkins Moore is director for the tenth season. The meeting place this year will be the Goodman theater, just east of th-, Art institute in Grant park. The For- um program starts with a rebate be- tween John T. Flynn, noted economist and author and Prof. Paul H., Doug- las of the University Of Chicago. Using the subject '4What Next in America's Program?" Mr. Flynn, now special counsel of the Senate com- mitte investigating the munitions trade, will explain why he strongly opposes NRA. Professor Douglas, noted liberal will tell why he favors the Rooseveltian recovery policy. D3EP ireNeZJ The Wekealcafila Camp Fire Girls started their breakfast hike from Wil- mette to thme forest preserve at Mann- heini road Saturday morning, Octo- ber 13,, at 5 :45 o'clock. After their arrivai at 7 o'clock they spent somet time cooking steaks. T7he girls, on their wav home, decided to turn naturalists and chased butterfiies and, bees. (Ves, they caught several). At the next meeting the Wekeal- ial and also complete the handicraft work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Beglen, 75 Robsart road, Kenilworth, returned last Monday from a fortnight's visit with relatives -in Pittsburgh. They at- tended the Southern California and Pitt college football game last Satur-j day at Pittsburgh. Arthur, B. Adair, 320 Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, returned last Wed- nesday from a business trip to Kan- sas City. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Smith, 205 GIRL SCOUTS TROOP 3 The Girl Scouts of Troop 3 met in the, Scout room at. Joseph Sears scbool Monda y afternoon. We talked about our knots and played a , few knot games.. Then we went out to look for leaves. Each girl had to tell what kind of a leaf she had found. Toward the end of our meeting we decided to make dolls' dresses to scçnd to children in the Kentucky mountains. We. also decided to have a cake and cookie sale and to present a play in order to raise money to give a parti' for some poor children. Our meeting then adjourned. - Peggy Marsh, scribe, Troop 3. TROOP 4 At the meeting of Troop 4 on Mon- day October 15, the new girls studied the Scout laws and the older ones worked at signaling. Then we al made plans for a candy sale on the last Monday in October. Lots of candy was promised and the girls hope to make lots of money, as we are going to give Thanksgiving bask- ets to the poor. The sale ivill be beld at Joseph Sears school ini tte Scout room.-Charlotte Wilds. VISIT SON IN IOWA Mr. and Mrs. Harry P.* Harrison,, with their daughter, Jane, of 307 Ab- bots ford road, Kenilworth, will motoi to Mount Vernon, Iowa, to spend tfRe week-end with their son, Joe, who is a freshman at Corneli college. RETURNS FROM -WEST Mr. and Mrs. Charles D). Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue, returned, last weëek- end f rom a month's trip .ii the west. After visiting Mrs. Ewer's sister in Monterey, Calif., they returned home hy way of the Canadian Rockies. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tansill, 1601 Tenth street, returned last Sunday from a fortnight's motor trip in the east where they visited friends. 0o Mrs. C. J. Murray-Clagett and her two daughters, formerly of 425 Lake avenue, have moved to 736 Hinman avenue, Evanston., 0o Mrs. George White, 1101 Green- wood avenue, was hostess to her Tuesday luncheon and bridge club this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gred Coxon, 1538 Central avenue, have returned from a month's visit with friends in WXeb- ster, Iowa. 0o Mr. and Mrs. James S. Barcus, 303 Seventeenth street, entertained at a dinner and bridge party for ten guests last Saturday.. 0o- Mrs. Dewitt Sti lîman, 1011 Ash Street, formferly of Kenilworth, enter- tained her Kenilworth bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Hawkes of Mont- clair, N. J., was a recent weekend guest of the C. C. Carnahans of 700 Central avenue. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bull, 612 Warwick road, Kenilworth, motored to their summer home at-Tomnahawk, Wis., to spend the week-end. -0- Miss Virginia Prussing, 549 Earls- ton- roadKeiwrh entertained in- *BRIGHT 'BIDE W.EATHER ..gives littie indication of the colder weather tcorne. Yet it will surely fade into November with its chili winds and fleecy snow. You'll find seasonable and pre-season offerings in this issue of Your Home Paper which will save you money. Things that are necessities for every member of the f arily "when winter cornes." Wise shoppers wilI tbriftily take advantage of these offerings ... NOW ., . to be ready for what is in store witb the passing of October's bright blue weather. DU R ADVERTISERSý 4 ADVERTISER This alphabetical directory is a weekly feature of 'Your Home Paper. It is puhhished for your convenience ..to niake your shopping eàsler... to savelthe time of the busy housewife. PAGE ADVERTISER Are Motor Sales -............ 4è Albrlght Beauty Shop ......... 4J Ajax Shingle & M-%odernizlnig Co. S Art Furniture Co..............é Barney's Auto Service ..... 12 Ba.rtlet.t, FIoy ]Little ...........43 Beach, Florence, Candies ....21 Beyrer, Win. G.............. 4; Bismarck Motel ........ ....... 3à Bla.nn Pharmaey,... ............ 9 Book Mark ................... 46 Book Nook...... .............. 46 Boulevard Drug Store.......... 47 Branu Bros. 011 Co.. .60, Cover IV Brummel, Fred W............. 4 Chandler% .................. 46 Chicago DallI News...........12 Cottey Auto Itepair......b Commnnty Theatre.... .......55é Co-Op, The ................... 46 Cullisoji )iotuor Co............. 41 Dais ~Street %,(Iiarluni& Pet shop ...... ..............29 lieBourge, Elizabeth.......... 21 Enyart, Vami<'amp & Feul....... 4M Elvans3toit Nash Co. As. 4 Flore, Chas . ........ Flrst. Churchi of Christ, Scietist.................... 12 Gathercoal, Paut ll........... 51 Gordian Book Shop ... 46 Great Atlantic & Parille Test Co ..................1 Haiteman's Photo Shops .......10a Jlattstrom & Sauders........ 28 Heaing Service Co.......... 48 Jielene Beauty Shop ..... 6 HiJl's Service Station.......... 4i Ilousehold Finance Con>. ... 12 Hub, The .................... Z1 Jefferson Grill ............47 Jewel Food Stores ..... ....... il Liberty Loan Corp ............ 49 Lindstrom's. Lock Shop ..... 10 Little Bouse et Interest ..... 21 Lord's..............0,81 Lyman Pharmaey ............ S9 .Mànerud, Ethel............ -Mark#, J................. ... 2i Marshall Field & Co......... 23. I- PAGE 3Iathew Francis..............8$à .Milieu Hardware .............. 6 'Militer Fur Co. ............... 21' Motors Servie, lue .......... 14 m urine Co. . ... . .1.. . . . .. ..43 Mnrphy-IMiles 011 Co. . ..... 29 Nixon, George F. ..... .2i Nort.h Shore Art League ... .35 North Shore Bootcry .. ... 29 North Shore Lamber D)ealers * . ' ...Cover 111 North Shore Qualty Laundries 33 Paglarulo. D. .......... Palace Foods ..... .. .-.13 Peu cock le Cream ......14 flembridge Ilotel ...... ;....... 43 Peniisytvania 011 Co..ý.... ...4. Personal Finance Corp . .. .14 Phllipsborn, H. F. & Co.. ..... 49 Publie Service Co ...........,59 i Quinlan & Tysoni. ........... IS Renneekar T)rug Co . ......S Rensch Warehouse ........6 Rldire Avenue Pharmacy ....s Sebloesser's ........ sphiepiter"s Bootery............ 10 Schur, Janet Shop, lutnc........ 41 Scott, Win. H ..... Cover IV Shawnee Tattors .............. 4i Snlder.Cazel Drug Co .....9 Spantsh iKandy Knpboard 9 Spanltilng9-oorham .......*1 Stebhlns, Hardware ........... 49 Stevens, Edgar A. ime ....26,839 Thurber's Dtnmmg Boom........1Al Valencia Theatre ........... ..51 Vanfleusen's ...................4 Va.nfuerni's Beauty Salon .. ..A8 Varsity Theatre ....... ........ Si Viole, Berele................ & Vogue Sehools........... ..... 41 Warner Paint Co ........... 29,49 Wieboldt's .... 17,214,87, 89, 41 Wilmette Beauty Shop..... Wilmette Ceai & Materti Yard ......... .... ....Coverly Willnette State lgank .... Cover Il Wilmette Theatre ............. ji Wortheu.....................S October 18, 1 934 WILMETTE ý LIFE