WTYI~~a ir-JTP iP coer1,13 NORTH SHORE FINE HOMES, EV ANS8TON Attractive brick and stucco, 6. rm., 2 bath home;.2 car gar. Bar- gain. KENIL'WORTH Almost new 8 rm. brick house; 5 bdrmsq., 3 baths, studio liv. rm. Priced to seli. WILMETTE Lovely. 9 rm., 3 bath home. Must sacrifice. GLENCOE Attractive white Georgian Col- onial; 8 rm, 3 baths. HIGHLAND PARK Beautiful English; 8 rins., 3 baths, lake privileges. Out- standing bargain. ALSO MANY OTHERS ALL SIZES AND BARGAINS BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 522 Davis. St., Evanston (ireenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 523 Park Drive. Kenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 111 LTN24-ltc DUTCH COLONIAL WHITE CLAPROARD-GREEN SHUT- ters, large' yard--over 100-ft. front, many, big trees-the Ideal location for children and grownups too, because it is just a few blocks to grade and hlgh echoni and transportation ln east Win- netka. Th!ee bedrins. on 2nd floor, and 2 bdrms. on rd. 2 baths. A repossessed property and price. Mr. Brown. THE B3ILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wilinette 3740 111LTN24-lte COUNTRY HOME ON SMALL Acreage. Complete group of buildings includîing guest house - ln Immediate West North Shore. Price Right. REAL HOME IN THE COUNTRY. Modern - Rolling Grounds - Perfect location. A real Buy! We have a very compiete list of prop- erties in Barrington and Libertyville sections. BENJ. E. GAGE AND1 ASSOCIÂTES 564 Center St. Winnetka 564 111LTN24-ltc WE CAN NOW OFFER FOR LESS than the original lat'mortgage, at- tractive 8 rm., brick Colonial home, On weil landscaped wooded lot. Near trans- portation and lake. Inspection and pri'-e upon request. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1664 Sherman Ave. University 0283 111LTN24-ltc COUNTRY ESTATE 0F 134 ACRES. consisting of wooded acres, lakte front- age, paved road frontage and about 80 acres under plow. Colonial house of 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. The wooded acres alone sold during boom times at 1600 per acre. Priced today for quick sale at $31.000. The Bis Realty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave., Glen. 777, ask for Mr. Peistor. 111LTN24-ltc A CHARMING SIX ROOM HOUSE IN .S. E. Winnetka consisting of 6 réoms with 3 bedrooma, 1 bath, brk. nook, basement, ceiling Insulated, H. W. H1.: (oul), gas water heater, a real buy at $8,500. Bis Realty, Inc. 718 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, ask for Mr. Lundquist. il 1LTN24-lte ATTRACTIVE 9 RM. GRAY BRICK, tile-roofed, house, amopg fine prop- erties; large lawns and trees. 100xl75. 620 Forest Ave., N. E. Wilmette. Bargain at. one-haîf cost. Take smaller- N. S. house or terme. Shown by app. only. F. Wanner, ExcI. Agents. Kenilworth 6111 or State 5111. 111LTN24-ltc EAST KENILWORTH ATTRACTIVE 7 RM. HOME ON WELL wooded 75 ft. lot; 2-car gar. A reai bargain at $10,5000. MILTON E. REID & CO. 601 Lake Ave. Wilmette 771 111LTN24-ltc ATTRACTIVE 9 RM. MOD. HOUSE. 3% baths; lovely lawns and gardens. 128 Robsart Rd., Kenilworth. Take amaller N. S. in trade or ternis. By app. onjy. F. Wanner, Kenilworth 5111 or State 5111. North Shore Properties. 111LTN24-ltc BEAUTIFUL ESTATE NEAR LAKE, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, htd. slpg. porch,i iibrary, recreation rm., oil ht., 2-car htd. gar. $30,000. Rentai $125. MR. LANG *WINNETKA 1194 FOR UALE-Houage SMALLHOME- ON THE LAKE. HERE ONE CAI!. ENJOY -THIE LUX- ury of living on the lakte wlthout the' expensive maintenance of large grounds and a large home. A charming English brick and stone, owner-built home- of 5 b4rms., 2 baths,. ex. lav,, ohl ht., 2. car att. gar. Owner wants cash offer on sale or two-year lease furnished. Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. Evanston Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 l11LTN24-ltc .2711 COLFAX ST. DRIVE PAST THIS BEAUTIFUL stone house, nestied among century old elme and oaks. If you wish we will be pleased- to show the Interior. Here is a home of charmlng English architec- ture just 5 years old. 8 rms., 3 baths, rec. rm., att. gar. for cars. Perfectly landscaped grounds 70xl9O. Out of town owner wants quick action. Here is your opportunity. SMART & GOLEE, mec. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 IlLTN24-ltc STUCCO HOUSE-1226 MAPLE AVE., Wiimette. 6 rms., enclosed sun perçh, sleeping porch. AIl rmfs. heated. H. W. ht. Separate Pittsburgh Hot Water heater. Tule bath and shower. Shower toilet and laundry in basement. Oak floors; curtains and shades first ciass condition and up to-date; lot 50x170; 2-car gar. ; paved aliey; fine lawn, trees-, shrubs, fiowers, etc.; ail taxes paid; ready to move In. Price $9,500. Titie guaranteed; have a $12,000 owners' policy from C. T. & T. Co. Sec owner. 1537 Washington Ave., Wllmette, or phone Wlmette 1994. 111LTN23-4tc SELL OR TRADE AT BARGAI beaut. new Eng. Cottage type hse. 7 rms. and a studio. 2 tule bs. Optional bedrm. or iibr. panelled in oak. 180 fi. of frontage. Nr. schis. and transp. In excel. loc. Owner wants te buiid a larger place and will sell at sacrifice, or trade up for Ige., well located vacant lot. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3603 111LTN24-ltc A REAL BUY. BEAUTIFULL SPANISH STUCCO home on lot 100x200.. Five large room,, and sun- room and 'breakfast room, also a huge fireplace. Two tule baths H. W. H. (oil>, two car garage. Off ered at 1/ its former value. Price $9,500. Terme THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 718 Vernon Avenue Giencoe 777 111LTN24-ltc WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES WANTED-NORTH SHORE HOME, 3î or 4 bedrooms, prefer colonial.- Must be bargain, under $15.000. Have cash., Write B-S Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 113LTN24-ltc ACREAGE AND ESTATES FARMS - ESTATES Smali & large Acreage 1J. B. Utley NORTHWESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St. Uni. 9500 124LTN24-ltc l17.A REAL ESTl LOANU0 We Desire Application FOR PIRST MORTOAGES IN AMOUNT $2,500 te $10,000 on North Shore resi- dences, Evanston te Lake Forest. We have funds available for immediate cem- mitments. McGUIRE & ORR Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 1080 127A-LTN24-lte foU »AL.-MOUOENOLD O00005 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FIRNISH- ings. Wil seli ln lot or separately. Reasonable. Phene Wilmette 4866. 129LTN24-ltp COMPLETE FURNISHINGS Op 8-Rbl. house, Including SteinWay Grand Piano, Philco Radio, Refrigerator and -Steve. Winnetka 41. 129L24-ltc, UPRIGHT PIANO WITH BENCH UP- holstered in red damask $25; antique walnut sccretary $25. jo020 Oak St. Win- netka. 129L24-ltc LARGE*GAS STOVE IN GOOD CON- dition. Phone Wilmette 2521 129LTN24-ltp GAS STOVEr-CHBAP-385 PARK AVE. Giencee. Cali Saturday or Sunday P. M. 129LTN24-ltp ANTIQUE LOVE SEAT, $25. PHONE Greenleaf 3807. 129L24-lte FO UALU-HOUUEHOLD GOOD8 PIANO WITH UFHOLiSTERIaD BEUNOHk Round dinlng table, 6 chairs $6; 8 lampe $3 ea.; gold framne oi),paintinga $3; hand carved>stand 14; 6 ft. ant. mah. couch and ant wal. secretary reas., Mise. Items. Winnt. 19lTN24,l: SOLID MAHOGANY FULL SIZE BED with box sprlngs, and mattress, $14. Antique gold satin drapes. Two -pair. Cost $250. Will seil for $35. Winnetka 756. 129L.TN24-Itp A $300 SOLID WALNUT DINING Rt set from Colby's for.$45; buffet, table and 6 chairs. Cali Glencoe 218 from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 129LTN24-ltc FOR SALE--ONE TABLE AND FOURi ehairs. Also a sewing machine and 8 folding chairs. Phone Glencoe 1182. 129LT24-ltp BEAUTIFULLY CARVED 10 PC. OAK dining room s*et; nearly, new; great bargain. Ph. Univèrsity 4263 129LTN24 -1te NEW MOORE GAS RANGE PRICEL) right or will trade for bedroom furni- ture. Cali between 12 and 1 P. M. 801 Linden Ave., Wiimette 129LTN24-ltp SOLID MAPLE BREAKFAST ROOM table; brown mahogany tilt top table; also unfinished antique mapie spool settee. Winnetka 2741. 129LTN24-Itp SOL.ID MAHOGANY DINING SET. wlth hand Inlay. Early American can- opy bed and dresser. Also walnut bed. 672 Lincoln, Winnetka. 129L24-ltp WTD. TO *UY-HUEHOLD. GOODU WANTED IMIýEDIATELY-LARGEC THOR MANGLE qf late model. Ph. Winnetka 738. 13OL24-ltp WANTED TO BUY- 9x12 DOMESTIC RUG Cheap. Cail Gilencoe 65.1 130LT24-ltp FOR UALK-MESCELLANOUU BILLIARD TABLE, BRUNSWICK L latest "Grand" combination billiards.,: removable rals, 2 sets, size 4x8. Com- i)lete with ail appliances. Cost $450 new. Bargain. Wilmette 1985. l3lLTN24-t For sale- Thoroughbred desert strain ARABIAN STALLION 3 yrs. old. Tel. Wiimette 4548 131LTN24-ltp FOR SALE: ONE FA-DA RADIO, beautiful case, $25. One sidwalk bicy- cle. One three-wheei bicycle. 164 Ox- ford road, Keniiworth. Phone Kenilworth 4722. 131L24-ltp 15 LADIES "LIBERTY" BICYCLES 6 weeks old. From $18 te $22. Aiso oth- ers. Cail Fr1. Sat. or Sun. 32 Eimwood Drive. Ph. Highland Park 3694. 131L24-ltp ROLLER CHAIR WITH RUBBER cushions and tires; fit through any door; brand new. Aiso curtains and bedspreads. Ph. Wiimette 1346. 131LTN24-ltp FOR SALE-A. B. C. OIL BURNER and 275 gallon tank, used 1 wlnter. E. L. Kohler, 1138 2lst. St., Wilmette. 131L24-ltp KITCHEN HEATER FOR SALE. CALI, Giencoe 744. 131L24-ltp WTD. TO *UY-MoSCELLANEOUB Fiat Top Office Desk ABOUT 48 INCHES LONG. DRAWERS on both sides. Phone Winn. 2105' 132L24-I tp Goldran-Junk Dealer Highest prices paid for-junk Wilniette 5417 Winnetka 3720 132LTN24-tfp USED LATHES AND OTHER LIGIIT wood and metal working machinery and tools, suitabie for home wvorkshop- Smotors, work-bench etc. Phone Win- netka 1040. 132LTN24-ltp Wanted to buy- MAN'S BICYCLE. Must be in good condition and reason- able. - Winnetka 3709. Mr.. Freeman. 132LTN23-2tp WANT TO BUY-SINGLE BALCONY ticket for Chicago Symphony concert, cone for each month for season. Write B-2, Box 40, Wlmette, 111. 132124-ltp WANTED TO BUY-TABLE VICTRO- la wlth records. Must be reasonable. Ph. Winnetka 489 after 6 P. M. 132LTN24-ltp WANTED TO BUY--COMPLETE BIL- liard Table Outfit. Fair condition and very reasonable. Address B-4, Box 40, Wilmette. 132LTN24-ltc WANTED-USE.D_ SET 0F WORLD f Basemnent Can Be ad into Room of Many Uses Some baséme nts have aî delightful way of being cool ini summer and warm. in winter. The use of. a base- ment auxiliary room is varied. With the addition of appropiiate equip- ment and furnishings, it can serve many purposes. It can be turned into an additional living room, which is the most popular usage, where the family can read in comfort or have a rousing good time without dis- turbing neighbors. It can become a playroom to keep the children off the streets and out of the rain. It can be turned into a workroom where mech- anically-inclined maies can tinker in comfort. Or it can be a laundry that is cool in sumnmer and out of the way ail year. LECTURE ON NEW ZEALÂND A lecture on New Zealand and'its strange aboriginal people, the Maoris, illustrated with motion pictures and stereopticon slides, wiIl be presented for the general public Saturday, Octo- ber 20, at Field Museum of Natural History. The lecturer will be.. M. P. Greenwood Adams, well-known Aus- tralian explorer and author, wvho is familiar with the native life as a re- suit of many sojourns in the wilds of New Zealand. In addition to the pictures of Maori life, Mr. Adams' films record interesting facts about the nesting habits of the birds of the country. The lecture.will be given in the James Simpson tlieatrc of the mu- seum, and will be at 3 o'clock. Ad- mission is free. Only adults are ad- mitted. MISCELLANKOUS WANTED, TO RENT-APARTMý%ENT grand or upright piano for private use. Please cali Glencoe 177. 134L24-ltp 134 mise. NOTICE The following merchandise wiii be sold for charges If net called for on or before November 2, 1934: Mrs. J. H. Beuchier, 720 Hinman AX e., Evanston, Ili., One Summer Ermine Jacket Ü25.00; Mrs. H. Erenberg,- 5432 Drexel Bivd., Chicago, Ill., One Raccoon coat $35.00, One Silver Muskrat coat $37.50, One Mendesa Seal coat $47.50; itrs. P. C. East, 120 Meadow Lane, Win- netka, Ill., One Red fox $7.50; Miss Della O'Neai, 1380 Edgewoed Lane, Wlnnetka, Ill., One white thibet fox $5.50; itrs. Wil- kins, 1125 Ayers Place, Evanston, 1li., One Muskrat Jacket $8.50. M. B. Okean Furriers, Inc. 5,46-548 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka. VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 1932 TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS Ail Tax Anticipation Warrants issued against the 1932 Tax Levy-Village of Wiimette, Cook County, Illinois, General Fund anýd Garbage. and Refuse Fund have been called for payment. Interest wili stop on Oct. 24, 1934. Warrants shouid be presented at Treasurer's Office, Village Hall for pay- ment. Harry W. Miller, Treasurer> L24-ltc Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility with its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnished Without Obligation Telephone rIENCIE 521 Main Street, Wilinette Phones October . 18, 1934 WILMETTÉ LIPE