Find here-lmmmmivable homes, apartmnents, oos CLASSIFIRD AD VER TISEMENTS, General Noice- Cla iadvrtsm sntLill be haMedoplt Qioeo., Inclusive. whooee naines appear In ue, telephone directory. or Who are regular ubcriberu to elther WML1MTTU3 LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCON NEWS. 25 cntsa lno.Advertioemeiitu run- ln ail three papers. Rates- MI5NI]eMUM aCHÂeRQ ONE DOLLAIL Average of tive words to the lino. No black face type nsed. 80% diiscount on ail, cash advertlse- menta when brought te our office at 1L232 Central Ave., Wflmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. If-% ulseount on aU advertisementa run tour consecuttys iusueik Deésdline for Inisertionts-"'il0e' advertlaeieflts will be s- cepted up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 p. )L for WINNETKA TALK alid Thursday à P. M. -for GLENCOE NEW& Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 500 atter 1 P. IL), Greenleaf 48»0 or Sheidrake 1314-1217. ____LOST AND POUND LOST OCT. 5 ON CENTER ST., WINN. patent leather hatbox, Initiais H. M. B. Contalned 4 hats, fur scarf, knitting bag. Reward. Winnetka 928. --3L24-ltp LOST - CHILD'S GLASSES IN IBLUE- case; wh!tA gold franme. (Uhliman Opticai Co.) Ph. University 93.32. 3LTN2 4-1te LOST - PERSIAN & ANGORA CAT -color silver. Phone Wilmette 2072. 3LTN24-ltc ANTIQUES __ MAH. POSTER BEDS. DRESSER TO) match $75. Cot and inattress $3. Velvet chair $15. Day bed $3. Rome heater $25. $22 gas radiator $7.50; pair Itallan torchier's $75. Reg. Chinese rug $125; spinet desk $7.50; $225 Howard radio $27,50. Misc. articles. Phone Win- netka 2067. 7LTN24-ltp OLD COLONIAL LIV. ROOM TABLE, sideboard, chest of drawers; 3 Mah. Boston rockers; settee, dresser; cheap for quick disposai. 1020 Oak St., Wlnn. 7L24-ltp Mah. Carved Sofa ALSO ANTIQUE MAHOGANY DESK. 808 Oak St. Winnetka 145. BUILDING AND CONTRACTNr4 CEMENT CONTRACTOR AL KINDS 0F CEMENT AND brick work. Leaky baisements re- paired. MUnonry and piasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Av*. Wllmette 2418 1$LTNSO-4tp MODIERNI ZATION Qeneral Contracting and Alterationa Chicago Construction Company Estimates given on Request. 140 N. LaSalle Wllmette 2705 15SLTN21-4tp CARPENTER WORK NEW WORK. ALTERATIONS AND repair. Fred.. C. Schur.. Wllmette. 1587. 16LTN20-tic SEAS ONED HARDWOOD) $8 per ton dellvered. Black dirt-3 yard load $5. Sod, 4c sq. ft. Phone Wil- enette 452. Oust Anderson 435 Ridge Road 16LTN22-4tp POSTER NISTLE oil burner service. Ail burners at ail houra. WILMMIrE 278. 1624-ltp. WILL PAINT YOUR CAR COMPLETE .in enamel.'finish $25. Also ail kinds slgn painting. Cali in person at. 1318 Wilmette Ave., or phone Wil- mrette 3415. 16LTN23-2tc Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN, EXTERMINAT- Int engineer. Ph. Wllmette 3867. 16LTN15-tfe WILMINGTON COAL DIRECT FROIM mine. Lump,. Egg,, $7, Nut $6.7tî, Mine run $6.50. Deiivered 2 tons or more. Wilmette 1998. 16LTN24-ltp FIREPLACE WOOD! First-class dry hardwood; split iogs. Greatly reduced price. Phone Univer- sity 8800, Room 318. 16L24-ltp BUSINESS SERVICE For Sale-Fireplace Logs HARD\VOOD, $8 TON BIRCH AND 'MAPLE $10.50 DEL. Kindling ý,2 ton, $5. Coal and coke. Any trucking or moving. Rubbish taken away. Rotten cow and straw manure. grood 4 yard load, $10. A-i black soul, 4 yds. $6. E. G. Haglund, 514 Bircli, Winnetka 2108. 16LTN24-Itp) .FIREPLACE WOOD SEASONED BIRCH AND MAPLE logs. Reasonable. Hearthstone Wood Co. Phone Hollycourt 0846. Reverse charges. 16LTN24-Itp) Plastering Stucco Cernent - Basements mnade waterproof- Geo. A. Thursby-Whitewashing Wllmette 3387. _______________ _____16LTNZ2-4tp JUNK 'DEALE R HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinids of junk. Phil Schuman, Phone Wllmette 349. 16LTN24-ltp CLOCK R EPA I.fEI CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, antique dlockrepairing. Learned tra de in Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and Field's). Will caîl. Free estimate. David Johansson, phone Diversey 2041. 20LTN24-ltc DRESSMAKING COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND IMAKERS. Gowns-Wraps--Suits--Coats Origina-Copied-Restyled-Altered 833 Elm St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN23-4tp DRESSMAKING A-ND REMODELING by exper. dressmaker. Aiso lining coats, making slip covers. At home, or your house. Wil. 1253. 22LTN24-ltp GARDENINO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 0F EXPERI- ence in iandscape designing and con- tracting fits us to handie your prob- lems this fail in a manner and at prices which we are sure will please you. BENJ. E. GAGEAND ASSOCIATES R. V. D. Giddings, L. A. 564 Center St. Winnetka 564 27LTN24-ltc BLACK DIRT HORSE AND COW MANURE URBIN LEVERNIER Phone Glenview.21 or Giencoe 926. 27LTN24-4tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER, TRIM- 1ming of trees. Also chauf- feur and ail-around houseman. By ,nmonth, day, or hour. Phone Winnetka 3761. 27L24ltp NOVEMBER IS. THE' MONTH! TO trim trees and shrubs, and renovate lawn or garden. For estimates phone Wilmette 1619, Henry Beach, 1114 Ash- land Ave.,.Wimne'tte.' 27LTN24-Itp Perenniais .......... 5 and 10 cents each,, Trees, Evergreens.Real Bargain JORN OSTROWSKY NURSERY 2343 West Park ave., Highland Park 2 blocks west of new Skokle Road PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 49 ________ _______________30L24-ltp PLANTS 'AND ULBS 7 FOR SALE ,- EVERGREENS, ALI, varieties and sizes, planted and guar- anteed to live; write for prices; Beel- m,.nnr . Nothrnk. Ill. 28TTN94i-1ttn FIREPLACE OAKWOOD $9 TON AND.....-..- ...i .tu . ,- 4.Delivered. Cal Highw7ood 369. INSTrRUCTIOiN 16LTN24-4tp FRENCH LESSONS BY EXP. FRENCH ('ARPENTER WORK lady. Quick, pleasant method; lnterest- ALTERATION AND REPAIR lng lessons, rapid progress. Cali or phone for reasonable price.'Please phone Win- 1 Wilmette 906-W, 318-14tJi St. netka 2136. 16L24-lP .30L24-ltp h SDo Your Eall Dec. Now ALSO EXTERIOR PAINTINC, AT 10w prices, while weather is suit- able. It is to your advantage to get our estimate before you decîde. Louis Skolnik. Wilmette 5034, Winnetka 2511. 42LTN24-1 ti) Ceiling Calcirnined, $1 Up RM. PAPERED, $3; KIT. PAINTED, $6 up; wall paper clnd., 75c; bath rm. enam., $5 up; glazed walls wshd., stchd., $2.50; also ext. paint. Refs. furn. Louis Skolnik, Wii. 5034, Wlnn. 2511. 421,24-ltl) DISTINCTIVE PAINTING DECORATING Old floors made like new with eiectric machine. Speciai Fali rates. Fred ]roberg Bni. 1061 42LTN24-4tp) PETS FOR SALE - REGISTEREI) I)OBER- man Pincher pups; 8 weeks oid. 3 maies, 1 female; prices $35 to $50. 96 Ardniore Rd., DesPlaines, 111. 44LTN24-1 te PEKINGESE PUPPIES Maies, 6 months old. Exquisite pets. Very reasonabie. Home considered more than price. 2131 Schiller, XVil- mette. 44LTN24-ltp) HEALTHY PEDIGREED MALE Pekingese for sale-18 months old. Ph. Wilmette 3548. 44LTN24-ltp HEALTHY FEMALE POLICE PUP $5. Phone Greenileaf 3807. 44L24-ltp Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Factory, Dealer, Acoustic 'Laboratory- experience; good references. ýE., I. VAN HARLINGEN 1323 Wilrnette Ave. Wilmette .2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp EXPER PIANO TUNING $3. RLe- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- *ring, Boston. H. C. Thoznam, 517 Fair- view, Park Ridge 699-R 45LTN22-4tp PUB3LIC sTrENoG»RAPHERS Public Stenographer ELEANOR IDLER, 932 ASHLAND Avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wl. 1037. 47LTN24-ltp MUSICAL INTr*UCTION EDITH iRAY YOUNG Teacher of Piano. Prîvate o.nd Curtis Clasa Instruction. Cblîdren àaceepted as young as à years. Studio, 1133 Cen- tral Avenue, Phone Wilmette 3651. 31LTN20-4tp LAUN DRY EXP. 'LAUNDRESS WANTS WASH- îng and ironing; aiso do rough dry and wet wash. Xiii call for and de- liv-er. Wilmette 1351. 34LTN24-ltp MASSAGE CABINET BATHS SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatments in parlors or your home. TECKLA HEALTH & REDUC. BATHS 833 Elm St. Winn. 356 3 SLT2 4- ltp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Cabinet bath, massage, needie shower. Ultra-violet and infra-red lamps, 627 Grove St. Phone Gre. 1642. 38LTN2Otfp MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VIOLIN, BEAUTIFUL TONE. PER- fect condtion; appraised at.$125, and willing to seil for that. Also, fine bow, $30. Winnetka 2144. 40L24-ltp TENOR BANJO IN FIRST CLASS condition for sale $15. 401 Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 1395. 40LTN24-ltp PAINTING AND DECORATING Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. IRm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 rm. tirs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. Materials furnlshed. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 42LTN2 4-1 tp SEWING MACHINES AND V A C ÜUÜUAM CLEANERS. ALL kinds. repaired. Established more than fifty years ago. Now located in Wli- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wllmette 764 or 4368. SZaLTN2-tft WVEARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOit storage and repairs, but uncalled for;* Black pony coat, $18; brown caracul, $24 ; gray caracul, $28 ; leopard cat, $32 ; American broadtail, $26; black caracul, $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seal, $58; genuine mink, $150; and many others worth four times their price. Also 20> jacquettes at $13 and 38 fur scarfs at $4. Economy Section, 'Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, open evenings. .9LTN24-2to. BLACK BEAR COAT SUITABLE FOR outdoor driving,. cost $65, seil $27.50. Good condition. Also peari opera glasses, cost.$25, seil $7.50. Phone Winnetka 2067. 59LTN24-ltp FOR SALE-BOY'S BROWN LEATH- er coat, size 14, $8. Woman's dark winter coat, fur collar. Both in good condition. Glencce 19.57. ')!)ITN-n4-l ti BOYS OVERCOAT AND ENGLISH CLJT suit, 2 pr. pants (long). Size 14. Like new. Also wool zipper jacket. Ph. WiI- mette 958. 59L24-Ite TUXEDO, SIZE 37; WORN ONCE. Phone Wilmette 2893. 59LTN24-Itc INVESTMENTS WANT MORTGAGE 0F $1,800 SE- cured by lmproved property In Win- netka. Principals only. Write B-1, Box 40. Wilmette, 111. 42-t LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bidg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUAIrON WANvwD-Y«mAILE COMPETENT HELP No CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Hornes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL. Pauline's Ernp. Agency WILMIETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden, Opposite "V' Ter. 68LTN47-tfc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at Once. Lindgren Empi. Agency Establlshed 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 68LTN19-tfe Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3322 RELIABLE HELP. Ail domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERSl GERMAN, 29, 6 YEARS' EXPER. .N. S. Norwegian, 34,'8,years' exper. German, 26, 4 years' exper. Swedish. 28, 5 years' exper. Reinhart's Eý-mpi,. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN24-1 t NURSE- COMPANION, MASSEUSE. Take entire charge of clothes; drive car if necessary; will care for elderly lady, gentleman or delicate child. Smail salary co nsidered in nice bomne. Best refer. Write B-7 Box 40, Wilmette, Ili. 6 8LTN2 4 -te W H-1I T E WOMAN WISHES DAY 1work, any kind. Good iaundress. Ex- perienced on shirts. $3 day. Catering 50e hour. Refs.. Phone Wilmette 3753. 68LTN24-ltp ED'UCATED, REFINED W O M A N 1will care for children, as nurse or governess. Phone Winnetka,3876. 68LTN24-ltp RELIABLE CAPABLE WOMAN WISH-' Ses <are of children, day or evening or part time work. Can give North Shore refeencs. lencoe 555. 68LT24-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL WANTS day work-laundry or cieaning. Rea- sonable. Cail Winnetka 3218, ask for HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES -S.- work or care of children after school, Sat. and Sun. Phone Wilmette 2438. 68L24-1 te WORK WANTED BY HOITR'OR DAY; cleaning and ironing. Phi. Wiimette 4167. 68LTN24-ltp - 1 - October 18, 1934 WILMETTIE Lir-E