October 18, 1934 Z1!Yt ~U .--I..LETTE LLr.b he AmsemntSeeker... WILL ROGIERS AT WILMETTE Wife Forces "Handy Andy" to Give Up Drug Store; Too Much Play Makes Him a Boisterous Boy His wife wanted bun to retire and play a littie . . . but ail play and no0 work makes WViil a w 'ild boy. That, in brief, is the story of Will Rogers' new picture, "Handy Andy,' at the Wilmette theater this Friday and Saturday. Many critics say this is the funniiest connedy of his career. And the bighlights of the story bear this out. Will is getting aiong comfortably in his drug store, when his wife, Peg- gy Wood, persuades hini to selI out. First lie takes up pigeon raising, but hie has to stop that when his Pets flv aIl over the bouse. Next hie takes up golf. witb uproarious results. Then his wife and daughter, Mary Carlisle, persuade him to attend the Mardi Gras ini New Orleans. 1That's wben things really begin to happen... Weirdiest Van Dine Thriller The strangest and' most fantastic, yet the most exciting and baffiing of aIl of S. S. Van Dine's murder mys- tery drainas,"he Dragon M urde'r Case," shows at the WVilmette theater Sunday and Mon- day, October 21 and 22. To solve this nmystery, a new Ph ilo Vance comes to the Sc reen ini the person of Warren William w;%ho car- Warren William ries out the role of the polished and somiewhat superci lious detective witb an easy fortitude. Sgt. Heath is again Eugene Pallette and Robert McWade has his old role of District Attornev Markbam. .The first murder of the series takes place at the Dragon pool on the vast estate of a multimllionaire scientist where guests have gatbered for a week-end party. One of the guests dives into the pool and fails to come up. Enter Philo \Tance. who bas to solve this: The pool is drained but there is no trace of the missing man,, altbougb there is seemingly no way the body could have been wasbed out; on the bottom of the pool are, great tracks as though made by the talons of a prehistoric monster. Plenty of thrills follow as. Tance tackles the problem. Another BaH liug Mystery "The Man witb Two Faces," a Firs.t National melodramatic murder mystery thriller. will be seen at the Wilmette theater Tuesday and Wed- nesday, October 23 and 24, witb Ed- ward' G. Robinson in the stellar role. The picture is based on the stage play by George S. Kaufman and Alexander. Wool)lcott, whicb. was one of the bits, of Broadway the past season. It is said to be' one of 'the most baffling mysteries, ever pre- sented, with a strange and unusual denouement. The mystery evolves' about the strange murder of the husband of a brilfiant actress, a man, of evil mind and with a bypnotic influence over bis wife. There are- several suspects, including the wife berself, as well as ber lover, and brother. Stuar;t Erwin Simple Ideaiat Thursday anîd 1ýiday, October 25 and 26, the Wiimette offers "Bache- Thney Il Swagger and Chant Like, Sailors of Yore! "Yo, ho, ho!" That's the sturdy shout of nortb shore cbiidren and aduits when tbey bear that the Varsity theater will present "Treasure Island" Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 19-21. Tbis inarvelous filmization of Rob- ert Louis Stevenson's famous story offers such enjoyable character as Wallace Beery as Long John Silver, Jackie Cooper as Jini Hawkins, Lionel Barrymore as Billy Jones, Chic Sale as old Ben Gunn, Otto Kruger as, Dr. Li vesy, and Nigel. Bruce as Squire Trelawnev. A I i these roles are s0 skilfully' enacted.............. that the audience wvil1 forget it is inWALC EY a theater and wvi1l find itself taking part in the life of tingling adventure in quest of treas- ure trove. It's ail grandly entertain- ing and exhilarating, this voyage intfo tropical waters, this tbrust into a land of mystery and fascination. Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 23, will resound with laugbter at the Varsity wbere "Friends of Mr. Sweeny" will provide plenty of slap- stick mirth. Charles Ruggles is a howl as the rowdy college lad who becomes a brow-beaten editorial writer. David Jack Hoit, the new cbild star, is said to outshine every aduit cast member in the intelligently directed play, "You Belong to Me," siated for showing at the Varsittv theater Wed- nesday and Thursday,.October 24 and 25. Helen Mack, Lee Tracy and Helen Morgan are over-sbadowed by the boy, critics say. And that's some- thing! Possibly tbat's one reason the play is- well worth one's time, for everyone in the cast gives a fine per- formance-but littie David's nanie ecads aIll the rest !1 WILL ROGERS GOES WILD His wife wanted bim to play but ail play and no work, makes Wil Rogers a wild boy in bis new pic- ture, "Handy.Andy," Peggy Wood portrays tbe wife. lor Bait," the diverting comedy about Wilbur Fess (Stuart Erwin) wbo wants to see everyone bappily niar- ried.* He loses bis job at the mar- niage license bureau and, happens onto a scheme, ."Romance, Inc." Then the fun really begins. Erwin is perfect as the simple idealist. Pert Kelton and Skeets Gallagher are a mirth-inspiring teani. Theatro Fni. and Sat. JANET GAYNOR CHAS. FA RRELL "4CHANGE 0F HEART' Slily Symphony wil 1iletka Tue. and WeJ. Forernost Aetor "The Co nstant Nyunph'i ONCE A STAGE STARý Dorotby Tree, clever young Fi National player wbo appears pl minently in. support of Warren W, iam in "The Dragon Murder Cas came to pictures. from the -Ni York stage, wbere she scored ei phatically in "Holiday," "Clear Wires"q and otberbits. NOW HE'S A DRUGGIST Will Rogers bas been a doct( mechanic, m'erchant, loafer, busine man and' politician in the movit but. neyer a cowboy. In "Hang Andy," he's a druggist on a hà day. And what a holiday!, MATRIMON-Y FOR LOVELORr Stuart Edwin runs a matrimoni agency for the lovelorn in RK( Radio's hilarious comedy featur "Bachelor Bait," in which Rochel Hudson, Pert Kelton, Skeets Gallk ber and Berton Churchill play ii portant roles. --Open DaiIy at 1:30- Todlay (Thurs.) Last Day! Leslie Howard-Kay Frauda in' BRITISH AGENT"6 Mon., Tue., Oct. 22-23 The Hilarions Comedy 96FRIENDS .0F MIL SWEENEY"8 Charles Ruggles-Aun Dvorak Eugoe Paliette Comiàg Wed., Thurs., Oct. 24-25 LEE TRACY in "Yom BeIong b Me", with David Holt (New Child Star) aud Helen mack-Heuem Morgan rst ro- lil!-. e," lew Al tor, ýess es, idy Dli- ,N iai Ire, fle Lg- 1 Sun., Mon., Oct. 21-22 "6DCFENSErES TS"1 With Jack Hoit Joan Arthur Also Varioty Program of Short Subjects Tues., Wed.. Oct. 23-24 Edward G. Robinson "TUE MmN WITH TWO FACES"II Aima Comedy-Act-Nows Thurs.. Fui.. Oct. 25-26 Stuart Erwin-Rochelle Hudson ln Set.. Oct. 27 Pa"Paterson-Herbert Mundin in ",'CALL ET LURK" Sun.. Moon., Oct. 28-29 66HOUSEFWNVE Wifh George Iront Botte Devis--Ann Dvorak COMING SOON "Their Sig Moment" 'Grand Canary' "As. the Earth Turnsa" q 1 Mme. 1, Doon. open -Sm.HU ait 11116 Pm. show at 2,860 V. (CORdURse) floeOpon W.oh Dar a est& V. m-9 show a a 810:p. m Box omee eloues hou ]Kn. te FrL. at 9:46 P.u. Bat. and Sumisys at leffl pu. Adulte, 25c-Childr car, 10c La5st Times Today, Thurs., Oct. 18 Paf O'Brien-Glenda Farrell in 66TH PERSONALITY]KM,", Also Clark and McCullougk in "ORDER IN THE COURT" Fri.. Sot., Oct. 19-20 WiII Rogoers--Peggy Wood in Extra-Set. Mat. OnIy. Cheptor 4 "BURN 'EM UP BARNES-