ONCE 'AGAlI WE SAY areil-j,, frmed: iesiden ts e e e WJLMETTE IFE KEEPS THEM well-informed T hese FEATURES COVER EVERY PHASE 0F VILLAGE LIFE TO KEEP YOU well-inf ormed ID CIVIC NEWS Complete accounts of civic interest. Vil- lage government. Elections. Community enterprises. Municipal projects. *SOCIETY News of the social world. Engagements. Weddings. Visitors. Complete happen- ings in society, of feminine interest. *CHURCHES Weekly programs and cburch news. This feature keeps readers informed on this important part of community life. *EDITORIAL A constructive feature which relects the true ideals. of the north shore and seeks to guide residents to better ciizenship. *JUNIOR, LIFE A page for and by the, little tots. A fea- ture vwhich shows the ideals of north shore citizens of tomorrow. *RECREATION, Rccording the recreational activities of residents.. Their games qnd contests.. Your community nt play. *music 0f grea t interest on the north shore where so much stress is given the influ- ence, pleasure and cultural advantages of miusic. *Civic-minded residents must know what is going on in their commun *ity. When someone says, "I heard this" or 66I heard that" it is flot enough for well-informed residents. But to actually know ... to get ail the tacts ... about what is going on around them these alert-people turn to WILMETTE LIFE each week for complete, authoritative information. Formore than twenty years WILMETTE LIFE bas been read in nearly every home in the community. Today its news features completely cover village life in ail its phasesfor these people who like to know. * These features described below are a part Of WILMETTE LIFE, each week. Read about them and then read them in this issue of Your Home -Paper. * CLUBS A feature devoted to the activities of clubs -and organizations in the communty. * SCOUTING Another- worth-wbile influence among growing girls and boys. Wortby of a complete record. * AMUSEMENTS Where to go ... what to sec. An accisrate guide for amusement seekers. *BOOKS Complete reviews of tbe Iatest and best in literature. Devoted, to books and authors. * "PERSONALITIES6 From the pen of Lucy Hawkins, prom- mnent journalist,, who each week writes about interesting north 'shore people. *AVLIATION N. T. NEWS News for .the "air-minded" Accounts of the happenings in this preominent 'educa- *CLASSIFIED Pages devoted to buying and selling. The dominant, logical medium of exchange on the. north shore. 0 Many.o!tiihese features wiII be found in this issue of Your, Home PaPer. Read. themi carefully. Notice how clear,. concise, comprehen- sive they are. Is it any won- der that peo pie who insist on FA CTS -about the ha>- pe>ings in WiIm ette have found WILN.IETTE LIFE a necessityp I .. .for more than twenty years the Home, Paper of the com munit y"' OCTOBER 1 8, 1934 . a