Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 52

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A thletics . IRocreaion JUNIO0R LF-E J Latest School News published weeklçl bg the achool cbildren of Wilmette under supervision of Wilmette Phsggaound and ?eca'ationl Board VOL. 8, NO. 1 Pu pils at Stolp Are Arranging Big Spell-down The Stolp assembly for November 7-will be an old-fashioned spell-down. it will be between the seventh and eighth grades.. The rules are as follows: 1. There will be eight children, picked by the class, f r o mn each room. 2. The words will be picked first, froin the sixth qp~Lu grade lesson; sec- WildmNee ond, froin the sev- for SpeII-down enth grade lesson and lastly, froin the eighth grade les- son. 3. Tihe contestants will be re- quired to pronounce the words before spelling them, spell as soon as the word is pronouniced, and speak clearl% enough to be heard. 4. There will be two teachers to act as judges to set- tle any disputed question. 5. Onie teacherwill pronounice the words. The following prograni committee of the assembly arranged the spell- down: M.Nrs. Vernon, chairman, Mar- garet Mehîlhope froin 2A, Marion Ellert froin 2B3 Russ Rogers froin 2D. Lois Whitehead froin 2C, Pat Peniick froin IC and Richard Neukranz froni 1B.-Marjorie Pope,-Stolp lB. Friday B rings. Cooking Joys to Stolp 2D Girls The Stolp 2D girls were anxiously waiting for Friday afternoon to rol around so 'they could have their sec- ond cooking lessoni. AIl the 2D girls enjoyv cooking inimensely. They en- joy cooking the varions foods and enjoy eating thein also. For the first lesson. Miss Woodley hiad the girls cook applesauce. Some of the girls were very lucky. and some wereni't so luckv. The second lesson. we cookéod rice butterscotch. Most of the girls were quite fortunate with the rice, although they were late to thieir next class.-Joyce Stoerk. Stolp 2D. Central Sehool Pupils .Make Leaf Blue Prints Thursday, October. 11, after school' some of the' children in Miss Scott's room of Central school went out to Miss Brown's cabin to make leaf bIne prints, spatter prints and smnoke prints. Some of the* children' froin the fifth grade came out and Miss Brown.asked theni if they wanted to make some too. They came in and we aIl stay 1ed until 4 :30 o'clock, work- ing on prints.-Jeanne Stube, Miss Scott's room. THREE LIVELY INNINGS Girls in Howard 6A lost a kickball gaine. 18 to 25, tô Howvard 7B girls- on the Howard playgrounld October 8. The gaine lasted three innings and was quite exciting; ini one inniing 6A made ffteen runs.-Mary Eliza- -WILMETTE, ILLINOjS. OCTOBER 189 1934 Higherest, Niles Divide Indoor Basebali Victories The Highcrest boys' indoor team has played two basebaîl gaines this season. The first game was played on September 24 with Niles school on the Niles diamond. The players, f roni Highcrest were: Donald Kreusch, Edward Cerven, David Cal- vin, Henry Janaes, Earl Heinrichs, Willard McDermiott, joseph Tripic- chio. Russell Kusmertz, Juinor Lass and Earl Borre. It was a close gaine but Niles won. 6 to 5. Highcrest played its second game with Niles on October 8. This time Highcrest won. The Highcrest present average for the year is .500.-Willard M.%cDermott, Hîghcrest school. Gridders of Stolp AB-2 Check AB-3 Team, 0-0 Thursday, October 11, at Washing- ton park, Stolp AB-2 football teain stopped Stolp AB-3 and held thein to a 0 to 0 tie. Neither teain got very near the other's goal. Stolp AB-3 has beaten Stolp AB-2 twice before. Bill Holmes is the captain of AB-2. The line-up for Stolp AB-2 was: Hooker, left end. Mahle, left tackle; Seiden. left guard; Rosenow, center; O'Brien, riglit guard; Chand- ler, right tackle, Quîck. right end: Flood, quarterback; von Tesmar. lef haîf; Hoînies.: rîght half. and Car- penter. fullback.-Clinton Carpenter. Stolp IB. Roller Skating Is New Gym Projeet at Howard In gyrnnasium the girls of Howard 6B are going roller skating. Tuesday, October 9, was the first day they skated. They are going skating be- cause it is such fine weather. for roller skating. 1I1t was a lot of fun the first time W-e went. The girls sjcated across froin the Howard school and aIl but one of the girls ini the class skated-Martha 1eacli, Howard 6B. JOHN BRANDT PRESIDENT Friday, October 5. Howard 6B electedsome.of its club officers. John Brandt was elected president, Howvard Trienens, vice-president, and Ruth Zibble, secretary. The class lias flot yet voted for the other officers.-john Sargent, Howard 6B.' beth Bacon, Howard 6A. ___________LOSE KICKBALL GAME PLAN TREASURE CHEST Xednesday, October 10, the girls The Hloward school 6C will begin of 'Stolp 2C played the girls' of Stolp its first project ini manual training, IC in a.kickball gaine and lost, 24 to vers' soon. It is to he a -treasure Il. The gaine as an interesting chest. The cost of making it will be1 one, but not enougli girls turned ont $2.50.-Joe Wood, 'Miss McKay 's, from 2C to make a full team.-Ruth room., Scheibel, Stolp 2C.. Assembly Hear-s Stimulating Talk The Stolp Assembly club, had an entertaining prograin Wednesday, Oc- tober 10. Dr. Allison, minister'of the Baptist church in Wilmette, gave a very in teresting. talk.. After the business meeting was over, Dr. Allison talked on "How Do You Look at Life?" He asked the audience: "Are you narrow minded, thinking only of yourselves and those closely concerning you, or are you, broad minded, thinking of those whomn you have only heard but neyer see.n?" 1The' assembly members enjoyed Dr. Allison's talk very much and would like to hear him again.-Loi, Whitehead, Stolp 2C. Howard Grid Team Defeats Stolp, 26 to 0 Iast Thursday, Howard AB-] plgyed Stolp AB-1 in football at the Village Green and wo n, 26 t o O. De- Vinny wvas captain of Howard AB-I and captained -it nicely. DeVinny made one touchdown and Carne-y-,- that raging, snorting fullback. nmade C hart at Howard Gives Temperature Variations In social science Howard 7B class th, other three touchdowns. Tfli is making a weather graph to show1 two points after touchdowns %vere how the temperature varies on differ- Imaîc b) Carney an(l Benson. Car- ent days of the month, at the saine, eev drop-kicked and Benson crashed turne of the day. The class is making th1 g ur n ake the chart for thirty days. Each .pupil Crnev's plrdamnt kckofs er in the class takes thé temperature at splendid and often went over the secondary's head. It was a very exciting gaine andl it vas too I)ad Stol p lost.-John Allen, Howard 6A. He Dicln't Watch Temperatures! different turnes during the day. Somne take their at 12 o'clock noon and some at 6 o'clock at night and so on.. So far they have been taking the temperature for about two weeks. Some people are going to keep taking their temperature after our thirtv days and use it for a project.-Merril Hoefer, Howard 7B. Pupils Make Speeches Des pite Knee Trernors The second lessons in, oral themes for Stolp school were turned in on Wednesday and Thnrsday, October 10 and 11, in Miss Perritg's room. They were two-minute object talks, in which the speaker held in his hand the thing he was discussing.. Coal, saIt, coffee and platinuin were some of the things talked about. The themnes were aIl informational and wverie enjoyed. Although their kneè's were, a little shaky when they got up to speak, the pupils aIl agree that giving oral themes is a lot of fun.- Betty Ericson, Stolp C. HOWARD 6B GIRLS WIN Howard 6H girls had a kickball gaine Wedniesday afternoon, October 10, on the Village Green, on diamond four next the bleachers. They played 6A girls and. won, 25 to 7. Edna Cumimings canght three flies and Betty Marsh caught two flies.-Bettv Marshl, Howard, 6B. HERE'S A CLOSE BATTLE Howard E-2 football teain had a close gaine with Howard E-i at the Village Green Wednesday of last week. The score was 13 td 13.-How- ard Trienens, Howard- 6B. 'Hansel and Gretel' Play Offered by Fifth Grade The Citizenship club of Howard 5B gave a play Friday morning, Oc- tober 12, in the home room. It was *Hansel and Gretel." It ivas not per- fect but it was very good and verv funny. Hansel Wvhen dropping the pebbles was so absorbed in dropping thein that he bumped into Gretel. The characters were: Frances Odman as Gretel, Buddy Heerens as Hansel. Bettv Beck as the witch, Ellen Burns as thie mother, Billy Mackill as father ' They acted very well for fifth graders. ---Helen Sweeney, Howard 5B. Teddy Monahan Directs Sale Held by 6C Class Howard 6C had a ý"milk nickel" sale Friday, October 12, at Howard school. rhe "milk 'nickels" were sold at re- cess and at nôoil. Teddy Monahan was in charge of the sale. Warren Rapp and Seldon VonDerHoff made the announicements downstairs and Betty Huck and Sally Edwards made the- announicements upstairs. Miss McKay said if'this sale were ail right we would have another one. Every- one liked the ice cream.-Bob Dodds. Howard .6C. LIKE TO BASTE A ND HEM The girls* of 6B. started on their dish towels in sewing cla ss. They are made out of, honeycomb fiber. They, have flearned how to baste and hem.. The sewing teacher is Miss Woodley. Most of the girls l.ike to baste and hem.-Jeanette Kamies, Howard 6B. "WHY THE SEA IS SALTY" The 2-D (Clark-Stevens room) of Stolp- school is dramnatizing "Why the room. The play has very interesting scenes. The pupils aIl enjoy dramatiz- ing andl have lots of fun.-Virginia Ogilve. Stlp 2D. 1

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