October 18, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE4 j i CON VERT SMALL LINEN CLOSET INTO MODERN BA THROOMI In discussing witb home owners the addition of an extra batbroom or other remodeling or modernizing w o r k, plumbing and heating contractors often bave been met witb the argument:- "I a can get along with wbat I now have. Wby should I go to aIl the expense and trouble of installing a second bath- rooni ," The wid'e-awake contractor, of course,* knows tbe answer-that putting in a second batbroom will greatly en- hance the potential market value of thic residence. besides benefiting the present 1 occupants hv added convenience. i HEALTH CEN TER The Wilmette Health Center Den- tal clinic opened Tuesday, October 16. The clinic is held for the benefit of al Wilmette school children-public and parochial-wbo are unable to go to a private dentist. It is held every Tues- day from 9 to 12 o'clock. The next Infant Welfare clinic will be beld Wednesday, October 24, f roin 2 to 4 o'clock. Dr. R. LeMaster, Wilmette phys ician and pediatrician, has been appointed consulting pedia- trician and is now in charge of the clinic.. The next cbest clinic will be held Monday, November .19, fromn 1 to 4 o'clock. Dr. J. Novak, mnedical direc- tor.of ýthe Chicago Tuberculosis insti- tute, is in charge of this clinic. The monthly report of Mrs. Inez Bliss, community health nurse, foi- lôws: 152 cails made by the nurse. 200 telephone calis. 198 Health center conferenceS. 2 Infant Welfare clinles, ene .chest clinie. 86 patients referred to private dentist. 357 patients referred to private physi- clans. Il patients referred to clinlcs and hos- p itals. 12 visits made to sehools That this is a fact is proved by such experiences as that of Walter Robu, 1036 Asb street, Winnetka, sanitary en- gineer and expert plumber of the younger generation who bas given mucb time and >tbought to the problem of a "second hathroomn" and who, working ini conjuniction with William B. Dale, former owner of the residence at 519 Ash street, Xinnetka, converted a linen closet into a bathroom, a feature that was highly instrumental in the sale of the. bouse. iThc extra bathroom in the Dale resi- GUEST 0F MICHENERS The Comly Micheners, 1530 Cen- tral avenue, had as their guest over the week-end James B. Hass, a vet- eraëi Reading railroad engineer, wiio is retired after fifty-two years of service. Mr. Hass was on his way to.Lompoc, Cal., where lie spend *s his winter witb bis daugbter and family. Mrs. Robert 0. Law, 321 Kenil- Worth avenue and Mrs. Sanger Brown, of Kenilworth motored to Brown County, ind., to spend the weekend. 0o Mrs. Jçhn Carpenter of Evanston, formerly of Kenilworth, entertained a group of women friends ,fromn Kenil- worth for dinner.last Thursday. HOME. dence wvas needed on the second floor, but the problem wvas where to instal it. This floor contained two exception- ally large master bedrooms, a large hallwvay, a linen closet and one large up-to-date bathroomn connected with one bedroom..Tbere bardly seemed space for a new bathroom. Mr. Dale and Mr. Rohn finally de- cided to utilize the linen closet. Tbis closet wvasonly 4x8 feet; consequentlY space economy hecame the main consid- eration. Fortunately tbe closet bad a good-sized window to I)rovide ventila- tion. .A special combination lavatory a nd closet tank fixture was decided upon, and a special huilt-in, recessed tub and shower were provided acro 'ss the 48-incb rear of the room, .with a specially built curtain rod reacbing balfway over the wNindow. All sbelf space was built into- tbe walls, totalling 10 such built-in fea- tures, including tbe radiator sbown in the accornpanying illustration, wvbich is independent of the heating system in tbe LIDERTY LOAN. Auto CORPORAION Personal Tel. Greenlealf 1U ~Furniture Ise Sheraman Avenue, Evauston Us 5 Bg rizes It costs nothing to enter STEB-ý BINS' big Woodworking Con- test. Open only to amateurs. Write 'or corne in for details and illustrations of prizes. Van Buren of Statt. rest of the bouse. A separate vent was r un to the roof, as wvell as waste piping to the basement, utilizing wbat is known as the "Durham system" of screwed galvanized1 pipe and fittings. To save additional. space the walls were made of heavy non-cracking, wire- laid concrete marked in tule form. The finished job presents a pleasing modern bathroom wvhich appears roomier than tbe small space it occupies. Incidentally, it offers contractors an excellent ex- ample to cite ini approacbing borne own- ers on the advantages of an extra bath- room, not alone for the added con- venience it affords, but also as, a de- termining factor in boosting home val- ues or saies in these days of crippled real estate markets anad negligible build- ing activities. VISIT US IN OUR NEW STORE at 604 DAVIS ST. now EVANSTON'S EXCLUSIVE LO WE BROS. PAINT DEALER lit $68.35-DELTA Combinatiop Saw and Jounter 2ad $4345 - DRIVER 4-Spoed Lati,. 3rd $32.95-DRIVER Bal e8r-" Dril 4th $2195- DRIVER 24- Scroil Saw Sth $12.95 - DRIVER High Speed Planer 1 1