Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 3

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O~tobet 18, 1934 WILMETTR LIFE WINTER PLAY PROGRAM WILL START NOV. 1 Director Daniel M. Davis -An. nounces Complete Schedule of Aduit Activities In announcing the program f or the ninth winter season of adult recrea- tional activities, which begins accord- ing to annual custom on the first day of November, Daniel M. Davis, play and recreational leader for the village, calis attention to the fact that there will be two extra evenings of activity during the 1935 season and that the program is being expanded, as much as possible despite onslaughts of the depression. Although the season does not begin until November 1, members of the staff are busy organizing leagues for the various athletic events and send- ing out detailed informationi regard- ing the g3ymnasinni classes and other special activities. The program, with the exception of the two extra eve- nings. will be much the same as last year, Mr. Davis announces, which wili make it read as followvs: HOWARDJ SCHOOIL Monday-Men'js vollkeybaLl. First meeting November 5, 1934. Meets 'It 7 :30 o'clock. Mlues<by-Ments basketball. '"B'g league. First meeting November 6, 1934. Meets at 7 o'clock. .Wednesday-Men's basketball. ..A" league. First meeting, November 7. Meets at 7 o'clock. Thursday-Women's gymnasium class., First ýmeeting November 1. Meets at 7 :30 o'clock. Hour subjeet to change. .'Friday - North Shore Basketball league. For men. First meeting Nýoveni- ber 2. Meets at 7 o'clock. SÏTOLP GYMNASITTM Monday-All-Star basketball teamn practice. First meeting November 5. Girls' teani meets In first part of the eve- ning and men's team In the latter part of the evening.* Tuesday-Girls' basketball. "A" league. First meeting November 6. Meets at 7:15 o'clock..CI Wednesday-Men's basketball. "C league. First meeting November 7. Meets at 7 o'clock. Thursday-Girls' basketball."B league. First meeting Novembeîr 1. Meets at 7:15 o)'clock. Plan AMl-Star Teauns The two new activities are the aIl- star girls' basketbail team and the ahl- star men's basketball teani, which will be organized to represent the local Recreat ion board in games with other recreation systems and other subur- b)an teams. Monday evening will he allotted for practice night for theni but ail home games will be played on another evening, with a definite timc and place to' be decided later. In addition to the above schedule, Mr. Davis is offering dramatics, ping- pong, and tap dancing if there is suffi- cient demand for them. Annouace Entry Fees The same entry fees that were used last year for the activities will be charged this year, i. e., $5 per team for girls' teams, $8 per team for local men's teams, and $10 per team for en- try in the North Shore league. These fees are payable before the team en- gages in conipetitive games, Mr. Da- vis announces. The girls' "'B" basket- baIl team wili occupy the second extra night mentioned above. The teamn had only one hourx time ntegm nasiumi and bas been aliotted a'ful evening this year. AIl residents of Wilmnette over 15 years of age are cordiaîly invited to participate in aIl recreation activities, Mr. Davis adds. HOLDS FOUNDERS DAY The first luncheon meeting of -Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae asso- ciation was last Wednesday, F'ound- ers day,- at'dthe kntap ebouse in F0RTXýU George F. Nixoni, exponteit of the 1 per cent limitation oit taxes ont homies anid other froperty, who is itozw a cantdidate for presidenit and >eMber of the Cook couiity board, pledged to carrýy oit te fight for tax reduct ioni, ?ill address a miass meet- inig at Ne-z Trier High schoot auditorium Tuesdav ezein;g, Oc- lober 23. Details of the mieetinig are givren iii aniother columin iiii is issue. Marionettes Here Thursday, Oct. 25 The Business and Prof essional Women»s club of Wilmette is present- ing Sue Hasting's Marionettes in a play, 'The Wishing Weli," Thursday, afternoon, October 25, at 3 :30 o'clock in the Wilmette Masonic temple audi- torium. Sue Hastings Marionettes are the puppets that have played ail summer in thé Enchanted -Island theater at A Century of Progress. The play they are giving is splendid entertainment for children from 3 to 10 years of age. Members of the committee in charge of arrangements are Mrs. Florence Freund of the Wilmette Gif t and Stationery, Shop, Miss, Elsie Lindenmeyer of the Howard school, and Miss Ruth Slown, president of the club. Proceeds f rom the entertain- ment wili be used for the welfare w'ork of the club. Odd Fellows Sponsor Big. Hallowe'en Dance, Villagers who wish to get a savor y foretaste of Haliowe'en fun are in- vited to participate in the Hallowe'en dance scheduled for the evening of Thuriday, October .25, at. Odd Fellows hall, 1213 Wilmette avenue, and,held tnder auspices of A. T. Sherman Lodge,' 892Y I.O.O.F. Dancers are urged to appear in . costume. Music wil be provided by the Waukegan. I.O.O.F. orchestra. 64ROLL CALL NIGHTI" "Roll Cali Night" wili be observed* by, A. T. Sherman Lodge, 892, I.O.O.F., this evening in Odd FeiloWs hall. The ambition of the officers of the lodge bas been to have every member attend this general rally which marks the formai opening of the faîl and winter season of lodge activities. A special program bhas been.arranged for the occasion. jHarmony Conventioners j Look to, Village Ballot ECONOMY. SHOP NEEDS If there are any portable ovens flot in use storeci in basement, or kitcben closet, Economy Shop cati place themn immediately with people whose cooking equipment. is inade- quate.. Many fanijiies are using merely a hot plate or oil stove with no oven facilities. Economy Shop, with your help, will be so giad to supply this want.-Mrs. A. L. Grin- neil, chairman. Note: Economny Shop is conducted by the Womnan's club of Wàlmette. Civic League WilI Hold Dinner, Tour at New Trier High The Wiimette Civic league wiii hold a dinner meeting at New Trier High schooi Friday evening, October 26, at 7 o'ciock. Foiiowing the dinner a tour of inspection of the school plant is scheduied, during which severai of the departments wiil stage demon- strations for the benefit of the guests. The purpose of the tour, is to give patrons of the high school an op- portunity to become better acquaint- ed with the plant and equipment, as well as the personnel, of the town- ship's foremost institution of learn- ing. An earnest invitation is extended to the wives -and families of mem- bers, their friends and ail who can arrange to be present. SReservations should, be made promptiy through Herman T. Reiling, whose telephone is Wiimette 3049. HoId Reception for New Minister Friday The annual Harvest Home dinner, combined this year with the formai re- ception to the new pastor, the Rev. Amos Thornburg, and his family, wili .be heid at the Wilmette Parish Meth- odist church Friday evening, October 19. Dinner wili be served at 7 o'ciock anld the reception to foliow wiii take place in the Woman'sroom. of the Church House. Signs of the. Times, Every ad appearing in .WILmBtTB LiFieS CÉlassified Section is a sign some one is con- summating a "sale." Place an ad to com- pleteý your business program, whether you are the buyer or the seller, by. 'phoning Wilmette, 4300 now! Annual Reorganization Started This Week; AUl Precinots Represented in Group, The first meeting of the Minmette Harmony convention, looking toward the Village élection of 1935, was held ,Monday, evening at St. Augustine's Parish bouse. Paul C. Lang, 933 Ash- land avenue, present cbairman of the convention, presided. The purpose of the session was to take steps to forni a committee to replace those members of the conven- tion whose terms expire at this time. This* committee is to be made up of appointees from the various civic organizations of the village, each of which will be requested to ap- point two members. In addition to tbq replacements of retiring members there are some vacanices, due to re- movals and other causes, which the committee will fill. Four Froin Eacli Precinct The convention is made up of fifty- two members, four from each of the thirteen voting precincts of the vil- lage. These members are selected without regard to factionai affiliations, thus insuring a non-partisan and non- politicai group having only the best interests of the village in mind.when seiecting candidates for local offices. The work of tbe convention will be of unusual importance this year, dute to the, fact that the entire Vil- lage board will be constituted of new mnembers in 1935. Heretofore the terms of the president and three trus- tees have expired one year, and those of -three trustees the aiternate year. Recent legislation, ostensibly intended to reduce election expense, provides that the entire board shail be elected for a two-year termi, thus eliminating one élection. Hence, the board elected at the 1935 election will serve until 1937, and there.wiil be ne election in 1936. Naine New Cbairmau When the committee has completed its work of selecting themembership of the 1934-1935 convention, it wili be called into session and a new chair- <Continued on Uage 14) Realty Leaders Plan to Entertain Women Guicsts The committee for the entertain- ment of visiting women to the eigh- teenth annual convention of the Illi- nois Association of Real Estate Boards was announced this week by Mrs. Gretta P. Fuller, chafrman. The convention will be heid October 24 and 25 at the Evanston Country club. On Wednesday, October 24, the guests wiil be taken -for a drive along the north shore and various. points of interest, such as.Northwestern uni-. versity,. the Deering library, Baba', temple, Gothic. chapel of.- the Pirst Methodist church, Evanston, etc., will be visited. Thursday afternoon will be occupied by a card party at the home of Mrs. William Pickard, 214 'G(reenwood boulevard, Evanston. Tables for about seventy-five, guests are being ar- ranged. An "advice" committee on trips to A Century of Progress and other trips through Chicago will be ready to as- sist out of town guests. Additional plans are aiso being made, calculated to assure the realtors' guests of an enjoyable visit. Of-tobet 18,1934' WILMETTE LIPE

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