6ctvities in.Social Cicle s By JEAN TEN BRoECK Reservations Are Many for Alumnae Tea Next Monday Many- north shore iiares arn included ini the lists of those wlvh ivili usher andl pour at a mieet. ing and tea' of the A1umnac Commiittee of Seven Colleges, tc be held Mondav, October 22, ai the Wonman's Athletic club. Judging from the nuiber of reservations alreadv received, there ivili be a capacitv crowvd ai thue tea. The committee iii charge of *h party bas decided that at least three tea tables will be necessary instead of the one originally planned and has asked the following alumnae to pour: Barnard-Mrs. George Bannister, Mrs. W > S. Tbomson. Bryn Mawr-Mrs. E. P. Dewes, Mrs. James Lawrence Houghteling. 1Mount Holyoke-Mrs. George F. Spaulding, Mrs. Stephen Van R. Trowbridge. Radcliffe-Mrs. Harry K. Dun- baugb, Mrs. James Weber Linn. Smitb-ýMiss Florence Dibeli Bart- Iett, Mrs. Donald Jones. Vassar-Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, Mrs. Eugene S. Talbot, Jr. .Welleàley-Mrs. Irwin Rew, Mrs. Henry Hoyt Hilton. Some of the more recent graduates who will usher at the meeting preced- ing the tea -are: Barnard-Miss Sue Osmotherly, Miss Viola Manderfeld. Bryn Mawr-Miss Virginia Hobart, Miss Helen Bell., Mount Holyoke-M iss J ulia Drake, Miss Helen Milîs. Radcliffe-Miss Harriet Leonard, Miss Josephine Pridmore. Snith-Miss Jean Rumsey-. Mrs. Tom Paul. Vassar-Miss Frances Olmstead, 'Miss Helen Dawes. .Wellesley-Mrs. Thomas 1_ Kelly (Mildred WVetten'>. Miss Emily Goehst. Womnan's Club Party The Woman's Club of Wilmette annouinces its :first members party for the evening of October 27, at 8:30 o' dock, at the club house. There will be, cards and dancing, and memn- bers are urged to keep this date. for Luncheon'for Guild Mrs. Anna Manning, who, makes ber home. with her daughter 'and famnily, the Armand Peyckes, ?40 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will enter- tain Chase guild of the Churcb of the Holy Comforter for luncheon on Monday. Soràrify Tea the North Shore Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi will liave a meeting and tea on Friday at the sorority bouse. Miss Jean Burns will give a reading, Namne Lasi Hostesses for College Lounge. Hostesses to serve in 'the Woman's ~College Board lounge at A Century of Progress during the last days of the e Fair are announced as flos > October 20, Milîs, Miss Betty Hunt and Miss Grace Pushman, of Evans- -ton, Mrs. Deming Branson and Mrs. Lee Hillard. October 21, Radcliffe, Miss- Jane t Cove of Evanston, Miss Genevieve bCogan and Miss Agnes, Davis, of Oak f Park, and Mrs. J. B. Allun. October 22, Pembroke, Mrs. Jervis J. Babb of Evanston, Mrs. Merrill t Hewitt, Mrs. Harold T. Abbott, and Mrs. C. J. Hobart e October 23, Mt. Holyoke, Miss Dor- e othy Heinke, Mrs. Richard Conover, J Mrs. Kari Vittum, and Mrs. Raymond sAtwood of Glencoe. * October 24, Randolph Macon, Mrs. G. B. Morris, Mrs. C. C. Hamilton, Mrs. C. S. Saunders, and Mrs. William A. Edwards October 25, Rockford, Mrs. Robert *Hartman, Mrs. Maturin Bay, Miss *Marian Hanna, and Miss Luella Hos- kins. October 26, Simons.. October 27, Smith, Mrs. M. Ross Byron and Mrs. *Dwight Ingram, of Lake Forest, Mrs. Edwin O. Griffen- hagen and Miss Ruth Griffenhagen. October'28, Sweet Briar. October 29, Trinity. October 30, Vassar, Mrs. Duane L, Peterson and Mrs. Wbipple Jacobs, of Winnetka, and* Miss Elizabeth Kelly and Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley, of Kenilwortb. October 31, Wellesley, .Mrs. Irwin Rew, Mrs. Frank. W. Kingsley, and Miss Elizabeth Kingsley, of Evans- ton, and Mrs. Newell S. Knight, of Kenilworth. College Club Announces Plans for Two Frideays, Two of the most important dates on the Chicago College club calendar for October are the last two Fridays, Octoher 19. and October 6. Friday morning of thisweek, at Il o'clock, Mrs. Bradley C. Downing will give a talk on "The Instruments of the Symphony Orchestra.." This lecture precedes the opening Friday afternoon concert of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. In the after- noon, from 3.to 5 o'clock, the College Club Players will give a tea, to whicb they are inviting ail members of the club interested in any phase of the work of the Players. This'includes acting, directing, play selection, costumes, and properties., Clifton M. Utely, director of the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, will talk on "Current International Affairs,'" appraising the international situation today, at an evening meeting of the club Friday, October 26. Mr. Utl .ey's talk will be given at 8 o'clock, and will be preceded by a* dinner at the club. Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Bang, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Griffenhagen, and Gen. and Mrs. Nathan W. MacChesney will be the hosts and hostesses. Host in Studio George Seaberg, brilliant young Chiicago pianist, aftcr thé Angeta Enters recital at Ncwp Trier High school October 26, will enlertain, in his -neu studio in Winnetka in honor of Miss Enters, G race Cor- nei and Kuri Graif, daucers, and Rut heda JL. Pretzel. Tickets Going Rapidly for Smithi Club Benefit Since the play, "As Thousands Cheer,"' bas had such a successful run in New York and is to be in Chi- cago for only four weeks, the com- mittee in charge of the scholarship bene fit sponsored by the Evanston- North Shore Smith College club, an- ticipated no trouble in selling the tickets for which it has contracted. In fact they are going 50o rapidly, Mrs. John R. Nicholson, the chair- man, is wondering if they should. ask the theater for more seats. In spite of the fact that the club has had. its own charter for only a year, (before 1933 it was a branch of the Chicago club), it has raised money for scholarships since 1925, and has sent' nine girls from the north shore to Smith. Among the patronesses are: Mrs. Charles Schweppe, Mrs.. Kersey CoatesReid, Mrs. Mark Rector, Mrs. Horace Armstrong, Mrs. John E. Blunt,, Jr., Miss Nettie Baumann,. Mrs. Donald Jones, presidenit;' Mrs., G. Lyle Fischer, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. John L. Louis, Mrs. Hugh. Mc- Cullough, Mrs. Elmer Bersbach, and Mrs. Rawleigh Warner. Circle f'o Meet The East End circle of the Congre- gational church is meeting Monday, October 22, witb Mrs. -S. A. Wheelock at ber home,,822 Central avenue. Mrs. Myron West and Mrs. J. C. Gapen are assisting. The hour of assembling is 12:30 o'clock. Wilmette Center Ranks Fourth in Welfare Sewing The MVinette center of the- Infant Welfare Societ-v of Chi- cago met Mondav in t he louinge of the Wornan's club. Man-v hands were husily engagcd put- ting the finishing bands and bindings on garm-ents to be uscd at the Alice H. Wood station at 1964 North Halsted street. Chi- cago. Six guests also joined the- sewing and social chatter. A system of giving points to tlwc members for qualification is being worked out for this particular group. and will be presented at the next meet- ing. The president, Mrs. Conrad T. Frykman, announceil that the Wil- jmette center ranks fourth ini the twentv- three centers functioning in its sewing. accomplisbments so far this year-9.68 garments having been sent to the sta- tion. More meinbers are needed for station duty, two members going each Monday at present. The mile of pennies bas gone over the haîf mark and many are finding newv ways of getting those f eet collected. Mrs. J. H. Joyce entertained a number of guests, at a delightful dessert bridge and from the proceeds more than gar- nered ber quota. "It can be done," the center emphasizes. The bostesses served a home-made cake and tea f rom a table*most attrac- tive with its seasonal centerpiece. Kappas Offer Lectures by Dudley C. Watson A series of three lectures by Dudley Crafts Watson on the general theme of "Interior Decoration in the Apartment and Small Home," is sponsored by the North Shore Alumnae association of Kappa Kappa Gamma at the Kappa' bouse in Evanston Tuesday mornings October 30, November 6, November 13, at 10 o'clock. The purpose of the course is to raise funds for the association's philantbropic work, wbich, this year, is to he, for the Cradle. Mrs. Richard Carl Evans. is chair- man, Mrs. Waldo Fisher, assistan chairman, Mrs. Phillip Henry, philan- thropy, chairman,. and Mrs. Herbert Baeticket chairman. Ticket distribution is in the hands of, the members of the bouse board and Alumnae association. Mrs. Preston ýWeir is chairman.of the former, Mrs. Reed. Whitney of Sbawnee Country club, of the latter. The topics for each individual lecture will he announced later. Tea for WiVeS, Mothers, The Phi Delta Thet a Mothers and Alumni wives club will hold a meet- ing followed by a tea at the fraternity house in Evanston Friday, October 19, at 2:'30 o'clock in the afternoon. October 18, 1934 .1 44 WILMETTE LITE