Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 43

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Octoberl18; 1934 WILMETTE, IP Catholic ýWomnen fo Hear.MAtCatholie Club Firt Lecture Tue.sday Twooamong the 'mainy alented The faîl lecture course of the North Club of Wilmette, Mrs. Frank X. Shore Catbolic- Woman's league wiIl be -Thale, and- Mrs'. Charles Broad, ar- opened Tuesday,, October 23,- at 10:30 rangedý the program given by ail- o'clock, wben the, Rev. D. F. Burns, club talent. last Friday afternoon S. J., speaks on "«Stability in This 'vhen' the fine arts departmnent held Changing World." its opening meeting of the year. Be- cause it was given by *members,. it The l 'ecture is given ai the home of had an at-homeness and informality Mrs. John A. Clark, 296 Prospect ave- which made it most delightful. Mrs. nue, Highland Park, and is followed by George H. Beaudin, the new depart- openl discussion in which ail present ment chairman, introduced it. are invited to join. 'the Rev. Mr. Burns 0f new books, and of highlights I is regent of the Loyola Law school andlshowing .inisight into the charàcter 1 professor of philosophy at Loyola. of. Christopher Columbus, the program Singe orcoure tcket mavbe iactself wvas made. Xith originality at the door or f rom the following mcm r.Tae rsne erbo e hers Of the committee: Mrs. Sidney vîews, planning "walking rehearsais' Beec, 25 \Xal(l drie. îenc&: hich caught the flavor of the books themnselves. "X'ears Are So Long" Mrs. Philip Griffin, 1433 Scott avenue, devoted to the question of what par- Hubbard WVoods; Mrs. Anthony Eýiden. 806 oxdac avnue Winetka or ents owe their children, what chil- 806Foxal avnue Wnneka.orMrs. dren owe their parents, wvas pre- Harrv M\ilîs, 202 North Green Bayviedb Mrs. Arthur Boylston, road, Higlland Park. Mrs. Edwin L. Georger, and Lor-i Mrs.Pauine culy o 101 Spuceraine -Moore. *'Folks", just w~hat its strect, Winnetka, is opening ber home til mles vsrviwdb rs. 1'ueslav afternoon for thie league's so- l Marshall Kearney, and Mrs. Georger cial service meeting. and, as it is bc-"'The Cold Journey", a b)it of history lieve(l thiat many vîll wisli to go di-, Of the Deerfield Massacre, wvas inter-, rectlv to this meeting f rom the morn-ý preted by Mrs, Kearney, Lorraine Moore, and Mrs. WXalter Miller. ing's lecture, she wîll provide sand- T wiches and coffee for them. Those whioofhe review cast," caught the spirit arrive at 1 o'clock will be served des- the the books, and threw it back to teaudience. Mrs. Thale connected sert and coffee. Cards and sewing willteicdet ihbr omna he the afternoorn's diversions.1thindes t lrcomtay As a gesture to the discoverer of America in 1492, Mrs. Broad held up a mirror of essay and poetry reflecting Columbus as "A man oi Schaedler Homne to Be science and great faith". The cn on the street in Palos before he em- Sefting for W~edd'ing ibarked on his bazardous quest e vealed his unselfish-character. Eulalia The marriage of Miss Eleanor Ja- Barker dramatically read that fam- cobs of Peotone, Ill., grandniece of ous poemn showing his courage, his Mfrs. Fratik Scbaedler, 301 Sheridan determination in the, face of ýodds, road, Wilmette, 'and Ivan Sippel of his spirit to "Sail on, Sail on, and on." Joliet will take place this afternoon Then, to leave lier hearers with a at 5 o'clock at Mr. andMrs. Schaed- smile, Mrs. Broad did a humorous ler's home. cliaracter. poeminin dialect, -Chris- The ceremony will be read by the e orer lom o m is .I Rev. George L. Sclierger.of St. Paul's Beoetep'rm isMr chiurclh of Chicago. Miss Hazel Gin- gaeae odbîfyo e terof eotne il bebriesmidan attendance at the meeting of the ter of PMr. iel a bebiesman wiîandCouticil of Catholic Women in be the bride's brother, LaVerne Ja- Wahntn ochn pnfml cobs. Jiust the immediate family. life and study clubs two phases of abou twetv-fur i aIl wil beCatbolic action, which is "the parti- gbutt the eddîfor naild the ba cipation of the laity ini the w'ork of (linn te lwng r. Sade ridalthe hierarchy." giner bis wgradnice in aerrge. Other announcements, of book givehisgradnice n mrrige. study and parliamentary law and 'Miss Jacobs xill wear a goinig-awýiy currents events, are, repeated else- costume of burgandy velvet, a small where in this issue. Thursday of this turban to match, and a shoulder cor- week a bridge party is being given sage of white orchids. After a boney- at the home Mrs. Frank A. Meter;, nioon bv motor to the M.\ammothi 114 Fourtb street, for the benefit of Caves in Kentucky Mr. Sippel and bis the pbilantbropy department. bride, will be at home in Joliet about The program ended, coffee and N ovember 15. The bride is the coffee cake were served lfrom a tea daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. table cbarming witb its candles and John. Jacobs of Peotone. ýflowers of the season.-J. T. B. h., OýVAN ýDUERM'S, 1 BEAUYTY SA LO N 1 135 Central Ave., Wilmette We welconie Yeu te Our new beatyt salon in m iami, where Yeu will be assured the same high quality of workt- manship and service at the saine pleasing ppuCes which have established the popularity of Vin Duermts in Wilmette. announce THE OPENING 0F 'IVAN DUERM S .E BA'U TY S A..LON 1849 Biscayne Blvd. MIAMI, FLORIDA L A - Q = 0 Ari Ju nio r Auxiliary. Holds, Pet Show November 16, The second annual Pet show spon- sored by the Junior Auxiliary. of the Womnan's, Club of Wilmette will be held at the - club bouse on, Friday evening, 1,«November là. Committee members who are in charge are' as follows: MQrs. John A.. Young, gen- eral chairman; Miss Marion Cook, co-chairman; Mrs. Carl Reeb, pub- licity: Miss Dorotby Hall, adver- tising. Miss Constance Bersch, en- tries;, Miss Myrtle Lundquist, prizes; 1Miss Georgia Stompe, exhibitors;: Mss Laura Lou Reicbmann. tickets; Miss jean Upson, refresbments: and 'Miss Patsv Flentye, clubbouse ar- rangements. Announce'Engagement Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Burpee. 815' Linden avenue, Wilmette announce the engagement of their daugbter. MisPalyma Lee Burpee, to Donald E. Hall. Miss Burpee spent a year at Oberlin and is now a junior at the otbvsenUniversity Scbool of Music. She is a member of Alpha Ni Delta sororitv. Guesfs a+ Dance Mr. and, Mrs. F. K. Benzing and tbeir son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bullinger of Kenil- worth, wvere guests at the* Harvest Home dinner dance at the Evans- ton Golf club last Saturday., Children's Came Service FIOy, Little Bartlitt, 711 Sheridan Road, Wlnnetka, author et the BUSY BOOK and Editor et the BUSY page ln Child, Lite .Mag- azine, is prepared te furnish a layent et games for ehlidren's parties. Winnetka 1638 M I M the 1irst get-toke ther party. «"Watch for further, ann.ouncement," the com- mittee reqiùests. Rests Eyes Af ter Sewing. Wheu bourg speit over a sewing ma- chine or embroidery trame have madie your eyes teed weary and strained, slmply appiy a. tew drops oftitme-tried _XURINE. Withlnaà few minutes the tired, Jieavy feeling wiIl have entireiy disappeared and your eyes will feel fresh and rested again. MURIINE bas many other uses that make it a.dvisable te keep a. bottie always handy. It quiekly relleves the irritation result.ing front exposure te sun, wind and dust, seethes away the burning feeling eaused by long motor trips, and Io unexeeiled for reduelng the pufliness and reduese that fellow curylng. Teu eau, use MURINE freely as It posi- tlveiy contains no belladonna or other harmnfalI ngredients. lie applications of MUBINE cost but 40o at drug and department stores. Write the M urine Co., 9 E. Ohio St., Chicago, for a valuabie free book on the proper care ef your eyes. THE, PEMBRIDGE Evanston's Finest Moderate Priced Hotel A Permanent Home in the Rest Zone MANOR HOUSE DiNING R0om CLAUDE A. WARD Managing Director 1406 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 3500 OIL HEAT is idecd- heat Sim ple-no work-no1 dirt-no worries.. Without e .ffort or thought on your part, the flow of heat is produced and regulated according to the needs of your rooms. Isn't that what you want this winter? PENNSYLAVAN l FUEL OIL offers you quality and heat value that is surpassod by nlone. Our delivery SERVICE. includes an army of trucks operating fromn three large north shore plants. We keep our customners supplied with oil - at all times - regardless of weather. PENNSYL VAN lA 01. CO.' of EVANSTON 933 EHERMAN AVENUE ji- M CRUENLEAP 2200 WILMETTE 53os

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